Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules October 31st, 2007

Updated: Rory’s Death Kiss 

I apol­o­gise for the brevity of the last post, it was a hop-in hop-out post as quickly as pos­si­ble dilemma.

As you all prob­a­bly know, the Hal­loween Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt is well under­way. “Clowns” have been “ordered” to go and take pic­tures of var­i­ous places through­out an assort­ment of major cities across the United States. These pic­tures are then uploaded to form a message…

The only sen­si­ble way to live in this world is with­out rules“Not all the let­ters are filled in yet but the mes­sage is clear. It appears like a screen cap from the movie will reveal itself once the mes­sage is com­plete. Maybe it will be related to Two-Face, con­sid­er­ing the pump­kin rot­ting scenario.I have set up a topic for dis­cus­sion on the forums (apolo­gies for the theme on there at the moment, we had to revert back whilst some issues with PHPBB were ironed out):

Why So Seri­ous Discussion

The Clues:

Comments 2 Responses to “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules”

Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chron­i­cles » Rory’s Death Kiss Hal­loween Challenge October 31st, 2007

[…] 2007 « The only sen­si­ble way to live in this world is with­out rules Rory’s Death Kiss Hal­loween Chal­lenge Octo­ber 31st, 2007, posted by […]

Lorenco­GAP December 11th, 2010

What do you think about WIKILEAKS?
Hope for answer