Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Live & Streamed Harvey Dent Press Conference, Sunday 3pm (EDT) April 10th, 2008

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has updated, there will be a LIVE event:


Har­vey Dent real­izes that the slan­der­ous and untrue charges trumped up by a mys­te­ri­ous group never seen before in Gotham pol­i­tics has dis­tracted from the real issues fac­ing Gotham — how to make our city safe again and fight the crime and cor­rup­tion that is endan­ger­ing our future. I Believe In Har­vey Dent will hold a press con­fer­ence on Sun­day, April 13th at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an impor­tant announce­ment regard­ing the cam­paign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this website.

CLARIFICATION The Gotham Machin­ists Union has not “with­drawn their endorse­ment” of Har­vey Dent for DA. Their spokes­men clar­i­fied that the endorse­ment has merely been “sus­pended” for the time being. The Har­vey Dent cam­paign looks for­ward to the con­tin­ued sup­port of the Gotham Machin­ists Union.

DONUT SUPPLIER NEEDED The Har­vey Dent cam­paign lives and breathes off its vol­un­teer crew. Hun­dreds of Gotham cit­i­zens have joined the cam­paign to change our city. But this week, our donut donor stopped donat­ing donuts to us. And as any­one who has worked on a cam­paign knows, if the vol­un­teers are the life’s blood of a cam­paign, then donuts are the life’s blood of the vol­un­teers. If any of you know of a donut donor who would like to get involved in the cam­paign to take Gotham back, please have them con­tact the cam­paign. Thank you.

Thanks to Bryan and Will for send­ing this in so quickly.

Comments 5 Responses to “Live & Streamed Harvey Dent Press Conference, Sunday 3pm (EDT)”

Joe Leib April 12th, 2008

Is there any­way you guys could record this? I’m going to be around to watch it, but I“d like to have a copy to keep as I’m a big Bat­man nerd. So, can you? If not, its ok. Thx!

Elia April 13th, 2008

Did any­one else just hear the “press con­fer­ence”? What just happened?

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