Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

New Joker Clip in Swedish Preview July 3rd, 2008

This Swedish pre­view for The Dark Knight con­tains some new Joker footage we haven’t yet seen. Some fore­warn­ing, the voiceover is in Swedish but I think we get the gist, any­way, most of you are flu­ent in Swedish — right?

Thanks Alas­tor and Csam!

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antuon July 3rd, 2008

amaz­ing! i heard that the guy who “reminds him of his father” is actu­ally a US sen­a­tor in real life, and was such a bat­man fan, that he wanted to be in the film.

Bat­girl July 3rd, 2008

That clip is AMAZING!!!! IT’s the most I’ve seen of his pre­for­mance in one sit­ting. He is spec­tac­u­lar; it’s like he’s not act­ing, he IS the Joker. I can’t wait until the movie. I thought the sweed­ish was actu­ally pretty funny.
I have 3 the­o­ries why he hates his father, all are purely gue­ses:
1. His father gave him his scars
2. His father killed his loved one
3. Both

I had no idea about the sen­a­tor thing, why do politi­cians get everything?

14 days and counting!

Keith July 3rd, 2008

It seems they picked the fur­thest day of the year to release this film.



14 more!

Sara July 11th, 2008

if any­one is curi­ous, the swedish voiceover does not reveal any­thing new.
she just says somet­ing like here are the first released scenes from the dark knight​.it will be released 25th of juliy in swe­den, chris­t­ian bale is once again bat­man, the hero of gotham city and joker is his worst enemy, played by heath ledger who died from an acci­den­tal over­does pre­vi­ous this year. many crit­ics thinks he should get an acad­emy award. here is the first released scene from the movie where we see ledger in his last part.

so i have to wait even longer, its 14 days and 6 hours left.