Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Dark Knight in running for Visual Effects and Makeup Oscars January 7th, 2009

Visual Effects shortlist:

The Curi­ous Case of Ben­jamin But­ton
The Dark Knight
Hell­boy II: The Golden Army
Iron Man
Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

These will be nar­rowed down on the 15th of Jan­u­ary after mem­bers of the Academy’s visual effects branch have viewed 15 minute clips of these movies, pre­sum­ably show­cas­ing their effects. The mem­bers shall then vote, and then there will be three.

Makeup shorltist:

The Curi­ous Case of Ben­jamin But­ton
The Dark Knight
Hell­boy II: The Golden Army
The Reader
Synec­doche, New York
Tropic Thun­der
The Wrestler

There is only a ten minute clip for these movies, they will be voted on on 17th Jan­u­ary, to pro­duce the final list of 3.

The 81st Acad­emy Awards are on EDIT: Feb­ru­ary 22nd.

Comments No Responses to “Dark Knight in running for Visual Effects and Makeup Oscars”

Tim January 7th, 2009

FofR, you got the date wrong. The Oscars are on Feb. 22, not Jan. 22

For the 10 minute makeup footage, they should show the Acad­emy mem­bers the scene where the Joker crashes the mob meet­ing and the Batman/Joker inter­ro­ga­tion scene. But I think a movie like Ben­jamin But­ton or Hell­boy 2 might get that award.

Jake January 7th, 2009

Hate to be the nit­picker, but Jan­u­ary 22nd is when the nom­i­na­tions are announced. The actual cer­e­mony is Feb­ru­ary 22nd.

FofR January 8th, 2009

Fixed the date, thanks guys.