Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Casting Rumors for the Dark Knight Sequel August 3rd, 2008

Now that The Dark Knight has been out for over three week­ends, I will begin to splat­ter more spoiler-ish infor­ma­tion into posts as we begin to dis­cuss “Bat­man 3″, or what­ever name we can derive for the next film.

Christo­pher Nolan hasn’t yet signed on for a third Bat­man movie, and his screen­writer John Nolan is still on the set of Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion. Until the key play­ers sign-on, includ­ing David Goyer, ANY cast­ing rumors that you see are most likely wish­lists or arti­cles look­ing to cap­i­tal­ize on The Dark Knight’s popularity.

Tak­ing this point into con­sid­er­a­tion, I now present you the three main rum­blings that are spread­ing across the internet:

Angelina Jolia as Catwoman

This rumor seems to have orig­i­nated from an NY Daily News arti­cle which reck­ons that Angelina Jolie should play Cat­woman in the next Bat­man incar­na­tion — or so for­mer Cat­woman and ‘Bat­man icon’ Julie New­mar thinks.

“Angelina would own the part. My indus­try friends tell me [she] has made inquiries about the role. I can under­stand how it would piqué her inter­est. Cat­woman is Batman’s one true love. She’s tremen­dously pop­u­lar with women because she’s both a hero­ine and a vil­lain­ess. When you look at the stag­ger­ing box office of this cur­rent film, which actress wouldn’t want to jump in?”

Although this goes against Nolan and Goyer’s incli­na­tion NOT to bring back the humanoid feline.

Johnny Depp as The Riddler

Mean­while, the supri­ous and ter­ri­ble National Enquirer, via Jake and Hol​ly​wood​.com are tip­ping Johnny Depp to play The Rid­dler. That’s the extent of the news feature.

“(Pro­duc­ers) are con­vinced that the role of the Rid­dler is per­fect for Depp. Johnny’s a pro. He’ll be able to take direc­tion from direc­tor Chris Nolan and still make the char­ac­ter his own.”

(SPOILER: I’ve also read rumors that Depp would be a good sub­sti­tute for The Joker should they wish to bring him back in some capacity.)

Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man as The Penguin

The tabloid also thinks:

“And what bet­ter Pen­guin is there than Philip Sey­mour Hoffman.”

I can guar­an­tee that come 12 months, none of these pre­dic­tions will be close. Fan reac­tions to these rumors are also entirely incon­se­quen­tial — we all remem­ber how masses reacted when Heath Ledger was cast as The Joker.

Comments 43 Responses to “Casting Rumors for the Dark Knight Sequel”

DAVID S. August 3rd, 2008

I think putting cat­woman into Nolans uni­verse of Bat­man would be a mis­take and besides I think that Jolie would be ter­ri­ble. If they should bring Cat­woman at least cast Scar­lett, or Kate Beck­in­sale. And as for my opin­ion for bring­ing the Joker back, it would be ter­ri­ble, no one can match Heath Ledger per­for­mance, not even the great Johnny Depp. But as for the Rid­dler he would be per­fect. And as for Pen­guin Bob Hoskins would be bet­ter than Hoff­man, don’t get wrong I like Hoff­man, he was spec­tac­u­lar in Capote, MI-3, and Before the Devil Knows your dead.

DAVID S. August 3rd, 2008

I think putting cat­woman into Nolans uni­verse of Bat­man would be a mis­take and besides I think that Jolie would be ter­ri­ble. If they should bring Cat­woman at least cast Scar­lett, or Kate Beck­in­sale. And as for my opin­ion for bring­ing the Joker back, it would be ter­ri­ble, no one can match Heath Ledger per­for­mance, not even the great Johnny Depp. But as for the Rid­dler he would be per­fect. And as for Pen­guin Bob Hoskins would be bet­ter than Hoff­man, don’t get wrong I like Hoff­man, he was spec­tac­u­lar in Capote, MI-3, and Before the Devil Knows your dead.

theone­an­donly August 4th, 2008

Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man is a good choice if they use him but Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolia are to big and get alot of parts. Its proven, Heath Ledger wasn’t nec­es­sar­ily an A list star but he was per­fect for the role, if they had given it to a big actor then it wouldn’t have worked as well.

