Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Aaron Eckhart talks Harvey Dent July 15th, 2007

Latino Review have posted a clip from an inter­view with Aaron Eck­hart in which he briefly dis­cusses TDK.

“There are some peo­ple here with poi­son darts so I can’t talk about Bat­man,” Eck­hart joked before adding. “I love the script and I wanted to do the movie.”

And what about the other incar­na­tion of Har­vey Dent? How does Aaron feel about that? “I feel one is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from the other,” he answered. “I don’t have to do what Tommy Lee Jones did.”

Next up we have an inter­view via MTV’s Movie Blog, this one has the bomb-shell confirmation:

“I play Harvet Dent. Har­vey Two-Face. They are both in the movie. […] There are a few scenes I am dying to do. We’ve done a few…but the scene that I really want to do is in Octo­ber.” So who appears in said scene? Is it Har­vey or Two-Face? We coyly asked Eck­hart if he’ll be in heavy make-up that day and, respond­ing with a grin, he said, “I don’t know. There might be anger involved. There might be tears. It might be a cathar­tic day. It might be a lot of love.”

And thirdly Dark Hori­zons had a chat too, here’s an excerpt per­tain­ing to what he likes about play­ing Har­vey Dent:

Well there’s sev­eral hooks for me, none of which I can talk about, but I will say that I like the char­ac­ter. I like play­ing this guy. This guy has like­able attrib­utes, char­ac­ter­is­tics. And it really, as in this whole Bat­man going through it, it’s really a mir­ror of our times in a lot of ways. It’s a com­ment on what’s going on in the world today. And my char­ac­ter fits into that really nicely. And everybody’s char­ac­ter does from Lieu­tenant Gor­don to the Joker. I guess Bat­man is just try­ing to make sense of what’s going on and try­ing to fight a fight that maybe he doesn’t totally under­stand.