Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Aaron Eckhart talks about Two Face May 4th, 2008

The LA Times recently sat down with Mr Eck­hart (aka Har­vey Dent) to dis­cuss his role as a vil­lain in The Dark Knight. Beware, spoil­ers lurk below.

Harvey Dent and the Bat Signal

“I can tell you that, basi­cally, when you look at Two-Face, you should get sick to your stom­ach. Being the guy under all that, well, that was a lot of fun for me. It’s like you would feel if you met some­one whose face had pretty much been ripped off or burned off with acid. I can’t talk about it beyond that because I don’t want to give away too much of the plans by Chris.”


“The dif­fer­ence between Bat­man and Two-Face is how far they are will­ing to go and how they make their point,” Eck­hart said. “Oth­er­wise, we’re talk­ing about vig­i­lante crime-fighting. That’s what Bat­man is all about. He has a strong sense of jus­tice. And Har­vey Dent has an extremely strong sense of jus­tice. His fiancée is killed. He’s hor­ri­bly injured. But he is still true to him­self. He’s a crime fighter, he’s not killing good peo­ple. He’s not a bad guy, not purely.”


“You look at a good guy too long and it’s not that excit­ing, it’s the Boy Scout always doing the right thing. I’m inter­ested in good guys gone wrong. They’re not the bad guy, they’re the good guy doing bad things.”


“Really, all of it is more than an adven­ture tale, it’s some­what of a mir­ror of our times. It deals with some fun­da­men­tal ques­tions of what’s going on in soci­ety. To me, this film is about how Bat­man feels about jus­tice, how he takes care of the city, how he feels about the Joker when he meets him and sees what he is capa­ble of doing. How he feels when Har­vey Two-Face takes mat­ters into his own hands. It’s not sim­ple, and it gets ugly. I think peo­ple will be surprised.”

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kun­deremp May 4th, 2008

His fiancée is killed.

Who was his fiancée? Was she Gilda Dent (not in the movie)? Or was she Rachel Dawes? I saw Rachel fall in the last trailer.

Daily Planet May 4th, 2008

What if Har­vey Dent has two girl­friends. One being Rachel, and the other, his fiancée. I highly doubt that Rachel will die, I’m pretty sure Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal was signed for two movies. If not, oh well. I think that really need to bring in another hot girl to be either Selena Kyle or Vicki Vale!

Razor Rob May 5th, 2008

Ini­tially, I though Dent/two-face’s char­ac­ter played both sides of the sys­tem, hav­ing both a hid­den crim­i­nal side vs. being a pub­lic DA seek­ing jus­tice. Now, I get the impres­sion his story is one of tragedy. It would make sense that Gyl­len­hal would be play­ing his love interest/fiancée since their careers are in the same field. And con­sid­er­ing that it has been revealed that Dent’s fiancée is killed and see­ing Mag­gie G fall off the roof of some sky­scraper it’s easy to spec­u­late that given what we’ve read.