Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Dark Knight Teaser Trailer Description July 23rd, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype got the scoop again (via ‘BDE’) with this one, a report of what we shall be see­ing in the upcom­ing offi­cial video release — how accu­rate this is we’ll have to wait and see:

I have seen The Dark Knight Teaser. I don’t want to reveal everything…

It starts out with the WB logo grac­ing the screen, fol­lowed by the DC logo and the Leg­endary pic­tures logo. The screen goes black.

It opens back up as a com­mer­cial paid for by the friends of Har­vey Dent. We are shown shots of him talk­ing, mak­ing pub­lic speeches, and walk­ing in a suit, while a deep voice comes on and talks about Har­vey Dent. A generic politi­cian commercial.

What seems to be halfway through the com­mer­cial, it is inter­rupted by sta­tic, and blacks out. Out of nowhere a crys­tal clear image comes onto the screen of a blacked out man with large win­dows behind him. The cam­era slowly zooms in on him. He’s talk­ing (about what I won’t say) and as he fin­ishes he begins laugh­ing. Light­ning strikes, light­ing up his face, as the laugh­ter grows more manic. Cut to black.

The Bat­man Begins (now The Dark Knight’s bat) emblem is shown with the words The Dark Knight. Then it says Sum­mer 2008 and has the web­site at the bottom.

What is said… is a sur­prise that I must keep for now. It gave me chills.

Comments One Response to “Dark Knight Teaser Trailer Description”

Free WOW Gold June 20th, 2010

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