Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight in Hong Kong November 4th, 2007

Ear­lier this week Slash Film got a scoop con­cern­ing an aer­ial film­ing sched­ule and IMAX qual­ity scenes. This came via a warn­ing let­ter sent from Warner Broth­ers to res­i­dents in the affected areas because of low fly­ing air­craft. The sched­ule is as follows:

Dark Knight Hong Kong LetterThey will fly through Cen­tral, West­ern and Wan Chai dis­tricts on Hong Kong Island with state-of-the-art IMAX cam­eras from Novem­ber 6th — 12th from 7:00am to 11:00pm (4 times dur­ing the day, 5 times at night). They will also be shoot­ing some C130 Low-Flying air­crafts on Novem­ber 6th — 9th from 3:00pm to 7:00pm.

CNN are also run­ning a Dark Knight/Hong Kong releated arti­cle, this time cov­er­ing some prob­lems with a par­tic­u­lar Bat­man stunt. “The plan was for Bat­man to be seen jump­ing into the water and then climb­ing up some bam­boo, or some­thing sim­i­lar”. How­ever, upon check­ing a sam­ple of the water in the area they found all sorts of nas­ties, includ­ing sal­mo­nella and tuber­cu­lo­sis. Hence the scene has been can­celled and will instead take place within a building.