Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Footage of blue/purple Chevy Volt from Long Beach August 28th, 2008

Robert from Mod­ern Myth has sent us this video show­ing the Auto­bot parade from higher up and a new pur­ple car that is being pre­pared for film­ing before dri­ving away, as the cam­era zooms in you can clearly see the Chevy’s “Volt” name on the rear.

This vehi­cle was pre­vi­ously con­firmed in July. Though this one does look a lot more slick than the con­cept image.

(Video included after the break… it auto starts)

Comments 29 Responses to “Footage of blue/purple Chevy Volt from Long Beach”

biotronx August 28th, 2008

The Volt actu­ally looked more blue to me in per­son. I’m try­ing to fig­ure out where he was when he took this video…I was in the area yes­ter­day and didn’t get nearly as good of a view from above, but they let us stand on the over­pass about 50 feet from the vehi­cles, so that was defi­nately cool.

biotronx August 28th, 2008

btw, any­one know if that’s it for the Long Beach film­ing? Or are they be shoot­ing more today?

devel­op­ment blog for filled­shelves » Blog Archive » First Look at Chevro­let Volt on the set of Trans­form­ers ROTF! August 29th, 2008

[…] And for a super-clear video of the new production-model Volt dri­ving around (along with a look at some of the Auto­bots in action) click here. […]

cryoknight August 29th, 2008

the chevy volt looks like a pos­si­ble sound­wave in the movie, and i think the ice cream truck is a decepticon

John Daugh­erty September 2nd, 2008

nice look­ing car!

cld September 2nd, 2008

The VOLT if is cool look­ing. It’s an elec­tric car?

Jimbo September 2nd, 2008

response to cld.…

Yes it’s an elec­tric car (will drive the first 40 miles on elec­tric only from the car’s bat­tery). After 40 miles, it will get over 50mph pow­ered by it’s extended range gas pow­ered 1.4L genset. Say good­bye to OPEC!

Tim D September 2nd, 2008

I’m on the wait list to get my VOLT.

Very cool car but not out til 2010 (bum­mer). Blog site http://​www​.gm​-volt​.com has mucho VOLT info.

Tony M. September 2nd, 2008

Guess what every­one. As much as we love to see elec­tric car take over the petro­leum based cars, it’s just a mat­ter of time before elec­tric charges/bills are very prof­itable for the elec­tric company.

It’s just a trans­fer of money from one super corp. to another.

The only real change is when cars can run on water and exhaust emmi­sions are only var­por in which will only rain back down onto our­selves as clear pure water.


Jim September 2nd, 2008

“It’s just a trans­fer of money from one super corp. to another.“
Not true…
1) Elec­tric­ity is MUCH cheaper than gas per mile dri­ven.
2) With some PV pan­els, you can eas­ily recharge at no cost.
3) With a gen­er­a­tor, you can use any type of fuel to power the gen­er­a­tor to charge the car.
4) Peo­ple in rural areas can recharge with wind power, etc.
5) CNG can be used with a retrofit…it’s 40% cheaper than gas and pro­duced here.

Try the glass-half-full for a change, you might like it!


Troy K September 2nd, 2008

WOW. I want that! I was sav­ing up for a Camaro but now I’m going for the elec­tric VOLT. Charg­ing up is WAY more cool than gas­ing up. I won­der what kind of rad mods will be made avail…some kind of power kick as* power boost gizmo to shave off one or two seconds?

DRK1 September 2nd, 2008

GM is make­ing a cool elec­tric car? Is this just bs mar­ket­ing hype or for real? If real, I’ll buy one…silver ext, blk int.

The above Tim D http://​www​.gm​-volt​.com site says we have to wait untill 2010 or longer for the VOLT. I bet the Japs will come out with somthing sim­i­lar before then.

Eric X September 2nd, 2008

If GM makes that car, it will be sold out to the GM dealership’s friends and fam­ily before we can get out hands on it. I bet it will be sev­eral years (if ever) before the aver­age con­sumer can walk into a Chevy deal­er­ship and buy a VOLT.

I’m won­der­ing if big oil will let a car like the VOLT be made; OPEC has to much to loss if the VOLT catches on. Go to http://​www​.Dubai​.TV to see why they need all that Amer­i­can gas money. The Arabs will buy GM and shut the com­pany down before the VOLT sees the light of day.

If the VOLT some­how does hap­pen, just think how cool it would be be to drive past the gas pumps and waive at the fools pump­ing dinosaur juice.

KickSSA September 2nd, 2008

Eric X is cor­rect, the Arabs won’t let the VOLT be made. Amer­i­cans don’t care about thier own future…American are to busy think­ing about today to care about tomorrow.

Can’t wait for Trans2 to come out! Great spy video!

DRK1 September 2nd, 2008

Sounds like the Chevy VOLT may be real but I’m with EricX that the Arabs will some­how pay to shut it down before full pro­duc­tion. We Amer­i­cans are to bumb AS* to give it much thought.

Check out where you gas money is going:

One of my best buds is in Iraq risk­ing his hide to keep Arab oil safe…so we can keep run­ning our cars like good lit­tle Americans…Keep pay­ing through the nose just to get to work so that we can earn the cash to buy more gas…a stu­pid crazy sit­u­a­tion if you ask meee…rant…rant…rant!

