Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Record #7: Fastest movie to gross $400m August 5th, 2008

Here is the next big mile­stone in The Dark Knight’s all encom­pass­ing suc­cess at the Box Office — it is now offi­cially the fastest movie to reach the cov­eted $400m mark, doing so in just 18 days.

Would you like to know what the pre­vi­ous record was? Shrek 2 did this same feat, only a full 25 days later, tak­ing a whop­ping 43 days. The Dark Knight has more than cut that in half, and it’s still tak­ing in $6m in mon­day sales, whilst mov­ing up to 8th on the all time gross chart.

Con­tribut­ing Sources: /Film, Media By Numbers

Thanks Tim.

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alina August 6th, 2008

to whom it may concern:

please pick Johnny Depp to be in the next one. no one else could come close to the level of unset­tling weird­ness that Heath left us with. the bar has been raised, and we know you can afford Johnny, lol.