Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Villains and Casting for Batman 3 August 3rd, 2008

Christo­pher Nolan has stated an inter­est in the exten­sive and elab­o­rate 70 year his­tory of Bat­man — par­tic­u­larly the inter­est­ing parts that have not yet been in the movies or the six­ties tele­vi­sion show.

Mean­while, The Rid­dler, The Pen­guin and Cat­woman are all vil­lains that have been bandied about as poten­tials for the next movie; I per­son­ally doubt whether we will see these char­ac­ters pop up in the next fea­ture. Instead I think we will see Nolan opt for a vil­lain that impacts more on Batman/Bruce Wayne’s pro­file. As seen so dev­as­tat­ingly with The Joker, when the vil­lain really messes with the Hero in every which way, the sto­ries become much more inter­twined, com­plex and exciting.

So — on that note:

Which villain(s) do you want to see in Bat­man 3?

The less obvi­ous, the bet­ter — feel free to include your cast­ing wishlists.

Comments 100 Responses to “Villains and Casting for Batman 3”

Kyle August 3rd, 2008

There’s a short list of well-known, main­stream Bat­man vil­lains — Joker, Cat­woman, Pen­guin, Scare­crow, Rid­dler, Mr. Freeze and Poi­son Ivy. Christo­pher Nolan has said (I think) that he’ll never do a Pen­guin char­ac­ter because he thinks its too far-fetched. Cat­woman can serve as a sec­ondary vil­lain but can’t carry the entire bad guy part by her­self. Mr. Freeze and Poi­son Ivy are too silly of a char­ac­ter for the tone of these movies.I think Johnny Depp (or some­one else) as the Rid­dler is the best option for a great third movie.

BatGirl567 August 3rd, 2008

I agree with Kyle. Johnny D. would serve well as the Rid­dler. I’d like to really see him re-created. The oth­ers are just not feasable with the theme set by Nolan. If Heath was still with us, I would have definently vouched for a Joker reprise in this film. But, since he passed on (R.I.P), I would NOT like to see any­one try to take over the role. Unfor­tunently, we’ll just have to live with­out know­ing exactly how he went down.
Also, like many oth­ers, I think they should bring back Cat­woman. I agree with the above state­ment, that Cat­woman is only a sec­ondary vil­lian. My rea­son­ing is that she’s not really all bad. Maybe grow­ing up in the Nar­rows of Gotham, and/or under­go­ing trauma, she became a thief to rise in class until she was in with the élite and pow­er­ful of Gothamites. But I don’t think she’s ALL bad. She only steals from those who can afford it. I sup­pose Angelina Jolie could present her quite well, but it’s more like Chris to put forth some­one pretty unknown into the role. I think Jodie Lyn ‘O Keefe might do well too. Maybe, Bruce/Bat and Selina/Cat could meet while she’s rob­bing him? Not the most roman­tic of sit­u­a­tions, but believ­able; he’s the rich­est man in town, what are the chances that she wouldn’t try to rob him? And yes, I think that the Bat and the Cat make one of the hap­pi­est cou­ples ever. They’re each other’s equals; she’s just as dan­ger­ous as him, just as deter­mined, just as sexy…

Kun­deremp An-Narkaulipsiy August 3rd, 2008

I pre­fer
The Rid­dler as another detec­tive (not as Batman’s enemy)
and a low-profile Alan Grant’s Anarky as the antagonist.

In the comic, Anarky is one of Batman’s enemy rarely caught (only to be caught once in his first time appear­ance) and his motives are more polit­i­cal, sim­i­lar to Ra’s Al-Ghul. The dif­fer­ence is, Ra’s Al-Ghul had build his own army while Anarky’s sup­port­ers came from all of those whom he helped on his vig­i­lante action.

While most of Batman’s enemy are scared of Bat­man, Anarky is one of the few who never scared of him. As Ra’s Al-Ghul, Anarky is also despise Bat­man as “mis­guided ide­al­ist” (while Ra’s said that on ‘Bat­man Begins’, Anarky said that on comic).

Why Anarky?
Because we have seen Bruce Wayne as Bat­man and we have also seen Bruce Wayne as some­one whose heart was tor­mented by the mur­der of his par­ent, and we have also seen ‘the play­boy mask’.

What we have not seen on the movie ver­sion is Bruce Wayne as phil­antrophic. There are some comics where Bruce Wayne is shown as phil­antrophic such as Paul Dini and Alex Ross’s “Bat­man: War on Crime” or Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s “Ghost”.

