Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

16th Dark Knight TV Spot July 13th, 2008

The 16th Dark Knight TV spot is now air­ing, fea­tur­ing excerpts from the Rolling Stone review,

TV Spots 12–15, TV Spots 6–9, 5th TV Spot, 4th TV Spot, Third TV Spot , First Two TV Spots

Thanks BatGirl567!

Comments No Responses to “16th Dark Knight TV Spot”

some dude July 13th, 2008

i read that arti­cle. sounds awesome.

Tim July 13th, 2008

Isn’t kind of ridicu­lous how they make a com­mer­cial with quotes from only one review? Usu­ally they wait until the movie is released before they do this so that they can get the ver­dict from more then one reviewer.

bat­man July 14th, 2008

I agree with Tim. Those were my exact thoughts when watch­ing that tv spot.