Keith August 4th, 2008

I am almost 100% sure this will never happen

aa August 11th, 2008

Ple­assse, no big names. I really don’t think most big names are that tal­ented as actors (some excep­tions, includ­ing Johnny Depp). Heath Ledger wasn’t exactly a-list. He played very diverse roles and had some­thing to bring to each of them.

Either way, big names will really dis­tract from the char­ac­ters. I want to get lost in the char­ac­ters, and this requires a tal­ented actor who can really adapt to dif­fer­ent roles, and add depth to them, like we never knew the char­ac­ter before even when they are from an infa­mous series of comics. Even actors who act well–but are very lim­ited and spe­cial­ized in their roles–are only going to be seen for their name.

John H. August 12th, 2008

I know its a future event in the Bat­man mythos, but I think with the direc­tion that Mr. Nolan has taken the Bat­man he could get away with using the vil­lain Hush. The story line is sim­i­lar to Bruce Wayne/Batman. What do you think?

Mickey August 16th, 2008

No Johnny Depp.
Obvi­ously, it should be Daniel Day Lewis or Tim Roth.

veqaie August 16th, 2008


la la la August 22nd, 2008

Oh, I cer­tainly hope not.
The first Joker went down because of this (I like Jack Nich­le­son and all…but every­thing he does ends up just that-Jack.) These char­ac­ters are too com­plex for some snobby
A-lister who wants them­selves in the movie and to not give Bat­man what peo­ple really come to see; The Vil­lians!!!

…And if Reese With­er­spoon is signed up for Harley Quinn, I’ll han­dle nec­es­sary mat­ters myself, dressed ‘to the nines’!

Kraos August 26th, 2008

I agree that Daniel Day Lewis or Tim Roth would play good vil­lians … but not the Rid­dler. Regard­less of Depp being an A-lister as of late, he would make a per­fect Rid­dler and bring a dark side (see Sweeney Todd) to the character.

Per­son­ally, I’d like to see a more ‘nor­mal human’ char­ac­ter. Let’s see more of Vic­tor Zsasz in a sub­plot like Two-Face was done. Ditch the Cat­woman idea … she’s been over­done and beat into the dirt. If a woman vil­lian is cho­sen, do Poison-Ivy and do her right.

I per­son­ally would like to see Fire­fly or Black Mask … espe­cially Black Mask. To me, Black Mask is a sicker ver­sion of the Joker (read the War Drums/Games sto­ry­line). The way he tor­tured Spoiler was sick, twisted and good to read. I think Daniel Day Lewis would be per­fect for Black Mask (see Gangs of New York). As for Roth, I have no clue who he’d be great for.

Trav September 10th, 2008

I think Cat­woman would be a good addi­tion to the next movie, con­sid­er­ing one of the themes for the next movie will deal with Bruce Wayne cop­ing with a dual iden­tity. There’s a love con­nec­tion between Bruce and Selina but they just can’t be together for obvi­ous rea­sons. Rid­dler would also be good for the same theme, maybe fig­ure out Bat­man iden­tity and use it against him.
Johnny Depp would be a great Rid­dler. He can play that cool, calm, charis­matic, but evil char­ac­ter. He could also pull off the Joker part if it were a very minor role and no close-ups. Be great if they could work Harley Quinn in, Zooey Deschanel would be per­fect. If Poi­son Ivy, Ali­cia Witt would be great. And I’m down to four on Cat­woman and can’t make up my mind: Shan­nyn Sos­sa­mon, Rachel Weisz, Olivia Wilde, or Con­nie Nielsen.

Molly September 10th, 2008

they bet­ter not put harley quinn in it… that will kill her. NO ONE can be harl, but harl

jon September 10th, 2008

all i got to say is that it would be bad ass if they brought clay­face in to the sequel

Gam­bit September 10th, 2008

I think Angelina Jolie would be a good pick as well as Kate Beck­in­sale as the cat woman for the third install­ment.….… Bring­ing the joker back right away would have actors fear­ing the role only because how well Heath Ledger por­trayed the joker.…… But I think Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day-Lewis Could do an awe­some Job of por­tray­ing the joker for the fourth film.….. It would be a dark ver­sion as well as a dif­fer­ent per­for­mance.…… But these two actors play Dark roles so I think they could be great.……

Phase September 11th, 2008

Clay­face would be badass (Jon). Also I think if the Joker comes back in any of the movies it shoul­der be as a sec­ondary vil­lain like Two-face was in The Dark Knight. I think Hav­ing The Riddler/Posion Ivy combo would be awe­some, with Deep or Zachary Quinto would be good rid­dlers. Also I would have Jolie or Eliza Patri­cia Dushku play Posion Ivy, more as a seduc­tive woemn who pulls unsus­pect­ing tar­gets into her trap then a go-getter vil­lain like Cat-woman. As for Hoff­man he should play the Pen­guin, maybe if there’s a fourth the vil­lain cast can be Penguin/Clayface and/or Black Mask.