Using Anarky who had lot of sup­porter from low-class of Gotham, film­maker can con­front bor­juis Bruce Wayne to the prob­lem he was unaware before.

The only prob­lem is, we have seen ‘V for Vendetta’. Need a lot of work of re-working Anarky’s cos­tume to avoid him being com­pared to V.

Kun­deremp An-Narkaulipsiy August 3rd, 2008

Cat­woman is good as Batman’s enemy, since her back­ground was low-class (Bat­man: Year One). If Catwoman’s appear on the next film, I hope they will not make him as ‘yet-another-sexy woman’ or worse ‘yet-another-Batman’s-lover’.

It would be inter­est­ing if she is ren­dered as NGO activist.

EhCana­dian August 3rd, 2008

Two-Face will be the “main” vil­lian in the third film. Why is every­one for­get­ting about him?

Who­ever the vil­lian is, I’m think­ing the third film will be based more around Bruce Wayne/Batman. Gotham cur­rently hates him, so, they need to focus on get­ting him into Gotham’s side.

But ya, Two-Face as the main vil­lian. Maybe Rid­dler as a sec­ondary. How­ever, Rid­dler would be too much like the Joker in The Dark Knight.

RDO38 August 3rd, 2008

Cat­woman or The Rid­dler are both great prospec­tive vil­lians for Nolan’s third movie. With Rachel Dawes gone, Bat­man has got to have some female com­pan­ion­ship and Selina Kyle is just what the doc­tor ordered!

The Pen­guin has a place in the Nolan Bat­man Uni­verse, espe­cially if they use him as a crime boss, as he is por­trayed in today’s comic books. The Scare­crow might show up again too.

I think a wild card vil­lian is Black Mask. He has a sim­i­lar priv­i­leged back­ground like Bruce Wayne, yet his life takes a dif­fer­ent path. Also, Hush might have a shot due to his con­nec­tion to Bruce’s ear­lier life.

How­ever, it’s Mr. Nolan’s choice to make and it sure will be fun to watch.

King Uta August 3rd, 2008

Log­i­cal choices, I think, would be Hush or Black Glove. They’re not too well known, they’re not too unre­al­is­tic, and they’ve never been filmed… Even Rid­dler comes off as kind of silly. But what about Mad Hat­ter? Dead­shot? Lock-up? Clay­face? Fire­fly? Black Mask? Doo­dle­bug? The Ter­ri­ble Trio Croc? Clue­mas­ter (Not the “The Bat­man” ver­sion)? Bane? The Clock King? Farmer Brown (lol)?

EhCana­dian August 3rd, 2008

Two-Face. Bane.


Tim August 3rd, 2008

I don’t think the Rid­dler would be the best choice. Though there is a lot of depth in the char­ac­ter, I don’t think that he will really chal­lenge Bruce Wayne or Bat­man much. If the Rid­dler is brought in though, It would be nice to make him a minor ally to Hush. A char­ac­ter like Hush, The Black Mask, or any other that actu­ally tar­gets Bruce Wayne more than Bat­man, would seem­ingly take the fran­chise to another level and give the oppor­tu­nity to add another dimen­sion to the Chris­t­ian Bale’s character.

The Pen­guin, in my opin­ion, doesn’t have enough depth or impact. When you com­pare the themes of the first films, and the weight that the vil­lains pull, the pen­guin is just a bank rob­ber that looks funny.

I also don’t think Cat­woman would be a bad idea. Mak­ing Selina Kyle a love inter­est to Wayne, while mak­ing Cat­woman another char­ac­ter who pushes Batman’s con­cep­tions on how to deal with crime; to “see what I would have to become to stop men like him” all over again, would keep the Begins Uni­verse expan­sive and interesting.

Tim August 3rd, 2008

And to EhCanadian:

I think bring­ing Two-Face back would slow the whole thing down. Har­vey Dent/Two-Face served his pur­pose for the aBe­gins Uni­verse in The Dark Knight. He made Bat­man step up, he inspired the city, he brought Gor­don and Bat­man closer. Done. As far as I can see, it would be very dif­fi­cult to bring him back and help the story.

EhCana­dian August 3rd, 2008

I beg to differ.

Hav­ing Two-Face as an actual villain/threat to Bat­man him­self would/is a great way of show­cas­ing how Bat­man is evolv­ing. Two-Face is some­body Bat­man wants to see do good, but, he doesn’t, so, Bat­man has to fight what he wants to believe in.

