Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Brief Maggie Gyllenhaal Interview March 26th, 2008

SHH have had a short moment to talk with Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal (Rachel Dawes in the Dark Knight) at ShoWest:

When asked about tak­ing over from Katie Holmes,

“I think she’s a won­der­ful actress and I really admired the work that she did in the first Bat­man, but I don’t think it would have worked if I tried to imi­tate her. I think the only way to do it is to do it like myself,”

“They just (expect you to) sus­pend your dis­be­lief, I’m Rachel Dawes now. I mean, how many Bat­men have there been? Lots of them!”

Speak­ing about work­ing on her first major blockbuster,

“I antic­i­pated it was going to be much dif­fer­ent than mak­ing a small movie, and in the end, it didn’t feel that way, and I think it was because I was work­ing with really good actors like Gary Old­man and Michael Caine and Chris­t­ian Bale, Aaron Eck­hart and Heath Ledger. It felt like mak­ing any other movie, and I think Chris Nolan has a lot to do with that, and also because he really likes and respects actors, so it felt like doing good scenes in any movie.”

And get­ting involved in the action…

“They took really good care of me. I thought I might get bruised up but in fact, I didn’t. They really knew what they were doing. I was scared to do some of the action stuff I had to do, and I did it once, and I was like, ‘Oh, this is a blast!’”

Thanks Austin!