Vindictive_Joker September 11th, 2008

I hate to dis­agree with these peo­ple. But I’m going to any­way. Nobody could pull off Joker like Ledger did. I think he did the char­ac­ter jus­tice bet­ter then jack nichol­son him­self. He played the dark saidis­tic joker we all know from the comics. Now bring depp in as The Rid­dler, I could see that. But in the name of all that’s holy do not, I repeat do not bring bloody cat­woman into the mix. It would com­pletely spell dis­as­ter for nolan and the bad ass bat­man movies he has made. I say just stick to one vil­lian this time. If they find it nec­ces­sary to bring in another one. I would love to see black mask, he did a pretty good num­ber on spoiler in the comic and i thin he would be an awe­some neme­sis for old bats, just like ledger’s joker was. That’s my opin­ion. So…Let’s put a smile on that face.

The Dark Knight » Blog Archive » Depp as The Rid­dler, Hoff­man as Pen­guin in Bat­man 3? September 15th, 2008

[…] We posted these rumors a short while back (along with a Jolie Cat­woman one), but now some news of this cast­ing has come from the lips of Michael Caine in speak­ing with MTV: “They’ve already got them in mind,” said Caine, when asked who he’d like to see take up arms against the Caped Cru­sader. “It’s Johnny Depp as The Rid­dler. And The Pen­guin is Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man. I read it in the paper.” […]

chunk-e September 15th, 2008

brian cox should play penguin

mike­hon­cho September 20th, 2008

I see a lot of talk about how no one could be a bet­ter Joker than Ledger, but guess what peo­ple were say­ing from 1989 to about six months ago. Whether they bring back the Joker or not for the sequel peo­ple will say that this per­son will not be as good as the last per­son they make the actor big­ger than the char­ac­ter. I think what makes peo­ple like Depp Ledger Or Nichol­son such graet actors is that they don’t do that. They make it their own and peo­ple either like what they did or they don’t, thats that. Besides, Nolan has had a briliant eye for cast­ing thus far I’m sure what ever the new movie holds in store he’ll find actors who will share his vision of the world in Gotham. But if you ask me I say bring back Ras Al Goul. I wanted to see more from Liam Neason.

Mad­max October 1st, 2008

First i would say that bring­ing the joker back is so tricky that it is almost impos­si­ble, not only because prob­a­bly no one can do the role like heath ledger did, but also because it’s always destruc­tive for a sequel when replac­ing an actor for a role…we all saw what hap­pend with mag­gie gyl­len­haal as rachel dawes, she did the role all­right, but it was hon­estly annoy­ing see­ing rachel dawes bee­ing replaced and played by another actor atfter see­ing katie holmes in the first movie..(katie holmes fit role pretty god i would say), bet­ter than mag­gie gyl­len­haal. much as i would like to see the joker again, imag­ine what a replace­ment of the joker would do to a third movie! it could be very dif­fi­cult, but maybe nolan can find a way to pull it off, who knows…he was in fact the per­son that casted heath ledger for the role as the joker. *RIP Heath Ledger*

now for pos­si­ble vil­lains for the sequal,it has to be a villain(s) that we could believe to be real…not some crea­ture that ain’t human…remember the new bat­man is dark but not super­nat­ural, nore should the vil­lains be.

why so serious??????

Fathom October 5th, 2008

I swear to GOD I will write some seri­ous hate mail if they cast EITHER Depp or Jolie. Granted I think Depp is an amaz­ing actor but WAY to main­stream, and a lit­tle over­done (per­son­ally) as for Jolie I’m just plain sick of see­ing her. She’s all over the tabloids, she’s in like EVERY action movie now…

MY picks for the rid­dler and cat­woman would be

David Ten­nant, who already has shown inter­est in the rid­dler, he has the build and I think he’s endear­ing like our dear Edward… how­ever… south­ern born eddy… eng­lish actor… Hope he’s good with his accents.

