Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer #2 (Friday 13th) February 13th, 2009

It’s Fri­day 13th and our Trans­form­ers 2 trailer has arrived, in grainy low qual­ity YouTube format:

(Another copy, and another (thanks Brian))

Not as hard hit­ting as the Super­bowl teaser was in terms of the wow that’s huge fac­tor, this trailer has more of the slowly-building up and impend­ing doom feeling.

Key points high­lighed by NightShade87 over at TLAMB:

Here are some key points in the video that I sug­gest tak­ing a closer look at. I’ve pro­vided the times at which some of newer ones occur, and my own thoughts as well).
– The begin­ning opens up in France (notice the Eif­fel tower in the back­ground) and two proto­forms are seen falling out of the sky (in broad day­light no less) and one strikes a build­ing.
– Switches to show the pyra­mids and air­craft carrier-It then looks like there may be a total of 4? proto­forms land­ing in Egypt.
– Then we go back to scene of the air­craft car­rier, which is sunk by more proto­forms (if I counted 6 in this shot, that would make a grand total of 12 proto­forms caus­ing some kind of destruc­tion, whether intended or not.)
– At 0:55 you can very clearly see one of the three Arcee cars that is chas­ing the Audi that just jumped through a build­ing. (It looks to be a pur­ple bike to me, but that could just be the light. And Boo was right; it does look like she’s some type of uni­cy­cle, or at least a third of her robot form.)-We get to see a semi-full trans­for­ma­tion for the RH-400 and Bay wasn’t lying when he said that thing was huge!-Sam again tells his dad to run, but then Ron gives his own idea of what they should do.
– At 1:18 you see Sam tak­ing apart a mechan­i­cal bug, though I don’t know exactly what type (some­thing with wings. I also thought I saw a minia­ture satel­lite on there, but not sure)
– At 1:28 we finally see Bum­ble­bee for the first time. He’s trans­form­ing in what looks like the Witwicky’s back­yard in plain view of Sam’s dad in broad day­light. He then shoots at some­thing off screen.
– At 1:33 we get the first notice of Scor­pinok in Egypt it looks like, jump­ing at another robot. Can’t tell who at this point. But very pointy edges. Starscream? The Audi? Jet­fire?
– 1:38. I think that this is our first very dis­torted but nonethe­less glimpse of what the Fallen looks like. I’m only say­ing that because numer­ous spots on the body look like they’re glow­ing red (indi­ca­tion of flames?)
– Much of the rest has already been shown, except for start­ing at 1:47, which gives us a dif­fer­ent angle on Opti­mus approach­ing [the Con­struc­ti­con]. You can see him slid­ing a few sec­onds later much like he did when fight­ing Bonecrusher on the high­way in the first movie. All in all, I think this whets the appetite pretty nicely for TF fans. Sorry about the qual­ity and the shak­i­ness of the video.

Comments 2 Responses to “Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer #2 (Friday 13th)”

BetaS­word February 14th, 2009

Wow! Thanks for the Vids!
Can’t wait to see that in the HQ-Version!

Tim February 14th, 2009

Take another look at Scor­pinok com­ing out of the sand near the large robot. The robot (The Fallen) seems to have a cane or walk­ing stick, which appears to be a piece on the Fallen toy, which was posted ear­lier this month.