I’m doing to build my own elec­tric car out of scrap if I have to.

Wake up and Get it on Amer­ica! Our gen­er­a­tion needs to fix this shi*.

I’m Mad September 2nd, 2008

Great spy vid! Does any­one know what role the VOLT will play in T2?

I hope GM has the guts to make the VOLT hap­pen and to sell out to the Arabs. We have already lost all our polit­i­cans to the Arabs…they are on Mahamad’s speed dial wait­ing to take instruc­tions. It’s a pay to play world here in Amer­ica and the polit­i­cans don’t mind putting their hands out for that Arab cash (iron­cially it’s your and my cash from the pump). Yeah I’m mad about it. The two pimps run­ning for pres won’t do anyt­ing to change the sit­u­a­tion becuse they will want to be able to put out thier hands at to get slapped with Arab green at the end of term.

Mike27 September 2nd, 2008

Regard­ing the Arabs, you can’t hold it against them for try­ing to squeeze every dol­lar they can from us Amer­i­cans to improve their sand­pit. We would be doing the same thing if it was us own­ing the oil and them need­ing it.

There is noth­ing new about politi­cians sell­ing out to the high­est bidder…that’s to be expected. Chill out and be at peace with it man.

If you are that hyped up about it all just sell your car and get a job that you can ride your bike to. That’s what I did! My new job pays more, no car pay­ments, no gas, no car insur­ance, no car main­te­nance, no trafic tick­ets, no park­ing fees, and my GF very is cool with it all. I’m sav­ing all the money I was spend­ing own­ing a car to buy a home in the Bahamas in 20 years. No exag­ger­a­tion. 20 Years of putting all your car money in the bank with inter­est will buy you an island home dude. I’m smil­ing big rid­ding my bike. Hope to also see you in the Bahams in 20 years.

I’m Mad September 2nd, 2008

I appre­ci­ate Mike27’s point of view (espe­cially the Bahamas home idea)…but it does pis* me off big time that we American’s are not doing bet­ter than allow­ing our­selves to be held hostage by the Arabs over oil. Amer­ica is the coun­try that sent a man to the moon…40 years ago! Where is the polit­i­cal lead­er­ship to take this coun­try to a place where American’s can power their cars with some­thing other than Arab oil? Do you want some­one in your fam­ily one day to die in a place like Iraq over pro­tect­ing oil sup­plies (aka “democ­racy build­ing” or “war on ter­ror”)? Are we not a bet­ter coun­try than that? Am I the only one mad as hell about this?

SurfDude1 September 6th, 2008

It is stu­pid that we have to spend our hard earned cash to buy dinosaur juice from the Arabs to fuel our cars. Sort of funny in a sick way when you get to think about it.

I’m up to buy­ing a VOLT when it’s available…if it has a hatch­back and below 30K.

BaseJumper2 September 6th, 2008

Good t2 vid. Thanks.

I like the volt. Hope it hap­pens. My garage has an elec­tri­cal out­let want­ing to have perv sex with the volt.

SurfDude1 September 6th, 2008

BaseJumper2…“perv sex”. LOL, that would make a good Volt Com­mer­cial! Another ideaa: How about some guys in a VOLT moon­ing a gas sta­tion. or.… some kind of time lapse vid show­ing how many times a Volt passes a gas sta­tion vs. another car hav­ing to stop to buy gas.

Peo­ple are going to buy Volts just so they don’t look like dorks buy­ing gas.

jerek September 6th, 2008

If Chevy is show­ing off the VOLT in Trans­form­ers II, then Chevy they will make it oth­er­wise there is no point in show­cas­ing it. Qus­tion is how much it will cost and how many they make. It could just be a very lim­ited edi­tion car for PR.

Looks like gen­eral visu­als in TII is same as T1. Per­haps post-production enhanced FX to kick it up from TI.

Chevy Volt — First Look ~ The Blade by Ron Schenone, MVP September 7th, 2008

[…] Sneak peek Chevy Volt […]

Rita September 17th, 2008

I saw some for­ward fac­ing photo and good descrip­tion of The Volt in the below location:-


johnny December 31st, 2008

TXHgfP Thanks for good post

Halle July 19th, 2009

Nice blog! Keep up the good work.

Bell April 1st, 2010

Hola , Happy Fool’s Day!!!

A police­man stops a lady and asks for her license. He says, “Lady, it says here that you should be wear­ing glasses.“
The woman answered, “Well, I have con­tacts.“
The police­man replied, “I don’t care who you know! You’re get­ting a ticket!”

Happy April Fool’s Day!

tabler­ound April 2nd, 2010

I’m num­ber 5 on the reser­va­tion list with my local dealer for pos­ses­sion of the 2011 Volt due in Novem­ber 2010.
Dealer said by mid-June more infor­ma­tion will be avail­able regard­ing the actual release date and what specs the car will have (in addi­tion to the specs on gm​-volt​.com

Trans­form­ers 3 — Chevy Volt at White Sands – an Autobot? July 25th, 2010

[…] shot of the Chevy Corvette and Volt in White Sands, taken on a cell phone. After the scenes on Queensway bridge and sub­se­quent offi­cial state­ments, it was thought that the Volt was not an autobot — […]