Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Hong Kong Knight September 22nd, 2007

The Dark Knight film­ing sched­ule is tak­ing Bat­man to Hong Kong this Novem­ber, where a planned 9 week stint shall take place. How­ever not all peo­ple are wel­com­ing this hero’s arrival, Hong Kong politi­cians have sited the pos­si­bil­ity of traf­fic dis­rup­tions and noise pol­lu­tion as cause for con­cern. For instance, the use of a heli­copter dur­ing night time (2 a.m.) scenes has had politi­cians stat­ing that res­i­dents should pur­chase some ear plugs for the period.

Film­ing is expected to revolve around “The Cen­ter”, the fourth tallest sky­scraper in Hong Kong at 73 storeys.

Source: Reuters, Hong Kong Standard