Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Gotham Tonight Episode 5 July 8th, 2008

The 5th episode of Gotham Tonight has been added to the Gotham Cable Network:

World-famous jour­nal­ist Mike Engel goes to the heart of Har­vey Dent’s case against mob king­pin Sal Maroni — Maroni him­self. The noto­ri­ous fig­ure, now stand­ing trial in a Gotham court­room, faces tough ques­tions on alle­ga­tions that he is at the top of an orga­nized crime fam­ily dev­as­tat­ing Gotham City.

Maroni uses his trade­mark charm and good humor to stymie Engel’s ques­tion­ing, but his hon­esty is attacked by GPD Com­mi­sioner Loeb. And Mike Engel quizzes Loeb on the two mob bag­men found dead last week — and the leaked GPD sur­veil­lance tape that recorded the abduction.

At GCN you can also catch the ear­lier four episodes.