Hav­ing some­body like the Rid­dler come in wouldn’t make that much sense. He’s prob­a­bly the one vil­lain that would make sense in Nolan’s uni­verse, how­ever, as I said ear­lier it would seem too much like the Joker. Which I guess would be a good thing, but I don’t know.

Cat­woman would make com­plete sense. She would test Bat­man. Show him that the city needs him.

Pen­guin would work, but Nolan’s ruled that one out.

Bane I think would work great. Two-Face as the main vil­lain, and hav­ing Bane in as the mus­cle. Peo­ple are mis­guided by Bane because of the way he was por­trayed in Bat­man and Robin. Bane’s one of the more intel­li­gent vil­lains in the Bat­man uni­verse. Bring­ing Bane in would be a good move. The mob wants Bat­man dead, Two-Face works like a mob-boss, so they call in Bane.

I don’t know. It’s way to early to even be dis­cussing this. Nolan stated awhile ago that he had to write the Joker out of the third, which makes me believe that the Joker was most likely going to be a big part in that movie. How­ever, now that it’s out of the ques­tion, it’s sim­ply to hard to say.

What­ever hap­pens. I think the third film will be slightly slower then The Dark Knight, but a lit­tle more upbeat then Bat­man Begins. I think it needs to focus more on Bruce Wayne/Batman, get him believ­ing that Gotham truly does need him and how he actu­ally wants to be Bat­man. I also think that Two-Face is a given, so there’s prob­a­bly no point in argu­ing as they set him up to be the main vil­lain (pretty much) in for another installment.

j.c. August 3rd, 2008

come on guys. it would be impos­si­ble to bring back two-face after tdk. His death is the rea­son why gotham see’s bat­man as the villian.the whole movie was lead­ing up to the fact tht bat­man would have to sac­ri­fice him­self for the good of gotham.if two-face came back (which is impos­si­ble con­sid­er­ing they killed him as far as we know) it would com­pletely defeat the pur­pose of bat­mans sacrifice.besides, aaron eckart isnt that great of a two-face.I, unlike most peo­ple, would like to see the joker recast.the make-up is thick enough to con­ceal the dif­fer­ences of heath ledger and some­one like johnny depp.I also think a robin char­ac­ter is nec­es­sary. but nolan should pick a young actor in his teens(not chris odon­nell age)

Josh August 3rd, 2008

Black Mask with ele­ments of thhe Knight­fall sto­ry­line (where Bat­man gets beaten and can’t fight crime) that way Gotham can renew their faith in him.

Please no Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie, they’re too big and I think it would take away from the story. I mean with the pirate movies, Johnny Depp over­shad­owed every­thing else. I wouldn’t want that.…

pavan August 3rd, 2008

what about mak­ing up a com­pletely new vil­lain for the movie? not every­thing in the movie is based in the comics? so maybe it would take the bat­man uni­verse in a com­pletely new and refresh­ing direc­tion. i could see how nolan may have thought to use the joker again in the third movie but i think it would be an insult to heath ledger to try and recast him. i don’t think many of the old vil­lains really fit into uni­verse that they’ve cre­ated. i would love to see some­body new that nobody has seen before. it would be unprece­dented in super­hero movie his­tory. but i think if there would be a chance to use the movies as a cre­ative launch­ing point this would be it.

Jim August 3rd, 2008


EhCana­dian August 3rd, 2008

This is to j.c.

Two-Face didn’t die. They (Gor­dan and the Gotham City Police) are fak­ing his death. Har­vey Dent gives Gotham City hope. So, telling the cit­i­zens of Gotham that Har­vey Dent died a hero would be much bet­ter then telling them that they’re only hope for jus­tice (besides Bat­man, but they don’t like him) turned out evil.

Know what I mean?

Thus, why I say Two-Face will be the main vil­lain for the third film.