Per­son­ally I don’t think there are many actors who could pull off this part as well as Jim Car­rey who lets face it, was born to play that role (and was the only GOOD casted star in past bat­man films. Save Keaton and Phiefer.) but Depp sorry he just doesn’t have the right build… and I’ll always see Jack Spar­row no mat­ter what he does.

Cat­woman, though i think she’d ruin the whole flow of the Nolan-verse, should be played by Char­liez Theron, who we all know is beau­ti­ful and she’s got skill and can play down and dirty, after mon­ster i have no doubt she can play the very two sided vil­lain­ess. Either her or I sup­pose i could think of some­one else… just as long as it itsn’ jolie, Scar­lett johan­son, who face it is not any­where near as badass as she needs to be, or any­one main­stream for that mat­ter. Lets look under the radar for this one, this could be a great opor­tu­nity to make an unknowns big break, not to men­tion you need some­one who is fresh and has a unique look.

As for Depp being a pos­si­ble filler for Heath, all i can say is Good luck pal, he’s amaz­ing and i’m all about depp but no one is going to be able to touch that per­for­mance. he was per­fect THAT is the joker we all know, that was how he was ment to be. I pity any actor who has to take on that chal­lenge because it’s gonna be HARD. It was seri­ously Heath’s crown­ing glory, the per­fect big bang to go out on.

Per­son­ally i think if they’re going to bring back the joker they shouldn’t try to replace the actor in the same role, it’s not going to work in their favor. If any­thing i vote for a copy­cat killer. Some­one who is sick enough to want to become what he sees. and face it, what’s more dis­turb­ing than some­one whos like ‘that guys my hero’ about some­one like the joker? (omg i real­ize i’m sick lol)

Those are my thoughts… personally.

Mad­max October 6th, 2008

let’s just end the idea of replac­ing of The Joker…when Heath Ledger died, The Joker died, and that’s it! that’s why i hope Nolan doesn’t bring The Joker back in…Batman cauhgt The Joker in the end, so let us just won­der about what hap­pend to The Joker after he got caught, let’s keep it a rid­dle;) maybe he escaped, or maybe he’s locked up like Han­ni­bal Lecter…given The Joker’s nature…who knows! but i must say..if Heath Ledger had been alive, they could have used The Joker like they used Han­ni­bal Lecter inn Silence Of The Lambs, as a psy­co­pat so sick and smart, that Bat­man would need him to get to other major crim­i­nals, like The Black Mask! then we could have seen some very amus­ing dialogs between bat­man and The Joker! it’s a shame Heath Ledger died!

now for pos­si­ble actors as vil­lains for the next movie…i am clear as the sky about who should play Cat­woman; Rhona Mitra should play Cat­woman (Selina Kyle)! she has the per­fect mys­te­ri­ous look and is an upand­com­ing actor, and could have her big break in this role…cast Rhona Mitra!

now for The Riddler…David Ten­nant is a good alter­na­tive but i also think Ryan Phillippe could be a great choice for The Rid­dler as well! maybe Viggo Mortensen as The Rid­dler..? he has the face…

by the way, i agree that Depp and Jolie are used to much and that actors like this could be a wrong choice…

Both Phillip Sey­mour Hoff­man and Bob Hoskins a great choice’s for The Penguin!

If Nolan want’s to use The Black Mask or Dr. Hugo Strange, he could or should be played by William Hurt…(Mr. Brooks, A His­tory Of Vio­lence). he is an orig­i­nal and unusual actor that this sequal needs!

now for you Fathom…a copy­cat killer is not a bad idea, but it should not be a copy­cat try­ing to be The Joker or a new Joker (for­get it), the copy­cat killer should be Harley Quinn, because of her obses­sion of The Joker! and Harley Quinn Should be played by Helena Bon­ham Carter!

