Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger tipped for Posthumous Oscar July 15th, 2008

It seems like this is the story many tele­vi­sion sta­tions are pick­ing up and run­ning with, it’s a lit­tle bit early for us fans to deter­mine whether Heath should be con­sid­ered for an Oscar or not (with the excep­tion of those already lucky enough to have seen the movie), but the signs are cer­tainly encour­ag­ing — from what we have seen and heard and from what the crit­ics tell us. Below are a selec­tion of videos echo­ing the dis­tinct pos­si­bil­ity of a posthu­mous Oscar nom­i­na­tion — it would be the first win in thirty years (EDIT: Cor­rect­ing 30 years fact, thanks Nick):

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Nick July 15th, 2008

It would not be the first posthu­mous Oscar nom in 30 years. Mas­simo Troisi was nom­i­nated for Best Actor in 1996.