Aj August 3rd, 2008

Fuck No!!!!
either Clay-face

or even some­one whos just about as crazy as the joker like
Scar­face and the ventriloquist

Aj August 3rd, 2008

either clay-face or Scar­face and the ventriloquist

Aj August 3rd, 2008

Scar­face and the ven­tril­o­quist
or clay-face

Aj August 3rd, 2008

ps sorry for all the post­ings
my bad

DAVID S. August 3rd, 2008

I think putting cat­woman into Nolans uni­verse of Bat­man would be a mis­take and besides I think that Jolie would be ter­ri­ble. If they should bring Cat­woman at least cast Scar­lett, or Kate Beck­in­sale. And as for my opin­ion for bring­ing the Joker back, it would be ter­ri­ble, no one can match Heath Ledger per­for­mance, not even the great Johnny Depp. But as for the Rid­dler he would be per­fect. And as for Pen­guin Bob Hoskins would be bet­ter than Hoff­man, don’t get wrong I like Hoff­man, he was spec­tac­u­lar in Capote, MI-3, and Before the Devil Knows your dead. And if it were me I’d bring Two-Face back, but have him locked up in Arkham Asy­lum. And intro­duce Bayne and Vic­tor Fries, but before they become vil­lians. Have Vic­tor Fries be work­ing in Applied Sci­ence with Lucius Fox, and bring up the fact that his wife has Mcgre­gor Syndrome.

DAVID S. August 4th, 2008

Have Bruce Wayne fight The Mayor Pen­guin with his power, and have Bat­man fight The Rid­dler with his fist. And for the new woman lead have Jenifer Con­nelly play Talia AL Guhl. But it would be nice to have a new vil­lian that hasn’t been on the big screen yet like the Mad Hat­ter, or Scar­face, maybe Scare­crow. Chris­t­ian Bale has said that if the boy won­der were to appear, he would never return to the bat­man fran­chise. But I always like the Bat to be on the big screen. But if the Joker were to appear again at least let it be a cameo, and have Harley Quin appear as his chic. Maybe have Killer Croc or Clock King.

BatGirl567 August 4th, 2008

Now that I thin about it, Mr.Freeze might actu­ally work. Like DAVID S. said, he could be employed at Wayne Indus­tries, per­haps in some advanced sci­ence or engi­neer­ing project. Hav­ing to do with liq­uid nitrogen.…

the grey ghost August 4th, 2008

id say that two face could be the main vil­lain and the rid­dler could work as the sec­ondary baddy (work­ing with the police try­ing to catch bat­man) and the rid­dler doesnt have to be like the joker they could remake his char­ac­ter into more of a quiet com­puter geek played by john­ney Depp, as apposed to the excitable loon played by jim carey.

Andy August 4th, 2008

As Nolan likes the psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller angle I feel The Rid­dler will be inter­est­ing if played on the idea of the nar­cis­sist ser­ial killer (like the Zodiac killings…). The psy­cho­log­i­cally of The Rid­dler is his com­pul­sion to leave clues (like obses­sive com­pul­sion). I think if you play him on the level of The Rid­dler seek­ing to make a point or an exam­ple of some­one (almost like in Seven) you would have a really amaz­ing story. Per­haps not dress him in all those ques­tion marks, but maybe that could fac­tor in too his obses­sion (sub­tlety like ques­tion mark ties and cuff links and a ten­decy towards deep green suit jackets..).

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist. HE was such an amaz­ing vil­lian in the ain­meated series, the way the ven­til­o­quiest is afraid of his split per­son­al­ity that man ifests in the pup­pet called scar­face. Twisted…

Cat­woman? Only as a sec­ondary. I kinda cringe at her and Bat­man mak­ing out like some kinda S&M show (the masks, the leather..). Selina Kyle should def be intro­duced to serve as a dis­trac­tion to the loss of Rachel Dawes.

Christo­pher August 4th, 2008

I want some­thing, some­one new.

All of the usual sus­pects from Batman’s Rouges Gallery have been over-used, many are just unwork­able in the Nolan uni­verse, and oth­ers are just too trendy for my taste.

I’d like to see Dinah Lance, straight out of Miller’s All-Star Bat­man & Robin, have a bit role & add some eye candy, and skip the whole, very pre­dictable, Catwoman/obligatory love inter­est busi­ness for the time being.

Here’s a one out of left field, how about Brainiac!

Yep! Brainiac! which will lead to a cliff hanger (think Return of the Jedi) and, you got it, the long awaited Batman/Superman crossover.

Christo­pher August 4th, 2008

…and while your at it, throw in a time-traveling Barry Allen warn­ing Wayne of the impend­ing doom…

Tawd August 4th, 2008

Hush, Bane, and maybe Two Face.

If the fak­ing Dent’s death is true that would be awe­some. As an artist, work­ing on a char­ac­ter like Two Face(makeup and cgi wise) it would seem like a waste to do that for the last hour of the movie.