Talia Al Ghul..? could as rumoured be played by Megan Fox…

Depp as The Rid­dler, Hoff­man as Pen­guin in Bat­man 3? (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) December 15th, 2008

[…] We posted these rumors a short while back (along with a Jolie Cat­woman one), but now some news of this cast­ing has come from the lips of Michael Caine in speak­ing with MTV: “They’ve already got them in mind,” said Caine, when asked who he’d like to see take up arms against the Caped Cru­sader. “It’s Johnny Depp as The Rid­dler. And The Pen­guin is Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man. I read it in the paper.” […]

dan February 19th, 2009

IF you read past cast­ing rumors of bat­man begins, youll notice that none of those rumors were true. there was even a back­lash on the inter web from heath ledger being the joker. jolie, depp, hoff­man will never hap­pen. even if those actors wanted the part they have too much bag­gage espe­cially depp, hes play­ing the mad hat­ter in burton’s movie.

Slant6_stud March 4th, 2009

I was just watch­ing the Chiso­pher Titus spe­cial on cable, Now watch­ing him on stage & then think­ing about him as THE RIDDLER.… I just can’t see any­one else being bet­ter for the part. He’s got a ani­mated way that can make you laugh, think & scare the crap out of you at the same time, & that is what made the RIDDLER a great vil­lian. As for Jonny Depp & Jim Carry.…. well you can play the same char­ac­ter in 2 seper­ate types of movies. & Depp, well his eyes aren’t sin­is­ter enough to pull it off. This new series of Bat­man movies are more for adults & Carry is to much of a car­toon… Watch a Chistophor Titus show, or a stand up spe­cial & you’ll see it too as I have. I know he’s not a “BIG NAME” but hes the right guy, as for Cat­women, if they bring her into it then do it right, Jolie would look great in the leather, she can move like a cat, & she car­ries all that makes that role work. I mean Halie Barry srewed up Cat­woman. Again you have to look at the DARK KNIGHT Comics. Now so far the movies match up great, So as long as Eddy Mur­phy isn’t the RIDDLER, the movie will do great. Even Matt Damon wouldn’t be a bad choice for the RIDDLER role. but still Titus just would own the spot of the Vil­lian who can keep you guess­ing & on your toes. So if you don’t think Cat­woman would be a good choice for the film, then you need to catch up on your comics. As long as they cast the right per­son & don’t over do it, IT WILL WORK.

Brit­tany March 10th, 2009

The only way I could see them pulling off the Joker return­ing is if the film is ani­mated like Gotham Knight was. That way Heath’s legacy of the Joker could be pre­served, even super­im­pos­ing his voice. Heath was just way too per­fect for any­one else to take up the Joker.

per­son June 21st, 2009

Danny Elf­man would’ve (or prob­a­bly still would) made an awe­some Joker and also Riddler.

bar­bara July 7th, 2009

I think there must be a role for Benecio Del Toro. I think he’d make a great rid­dler. Cat­woman some­one dif­fer­ent how about Aish­wara Rai, she is the most cat­like woman ever.

Jere­miah Whaling August 5th, 2009

If I could audi­tion I would make an awe­some Joker and could get 600 sig­na­tures to prove it, at least ive been told by almost every­one I know.

Set­zer August 14th, 2009

Some unortho­dox cast­ing choices. Some of these peo­ple have been comic book/action movies before so they may seem a lit­tle corny to some, but these are just my thoughts.

The Rid­dler–
Willam Dafoe (my per­sonal favorite choice. Did a great job with the Green Gob­lin)
Alan Rick­man
Hugo Weav­ing
Kevin Spacey
Tim Roth

please no Cat­woman. Please no Lara Croft!
Rachel Weiz
Kate Beck­in­sale
Vera Farmiga

Vic­tor Freeze–
Patrick Stew­art. There is no other choice.

The Pen­guin–
Bob Hoskins. Didn’t think of it before read­ing any of this but great choice.
Ray Winstone

