Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Batman Spoiler Scene July 3rd, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype once again pro­vides the punch for the party, hid­den as it’s a spoiler:

I am a lawyer who prac­tices in Chicago, and specif­i­cally the Richard J. Daley Cen­ter down­town. I learned from one of the court clerks who told me that Bat­man was film­ing in court­room 1501, a very pop­u­lar (for attor­neys) and large court room in the Daley Cen­ter — no jury trial are sched­uled in this room but it man­ages many cases. All the com­put­ers were removed — so with all the pews and hard wood in the room, I would guess that they filmed a part of the movie to make it more like an old fash­ioned courtroom.

Urban Semi­otic are also run­ning a Chicago to Gotham arti­cle with some Wabash bridge film­ing pictures.