Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Antony Michael Hall and his Dark Knight tale August 22nd, 2007

Long has it been rumored that Mr. Hall, made famous for his appear­ances in those eight­ies films, was to play the infa­mous Edward Nygma, also known as The Rid­dler. Recent rumors, and if true, spoil­ers, have now sur­faced to debunk that the­ory — paint­ing the new role in an entirely dif­fer­ent light. This exclu­sive comes from the reli­ably informed Hol­ly­wood­Chicago.

These are spoil­ers, if you don’t want to know the scores, look away now (or just don’t hover to reveal the text):

Hall’s char­ac­ter is intensely jeal­ous of Bruce Wayne. He even has an exactly match­ing Lam­borgh­ini Murcielago.

The char­ac­ter learns of Bruce Wayne’s true iden­tity as Bat­man and plans to use the GCN to blow the whis­tle on him. My source describes Hall’s char­ac­ter not as a vil­lain but as an antagonist.

Of course, the Joker is the true vil­lain. Out of fear that the Joker will lose the object of his game-playing affec­tion, he sets out to stop Hall’s char­ac­ter by call­ing in a bomb threat to the TV station.

The bomb threat causes wide­spread havoc. The move is designed to steal the atten­tion off the char­ac­ter so he can’t issue the Batman-revealing report.

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John January 9th, 2008

Hall will be play­ing a young raz. since raz can not die. they res­cued him and put him back in the pit but he was left in there to long and started to get young again.