BigRed November 6th, 2009

I just fin­ished rewatch­ing the dark knight the other night and I’ve noticed a cou­ple of things about it, just the way it seems to be set up. The first thing I really want to point out is the fact that Har­vey and the Joker pretty much DESTROYED the mob in Gotham in this movie. All of them are in jail or dead, leav­ing me to believe that this is set­ting things up for one hell of a new movie. Why is this? Because now that the rif-raf is gone the real freaks are going to come out of hid­ing and Bat­man is not just going to have to fight them, BUT he’s also gonna have to do it with the police on his tail. I actu­ally expect to see a large cast of vil­lains in this next movie instead of just one or two, because the joker has basi­cally pushed them into action, and the only way they’ll beable to sur­vive against bat­man is by team­ing up. The vil­lains I really see being in this movie are the rid­dler, the pen­guin, Hush, and Bane. I think it would be awe­some to have Hush in the next movie, being that he, instead of just fight­ing Bat­man, fights Bruce Wayne who, I believe any­ways, was com­pletely over­shad­owed by his Bat­man per­sona in the dark knight. Have Hush assem­ble the TRUE vil­lains of Gotham and the Dark Knight will almost definetly meet his match. Unfor­tu­nately, this also may bring in the need for, and it takes alot of effort to think of some­thing as ludi­cris as this, a part­ner to help him. This is the one major hole I have in this the­ory, but IF, and this is a big if, they do walk this road, they bet­ter NOT bring in robin, bat­girl, OR EVEN THINK of putting in Cat­woman. If they do give him a part­ner, they HAVE to be his equal. The only two char­ac­ters I can think of that would at least make this do-able would have to be either Night-wing or Red-Robin. I really want to see Red-Robin in this movie, because he is bru­tal, much like the Dark Knight is, although I think that they would end up going with night-wing to keep Bat­man from “cross­ing that line” beween hero and Villain.

young jones 22 November 12th, 2009

Beni­cio Del Toro for tha Joker, because the joker never died its hard to leave him out, the rid­dler would be good, a block­buster would be a joker movie. Show tha dark grue­some clown, which is everybody’s favorite crim­i­nal, would sell tick­ets but Heath Ledger played tha role of a life­time. Halle Berry and Michelle Pfeifer played the cat­woman role pretty good. Angelina would do well, but for the Bat­man with Chris­t­ian Bale no. Every­one loved Bat­man begins and The Dark Knight because of the real­ity along with the Fan­tasy. Even the Rid­dler if cho­sen would have to be a Darker, real­is­tic villian.

Bat­Fan November 27th, 2009

Both, Chris Nolan and Chris­t­ian Bale have repeat­edly said that they would not con­sider Robin in any of their movies as they are por­tray­ing a very young and new Bat­man. Sim­i­larly, Chris Nolan has a pol­icy of cast­ing less famous actors in the major roles (Bale wasn’t infa­mous at the time of his cast­ing and cer­tainly raised a few eye­brows). In terms of fame, only, Sir Michael Caine, Gary Old­man and Mor­gan Free­man were used but as aides of Bruce Wayne/Batman. That being said, Liam Nee­son is a fairly big name to be used as a neme­sis. But again in terms of screen time, Nee­son was only present at the start and end of Bat­man Begins. Heath ledger seemed like a bizarre choice when casted as the Joker but Nolan got it spot on. I can’t see a Cat­woman in the Nolan films because he is adamant that he does not want super­nat­ural themes in his take on the fran­chise. The Rid­dler might be one that appears in the third but I won­der to what capac­ity. Per­haps in a role sim­i­lar to Scare­crow in the first film, and focus­ing on another major crim­i­nal such as two-face. The pro­ducer of the movie did state that although Dent appeared to have been killed off at the end of the Dark Kinght to the audi­ence, they tried to be vague about it and that he might pos­si­bly still be alive! Aaron Eck­hart has also been quoted as say­ing that he would gladly return to reprise Dent/Two-face. I just can’t wait till we hear some con­crete news!

Brit­tany Mur­pyh Dead Video December 20th, 2009

brit­tany mur­phy will go to heaven!

Brit­tany Mur­pyh R.I.P Video December 20th, 2009

brit­tany mur­phy i’ll miss u

Brit­tany Mur­pyh Memo­r­ial Video December 20th, 2009

brit­tany mur­phy will go to heaven!

The Tea Party May 16th, 2010

Inter­est­ing web­site!! Thank you for the information!!!

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Between me and my hus­band we’ve owned more MP3 play­ers over the years than I can count, includ­ing Sansas, iRivers, iPods (clas­sic & touch), the Ibiza Rhap­sody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve set­tled down to one line of play­ers. Why? Because I was happy to dis­cover how well-designed and fun to use the under­ap­pre­ci­ated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

free DSi points December 19th, 2010

There is a great share of your knowl­edge in the field in this post. I am in love with your blog so far. I’ve added the feed to my boomarks and will be sure to spread the word to my friends. I did have a prob­lem with how quick this blog entry loaded. Might be a prob­lem to fix.