Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2 — Final Theatrical Trailer June 24th, 2009

Posted onto Michael Bay’s offi­cial site comes “The Last One”, the final the­atri­cal trailer for Revenge of the Fallen, and an amal­ga­ma­tion of all the trail­ers we’ve seen up to this point.

Comments 2 Responses to “Transformers 2 — Final Theatrical Trailer”

Ash­ley Alfred September 10th, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 is an awe­some movie with respect to action & spe­cial effects. It is def­i­nitely a hit. But I did not like this movie at all. Extremely vio­lent, explo­sive, ram­bunc­tious and sloppy, the movie didn’t excite me at all. Watch­ing the movie till the end made me dizzy and stunned. But I had to watch it till the end because of the bucks I shelled out to buy the tick­ets. But hon­estly I was not at all com­fort­able to sit through the movie till the end. Ash­ley Alfred– UTV World Movies.

reg­gie “grim” wright September 23rd, 2009

YO Trans­form­ers 2 was on point the effects i love explo­sive action type movies espe­cially Trans­form­ers. I love Trans­form­ers i have every episode ever made even g1 series every sin­gle one there all awe­some. When i heard about Trans­former the movie i was think­ing i gotta see this and when i saw it it was trilling eye catch­ing and knew there had to be another Trans­form­ers movie and Trans­form­ers Rise of the Fallen blew my mind i could not believe my eyes when i saw the movie it was incred­i­ble i thought i know there’s gonna be another and another movie Micheal Bay keep it up you the man!