Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Ng Chin Han June 27th, 2007

Ng Chin Han Sin­ga­porean actor Ng Chin Han, well known in his local arts scene but rel­a­tively unknown else­where, has got his first big break in The Dark Knight, so Chan­nel News Asia reports.

He had this to say about the inter­view process:
“The scripts that they let you read for the audi­tions are not the scripts for the exact film movie because everything’s so top secret. You get scripts that are printed on spe­cial paper that can­not be pho­to­copied, there are invis­i­ble water­marks, all kinds of things. You feel like a spy in a James Bond movie when you are look­ing at these scripts.” 

The char­ac­ter that Ng Chin Han will be play­ing has not been announced.

Comments 2 Responses to “Ng Chin Han”

Trey Velazquez November 12th, 2008


Tom May 16th, 2010


Great com­ment, very meaningful.

Any­way, really great actor…hope to see him in the future.