I think the idea for a power strug­gle would be awe­some. Two Face and Hush would be great. The mob bosses are pre­sumed dead or insane, every­one is after Bat­man, and cor­rupt cops? Who do they answer to now?

Bane came off as the char­ac­ter that wanted absolute power. Power seems up for grabs now with every­one dead (thank you Joker). Rise in crime is per­fect for Nolan’s Two Face and Hush isn’t that afraid to take out names.

Glenn August 4th, 2008

Any­thing, cause Nolan can do it all O_O! xD…but, as long as the cast­ing is good and the char­ac­ter is not that “car­toony”, it would be good…

As long as they don’t cast Johnny Depp, ’cause he would totally fuck every­thing mak­ing any char­ac­ter be like Edward Scissor-Hands or Jack Sparrow.

Aaron B. August 4th, 2008

I think it’d be great to intro­duce Harley Quinn, not as a main vil­lain but maybe show­ing her speak­ing with the Joker in Arkham, with Joker’s back to the audi­ence, but with Heath’s voice or sim­i­lar speak­ing, it could be like a cameo appear­ance. Two-Face would be great as well to bring back , maybe not as a main main vil­lain, I dont know.
Rid­dler hmmm I dont know yet is Bat­man ready for Rid­dler or at least this fran­chise, I mean if they play him off as a Zodiac Killer type per­son that would work if por­trayed cor­rectly and no Jim Car­rey type per­sona either. But since they’re tak­ing these sto­ries from comics they might as well intro­duce the Hol­i­day Killer, and mix it in with “Bat­man: Dark Vic­tory” the sequel to the “Long Hal­loween”?
Please no Cat­women, I like the idea of Ra’s Agul daugh­ter com­ing to avenge her father’s death but fall in love with Bruce I dont know just throw­ing ideas???
I dont know if it’s just me but didnt the Mayor in the Dark Knight seem sus­pi­cious, maybe he’ll be involved in some­thing.
This next film would defi­nately have to take Bruce/Bat to the next level with his rela­tion­ship with the crim­i­nals I think, get more into the psy­chol­ogy of the Bat­man world.

And Please No Jolie or Johnny Depp

mark August 4th, 2008

my vote: bane

and love the Harley Quinn idea by aaron b.

did dent die or what?
if not, my vote changes to two-face

fuschnikt August 4th, 2008

Lets cut the Angelina as Cat­woman talk, she is way to mediocre an actress, very hol­ly­wood, could never cut in in this world of the Dark Knight.

Gray August 4th, 2008

I think that hav­ing a lit­tle known vil­lain like Hang Man or Hol­i­day from “Long Hol­loween” and “Dark Vic­tory” would be a great. Oth­er­wise they should use the Rid­dler. Since he is a mas­ter of clues, he could promise gotham that he would be able to catch bat­man. And slowly works his way through gothams inner work­ings and becom­ing a dan­ger­ous threat. It would also be awe­some if they brought back two face.

Christo­pher August 4th, 2008


Local Yokel August 4th, 2008

Def­i­nitely keep with the story line of Bat­man being a crim­i­nal and hated by Gotham for the crimes of cop killings and the death of Har­vey Dent, who stays dead.

Intro­duce Seline Kyle, but keep Bat­man clear of the Cat­woman char­ac­ter as her crimes are too small to bother with. And it had bet­ter not be Angelina Jolie. Bruce may still have a hard time let­ting go of Rachel which keeps Selina get­ting too close.

Rid­dler as a ser­ial killer… Pequin as a mob boss… The thing about the Joker was he was nobody: no alias, no his­tory; he was just a ruth­less SOB that wanted to “see the world burn”.

The next movie’s prime vil­lian has to play on the city and be as resource­ful as Bruce to keep the explo­sions com­ing and the peo­ple hat­ing Batman.

tim nz August 4th, 2008

tbh if i could have any­one play the rid­dler it would be Michael C. Hall from DEXTER

Noise August 5th, 2008

I would love to see Harley Quinn as the main vil­lain. There would def­i­nitely be a dark enough story involved. After see­ing this fan art, I couldn’t stop think­ing how good she would be for the next vil­lain. Check it out and decide for yourself…


the dark one August 5th, 2008

Jude Law as the Riddler

AthruZ August 5th, 2008

I don’t believe Ra Goul is dead, if you notice before the train crashes he closes his eyes as to trans­fer him­self out of the body, hence he has lived for thou­sands of years just like in the comics. The joker is going to have to come back regard­less, and maybe they can bring back Ra Goul again as even more of a bad ass. It would be a shame to not use the Joker in the third installe­ment, and two face can be saved for the fourth movie.….….

