Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Joker’s “Clown” Car June 15th, 2007

I always seem to be men­tion­ing these guys, Latino Review have posted this shot, which seems to be legit­i­mate, it’s hard to tell because the arti­cle has been taken down. It is being touted as the Joker’s new clown car, likely to be a vehi­cle that he and/or his hench­men use to travel in. I per­son­ally think it’s per­fect and look for­ward to see­ing more of the same.

Here it is, com­plete with two-toned pur­ple paint job et al:

Jokers Clown Car from The Dark Knight

What’s more, we could be get­ting a glance at a new BAT vehi­cle next week, accord­ing to a Warner Bros. press state­ment.

EDIT: Seems like this could be a fake using Pho­to­shop, hav­ing done some research, although it is a cool and inter­est­ing con­cept that I am sure many peo­ple would like to see expanded upon.

While we are on the case of rumors, let’s look at a poten­tial (i.e. likely to be fake) teaser poster, via Film Ick:

Fake Teaser Poster?