Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Viral Marketing with Batman Begins Limited Edition gift set July 9th, 2008

The Bat­man Begins lim­ited edi­tion DVD set has been mak­ing its way to the first pur­chasers, and with it comes some more viral mar­ket­ing clues for us to drool over.

On the small USB don­gle that comes with the gift set, which con­tains a num­ber of pro­duc­tion images, etc, there is a plaque pay­ing ref­er­ence to the Gotham His­toric Trust. There is also a pay­ing in slip for the Gotham National Bank with user­name and pass­word scrib­bled on.

Gotham National Bank

# User­name: gnb3792
# Pass­word: 99g28ct75k

Head­ing to the GNB admin page, www​.gotham​na​tion​al​bank​.com/​A​d​min, as of July 8th, there is a web­mail login box.

Gotham His­toric Trust

Call­ing the num­ber, 1866 241 1150 as listed on the plaque returns the auto­mated message:

Thank you for call­ing the Gotham His­toric Trust. Nobody can answer your call right now, but you are wel­come to visit our web­site at www gothamhis­toric­trust dot com where you can find our cur­rent hours of oper­a­tion, infor­ma­tion and online exhibits of Gotham City in days gone by. Thank you for calling.

An update to the Gotham National Bank also men­tions the trust:

Gotham National Bank down­town is proud to be on the Gotham reg­is­ter of His­toric Build­ings. The main branch of Gotham National Bank was orig­i­nally the old 1st Gotham Bank. In 1934, it was sold when the bank closed. The build­ing passed through many hands in the inter­ven­ing years and was vacant when it was pur­chased by Gotham National Bank. After sev­eral years of restora­tion under the over­sight of the Gotham His­toric Trust, the bank was restored and proudly re-opened its doors at 9:00 am on March 7, 1985.

This leads us to www​.gothamhis​toric​trust​.com

Thanks Pierre!

Comments 5 Responses to “Viral Marketing with Batman Begins Limited Edition gift set”

stew July 9th, 2008

i didnt get the bank slip in mine gift­set:( did they not come in every set?

Nelda Ter­ra­nova April 5th, 2010

I find this at the same time valu­able and fas­ci­nat­ing. many thanks for this.

Waqas Has­san April 13th, 2010

Viral mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing is com­pli­cated to mas­ter; but effort­less to define. It’s some thing that spreads via word of mouth prac­ti­cally infec­tiously just like a virus exactly where if a per­son par­tic­u­lar per­son sees it, imme­di­ately that indi­vid­ual trans­fers it to an indi­vid­ual else. Viral Adver­tis­ing Movie, Posted on YouTube Wit­nessed by Par­tic­u­lar per­son Sent to other peo­ple by using e-mail or posted else­where after which you can the cycle con­tin­ues. They just retain send­ing it. We attempted a short while ago to accom­plish an on the net adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing movie for this soft­ware pro­gram busi­ness plus they acquired very good press inside the pro­tec­tion mar­ket trade jour­nals, how­ever the hope is to pos­sess it stay around the Web site after which have all cus­tomers for­ward it to their acquain­tances. Viral adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing stands out as the spread­ing of this infor­ma­tion on the sub­stan­tial scale.

Tal­isha Porteus June 4th, 2010

Fan­tas­tic arti­cle! I recently found a place where you can watch the avatar film online in HD for free. Click here and check it out.

Edwin Pluid June 17th, 2010

I must say I am more and more amazed about on-line mar­ket­ing on account of see­ing how the the cur­rent gen­er­a­tion come in con­tact with the online world with tech­nol­ogy. My 13 year old nephew just took me a por­tal they had put online to man­age pop­u­lar top­ics for their peer group. They were ask­ing about the way to setup adver­tis­ing on the sys­tem to . We are so very happy.