Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Morgan Freeman and Christian Bale Interviews August 31st, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype recently sat down with Mor­gan Free­man to talk Dark Knight (and Wanted):

CS/SHH!: What were your expe­ri­ences like work­ing on the Bat­man sequel?
Free­man: The sequel. Alec Guin­ness remarked one time that he made more money on those two [Star Wars] movies that he was just fea­tured in than he’d made in his whole career and had lit­tle or noth­ing to do. That’s what it’s like.

CS/SHH!: Have you fin­ished your part?
Free­man: I haven’t fin­ished. I’ve got one more day. I travel all the way to Hong Kong to do it.

Whilst at the other end of the inter­net spec­trum Aint it Cool’s Capone met Chris­t­ian Bale. It’s an inter­est­ing read with this lit­tle detail com­ing at the end of it,

Q: Are you almost done film­ing [DARK KNIGHT]? How much longer are you going to be work­ing on it?
B: No, we’re going until Novem­ber. It’s a seven-month shoot.