Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

It was accidental, we knew it February 6th, 2008

All of us that have been fol­low­ing Ledger over the past few months knew this already, but it’s reas­sur­ing to get some con­fir­ma­tion. After all those defam­ing rumors cir­cu­lat­ing in the tabloid press, we can tell you that Heath Ledger did not pur­pose­fully take his own life.

From the BBC:

Hol­ly­wood actor Heath Ledger died of an acci­den­tal over­dose of six dif­fer­ent types of pre­scrip­tion drugs, New York author­i­ties have revealed. […] The city med­ical examiner’s spokes­woman said Ledger died “as the result of acute intox­i­ca­tion by the com­bined effects” of the dif­fer­ent drugs.

“While no med­ica­tions were taken in excess, we learned today the com­bi­na­tion of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy. Heath’s acci­den­tal death serves as a cau­tion to the hid­den dan­gers of com­bin­ing pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tion, even at low dosage.”

Comments No Responses to “It was accidental, we knew it”

Ghell February 6th, 2008

Now that we have the rea­son for Heath’s death, let all the nasty rumors stop and let Heath rest in peace.
You will for­ever live in our hearts as the one true Joker.

swingkungfu February 6th, 2008

could we not pre­tend like just because he was star­ring in a movie we’re antic­i­pat­ing that we ‘knew’ any­thing about the guy’s per­sonal life and any pos­si­ble demons he might’ve had?


Detarra February 6th, 2008

Lets hope this will finally let him and his fam­ily find peace.

destruct26 February 6th, 2008

Damn. Per­son­ally, the facts and news showed me that it most likely an acci­dent, but you never know till the truth comes out. Poor guy. I hope his fam­ily and daugh­ter heal in time. And as I said on a bil­lion boards, truly, rest in peace, Heath. Many will truly miss you. The Joker tips his hat to you…