Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Viral Adventure Continues… March 31st, 2008

We’ve had some more viral news sub­mit­ted to us in the past 24 hours, let’s see what else we have…

Joseph Can­do­loro

First up, emails that were sent to Mr Joseph Can­do­loro were met with this reply,

Your busi­ness is impor­tant to us. Mr. Can­do­loro sees the law as some­thing that should work FOR peo­ple, not against them. We’re excited about talk­ing to you about how we can help you, so please call our offices dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours.

Con­tin­u­ing with this theme, from the record found at St Swith­uns, Mr. Can­do­loro mar­ried one Angela Rossi, Bryan Gray has pointed out that enter­ing “Al Rossi” or “Ran­dolfo Rossi” into the record search leads us to Albert Rossi’s (a wit­ness at the mar­riage) Bap­tism cer­tifi­cate. (Ran­dolfo Rossi is the father of Albert Rossi).

Through some clever detec­tive work the Rossi trend con­tin­ues. Rossi’s Deli which was the orig­i­nal meet­ing place of the “Cit­i­zens for Bat­man”, Dark­xXxPixie at unfo­rums found the web­site, Rossi’s Del­i­catessen — www​.rossis​del​i​catessen​.com:

Gotham City Clerk

Pierre has also informed me of Gotham City Clerk web­site — www​.gotham​c​i​ty​clerk​.com, which bears some infor­ma­tional mes­sages but most impor­tantly a web­site for another DA candidate.

Please excuse the incon­ve­nience, as we are cur­rently rebuild­ing our web­site and file sys­tem after server dam­age due to the recent Orange Line destruc­tion. We hope to be back online serv­ing Gotham City very soon.

Forms and appli­ca­tions for the fol­low­ing ser­vices are still avail­able at our N. 6th St. offices: Park­ing per­mits, busi­ness licenses, dog licenses, festival/block party/raffle/bazaar per­mits, night­club licenses, oath of office forms, oper­a­tor licenses, retail licenses, liquor licenses, street ven­dor licenses, med­ical reg­is­tra­tion forms, notice of claim forms, and garage sale permits.

The Gotham City Clerk announces approval for exten­sive absen­tee voter sup­port in the upcom­ing munic­i­pal elec­tion. Once the sys­tem is in place, we will post details and pro­ce­dures for both online and mail-in absen­tee balloting.

Trust Garcetti

That can­di­date is Roger Garcetti and his cam­paign web­site is — www​.trust​garcetti​.com. This comes with some new pro­mo­tional but­tons to pro­mote Mr Garcetti, an email address to vol­un­teer — “volunteers@​trustgarcetti.​com” and under the Who is Garcetti we find this — what are the chances that these lead to fur­ther sites?

The Gotham Fra­ter­nal Order of Police says, “Garcetti has the
expe­ri­ence, and part­ners with police to stop crime.”

The Gotham Police Union says “Roger Garcetti has the integrity,
the tough­ness, and the judge­ment to lead and win the war against crime.”

The Ital­ian Her­itage Soci­ety of Gotham says, “Roger Garcetti’s
ded­i­ca­tion and loy­alty make him the can­di­date to trust.”



“The charges made by some of Gotham’s finest police offi­cers against Har­vey Dent are extremely seri­ous. These brave men in blue have stood up against Har­vey Dent’s intim­i­da­tions and the tsunami of pos­i­tive press Har­vey Dent has been reap­ing to tell their story. It is an astound­ing act of courage, and I com­mend them all for hav­ing the guts to tell the truth to the Gotham pub­lic. I salute each and every one of them.

These police offi­cers are some of the finest we have. Many have received medals for brav­ery on duty. All of them place their lives at risk every day to pro­tect you and me.

It was always obvi­ous that Har­vey Dent’s mad lust for power was cor­rupt­ing his pros­e­cu­tions. Now, we have proof. Affi­davits and tes­ti­mony by police offi­cers that Har­vey Dent threat­ened and bribed police offi­cers to entice them to tes­tify against their inno­cent broth­ers on the force.

It is time to end the sorry chap­ter that Har­vey Dent has forced upon the Gotham peo­ple. I expect his res­ig­na­tion from his job and his with­drawal from the race, if he has any honor at all left.”

Act­ing Dis­trict Attor­ney Roger Garcetti

Trust Garcetti 

We stand at a cross­roads in Gotham. Ours is a city of great char­ac­ter, with unlim­ited poten­tial and a cre­ative, diverse, and hard-working families.

But Gotham faces a crit­i­cal prob­lem — grow­ing crime. To take on the prob­lem of crime, we need expe­ri­enced lead­ers that tar­get mob­sters, thugs, and killers — not the peo­ple who are sworn to pro­tect us. If I’m elected Dis­trict Attor­ney, I’ll give the police the tools they need to fight crime — because that’s how we’re going to make our streets safe.

Every day I work hand in hand with the real heros of Gotham — our brave men in blue. Gotham cops are some of the finest men I’ve ever had the honor to know. Every day, they put their life on the line to pro­tect this city. They risk their lives because they believe in jus­tice, in law, in order.

And that’s why the Gotham Police Union has endorsed me, Roger Garcetti. They’ve come to know me very well in my time in Gotham. I’ve always sup­ported the police in every way pos­si­ble. And now, when they are under attack by a “run­away pros­e­cu­tor,” they’ve turned to me once again. In their endorse­ment, they said, “Roger Garcetti has the integrity, the tough­ness, and the judge­ment to lead and win the war against crime. He is the best friend police have ever had, and we endorse him strongly.”

I am hon­ored to have the sup­port of Gotham police offi­cers. They are the best peo­ple to answer the ques­tion, “Who will make our city safer?” And the answer is me, Roger Garcetti.

Vote for me, and I will pro­tect all the peo­ple of Gotham.

Thank you.

Comments 2 Responses to “The Viral Adventure Continues…”

Josephine April 5th, 2009

Hi there, I found your blog via Google. Do you actively pro­mote your blog? I’ve been con­sid­er­ing start­ing my own blog, but I don’t know if I could get enough peo­ple to read it to make it worth my while. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Jenny January 8th, 2011

This is a smart weblog. I mean it. You’ve so much knowl­edge about this issue, and so much pas­sion. You also under­stand how to make peo­ple rally behind it, obvi­ously from the responses. Youve got a design here thats not too fancy, but makes a state­ment as big as what you are say­ing. Excel­lent job, indeed.