Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious Bat Shaped Jack-o-Lantern October 18th, 2007

Why So Seri­ous has updated, remov­ing the for­ward link to the atro­cious clown site, replac­ing it with a sim­ple yet haunt­ing flash file depict­ing a flick­er­ing jack-o-lantern with a bat shaped ghoul­ish grin. Creepy.

And the rumors — A viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign to reach its pin­na­cle come Halloween?

(Thanks for the heads up Jay)

Why So Serious Pumpkin The Dark Knight

EDIT: Some astute view­ers have noticed that the can­dle is slowly burn­ing down, if you go to the site now you will see that the can­dle is much shorter.

Comments No Responses to “Why So Serious Bat Shaped Jack-o-Lantern”

sven voll­stag October 19th, 2007

…the flame in the pump­kins mouth only points to the right…

Jeff T. Hall October 20th, 2007

This resem­bles the Bat­man cover of
The Leg­ends of the Dark Knight: Bat­man Mad­ness. It’s carved exactly the same minus the Mad Hatter’s Hat.

Just an observation.

sven voll­stag October 25th, 2007

…the right side is begin­ning to decay…

Gabriel October 25th, 2007

Not only is the flame going down, but the pump­kin is start­ing to rot and whither. the bot­tom left fang (viewer’s right) is shriv­el­ing and there is some mold start­ing to grow on the left side of the face.

ccon October 26th, 2007

Right side of pump­kin decay­ing. 2 Face?

TheNex­tReel October 30th, 2007

The image of the pump­kin is directly pulled from The Long Hal­loween comic book series, cited by the direc­tor as direct inspi­ra­tion for Begins and The Dark Knight.

I’m pre­dict­ing the film’s first one-sheet when the can­dle burns out on Halloween.