Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Comcast Launch Dark Knight Site June 6th, 2008

Com­cast have unveiled a Dark Knight themed flash based web­site, com­plete with posters and screen­saver down­loads, in a sim­i­lar vein to the offi­cial site, but all the same slightly dif­fer­ent! Thanks Csram

Handy ZIP of all downloads


The site fea­tures two new fea­turettes, one focus­ing on Imax, another on the mak­ing of the clown masks.

Down­load IMAX Promo

Down­load Clown Masks Featurette


I’d also like to take this moment to thank my friend aCyn­i­calPie for keep­ing the web­site up to date in my two week absence! The remote parts of Greek islands do not have high speed inter­net access.

Batman: Gotham Knight — First look video February 15th, 2008

EDIT: YouTube video taken down (odd con­sid­er­ing it seems entirely pro­mo­tional), you can still find a copy at IO9.

Here is our first look at the six part straight to DVD animé that fills in the gaps between Bat­man Begins and The Dark Knight. Far from a teaser trailer, this is a ten minute “pre­mière” with a lot of back­ground on the Bat­man char­ac­ter and the thoughts behind its creation.

Thanks Ghell!

Dark Knight IMAX Prologue Preview November 22nd, 2007

The offi­cial IMAX web­site have posted a pre­view to the IMAX Dark Knight pro­logue. The video fea­tures an inter­view with direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan amidst scenes from the movies film­ing — we see small clips from action sequences, the film crews, a cou­ple of small explo­sions, Bat­man swoop­ing down, the Bat­mo­bile, etc. But most of all the short video is just a mas­sive pro­mo­tion for the won­der that is the IMAX format.

IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue

The batpod video June 19th, 2007

I’m not one for this kind of pre­sent­ing, I pre­fer my reporters straight up and British, BBC style. Aside from that, here’s a nice lit­tle video clip from NBC’s Today Show, reveal­ing the ‘hard to strad­dle’ mon­stros­ity. It is lit­er­ally huge.

By the way, sorry for the site’s down time, we got hit pretty bad by traf­fic and we needed to reim­ple­ment a lot of stuff. But we’re back!

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