Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Live from the Fox Helicopter August 29th, 2007

…wait­ing for the demolition:


Dis­cuss the feed and explo­sion in this topic. This topic will have all the lat­est up to date details and screen­shots about the chop­per and building’s status.

You can­not beat this angle. As this is live you may tune in to see the chop­per sit­ting still at it’s heli­port whilst it refu­els, etc: this is a nice lake shot. How­ever it has been encir­cling the build­ing to be demol­ished with some nice zoom­ing in and out which has revealed some prac­tice evac­u­a­tion scenes. As per usual, this live feed will obvi­ously con­tain spoilers.

EDIT: Live Feed now removed.