Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Major Harvey Dent Spoiler and Costume pics March 26th, 2008

Let’s first start with the news that every­one can enjoy — some shots from the Hal­loween Cos­tume Party (HCP) show in Las Vegas reveal the options we shall all have come Octo­ber, thanks to SHH (and thanks to Juno and Pierre for send­ing this in). There are clown masks, bat-suits and pur­ple Joker suits for you to fit into, if you’re that way inclined:

Con­tinue read­ing to find out the spoiler

This next bit is the part where you may want to look away. As a lit­tle dis­claimer before­hand, this appeared in the same news arti­cle as the cos­tumes, and came from the HCP show. When ask­ing about Two-Face at this show, he got the response:

They said he’s only in the movie for a cou­ple min­utes so no Two-Face. It seems like Two-Face will only be in the movie towards the end only to set up part 3.

Note the part “They said”. I per­son­ally have lit­tle faith in the accu­racy of this spoiler — I don’t feel I can trust a rep­re­sen­ta­tive at a cos­tume show reit­er­at­ing some hearsay. That and I think I would pre­fer to believe oth­er­wise. I’ve posted it here because it’s cir­cu­lat­ing the net like wild­fire claim­ing to be true. We’ll have to wait and see.

Comments 4 Responses to “Major Harvey Dent Spoiler and Costume pics”

Zack April 14th, 2008

hon­estly, i think the spoiler is bullshit…

because there is a toy on the inter­net of two face from the dark knight!!! that is such a lie right there!

zack June 7th, 2008

acc­tu­ally, if you look under febuary 2008 their is a link to see pho­toes of a two face action figure

John Wal­ter March 4th, 2010

The First thing comes into my mind when i see this arti­cle is awe­some really joker was always my favorite cos­tume and then Bat­man cos­tume iam eagerly await­ing for the halloween

John wal­ter March 4th, 2010

Hi, iam john this arti­cle is very spe­cial to me because joker is always my favorite char­ac­ter and i can see there are very spe­cial joker masks, cos­tumes in this arti­cle i thank for this article