Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Gotham Tonight #2 is online June 23rd, 2008

The sec­ond episode of Gotham Tonight is online at the Gotham City News net­work. You can still catch the first episode in their archive

Gotham Tonight looks at the tragic, mys­te­ri­ous, and flam­boy­ant life of bil­lion­aire play­boy Bruce Wayne. Born into enor­mous wealth, Bruce’s life changed for­ever when he wit­nessed the shoot­ing deaths of his par­ents in down­town Gotham.

GCN’s pre­mier news pro­gram looks at Bruce’s life then, and now. Gotham Tonight gets exclu­sive com­ment from Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent, who’s rumored to be dat­ing Bruce’s old friend Rachel Dawes. And GT also exam­ines the ascent of Bruce Wayne to CEO of Wayne Enter­prises — what is the eco­nomic giant plan­ning now?

Watch it on Com­cast Chan­nel One or right here at GCN.

At the end of this edi­tion, two more episodes were con­firmed for the upcom­ing weeks, one set to pro­file our old friend, Jim Gordon.

Comments 5 Responses to “Gotham Tonight #2 is online”

what­what June 23rd, 2008

Does any­one think that that is not actu­ally Chris­t­ian Bale being inter­viewed? If so he looks really weird.

what­who June 23rd, 2008

Bad light­ing maybe? He did look a lil weird…

mmm.….Lauren Sanchez…That’s “Lydia“‘s real name.
She is a reporter in Los Ange­les. Google her.

Keith (What­where) June 24th, 2008

Notice her last name is the same as the deceased Bee-Keeper from the Gotham Times Issue #2…

b-dawg June 24th, 2008

Thats def Bale.. this is bril­liant.. so much effort has gone into this movie.. good on them

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