mikeys­hazam August 5th, 2008

Enfer ( Bat­man: Inferno) novel or Fire­fly do not get much press but might be good for mess­ing with Bat­man. Pen­guin would only be good for seiz­ing power in Gotham so you could ground a char­ac­ter like that in real­ity. Rid­dler would be good as an infor­mant char­ac­ter like in Long Hal­loween. Harley would be neat if they could find a suit­able replace­ment for Ledger which Daniel day-Lewis could pull off.

The far-fetched include (Scar­face, Clay­face, Ivy, Freeze, Mad-Hatter, Bane, Man-Bat and any­one else I for­got to men­tion that is too eccen­tric for the Nolan movies.

mikeys­hazam August 5th, 2008

Whoops I for­got Cat­woman could go either way as far fetched or not, I can­not decide. per­suade me to see it your way.

MR.MOVIE August 5th, 2008

after see­ing the dark knight and watch­ing the bril­liant per­for­mance by mr heath ledger i was just won­der­ing who the next vil­lian should be and i can’t think of a more per­fect enemy to bat­man then the cat­woman played by angelina jolie. i think that she was born to play the role. now, i know this is a good idea and it should catch on like a wild fire. can i get tick­ets to the pre­mier if she takes the role. i have other ideas for other movies that will make mil­lions if any­one wants to know

Vil­lains for Bat­man 3 (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) August 5th, 2008

[…] With Two Face and the Joker gone, we need some new Vil­lains… MSNBC have some sug­ges­tions, although there are also some stark ommis­sions (Harley Quinn and Bane both being repeated sug­ges­tions in our ongo­ing discussions). […]

Christo­pher August 5th, 2008

Hon­est to god, I really can’t believe how for­mu­laic you all are.

The Rid­dler

Blah, blah, blah.

The next movie needs to either go down the pure crime story route, and absolutely skip the pre­dictable cos­tumed men­ace busi­ness, Per­haps Bat­man need the help of retired Inspec­tor Harry Callahan.

michael August 5th, 2008

Main Vil­lian: Bane or Death­stroke
Mafia villian:Black Mask
Side vil­lian (only one or two):Deadshot, Rid­dler, Anarky, Hush, Killer­Croc
Women vil­lians: Harley quinn, Talia al Ghul or
Cat­woman. Maybe lady Shiva but i highly doubt it.

Rea­sons behind these vil­lians:
BANE: Bane out­matchs bat­man in toe to toe com­bat and is also strateigic genuis, who has venom that makes him incred­i­bly strong but he is incred­i­bly strong even with­out the venom.
Hav­ing bane try­ing to take out bat­man would be per­fect.
Bane would take the whole sit­u­a­tion that the cops are chas­ing bat­man and use it to a per­fect advan­tage. He really is very smart not like how Bat­man and Robin the movie per­ceived him.

Death­stroke: The smartest vil­lain in all comics, he’s even con­sid­ered to be smarter than bat­man. It’s believed that all peo­ple use 10 per­cent of thier brain while death­stroke uses 90 percent.

BLACK MASK: A mafia boss who is one of the best, it com­bines the mafia and a so called “Freak”. He would know how to take advan­tage of bat­man being chased by the cops. He would take advan­tage by tak­ing con­trol of the under­world crime. (I think he would be a great Mafia boss adding in the fact that joker said “You’ve changed every­thing there is no going back) In that the mafia would have to be dif­fer­ent than they were before, which would be per­fect for the Black Mask.

Dead­shot: Dead­shot is known to have the best aim in the entire DC uni­verse. He has a com­plete messed up moral code. He is a hit­man and will take out any per­son as long as the price is right. But he also has a daugh­ter and wife that he is try­ing to sup­port and keep safe. He would be able to maybe go after ppl who bat­man would need to pro­tect from him or the mob can hire him to work for them against bat­man. And it would be cool if they showed his fam­ily so that way maybe peo­ple can con­nect with him.

Rid­dler: Even though he seems to be liked, any movie with him as the main vil­lian would be pathetic and would leave the critcs and audi­ence ashamed of the movie. Nobody watch­ing a movie will want to watch Bat­man have to solve those stu­pid rid­dles that he leaves, in comics peo­ple dont mind but in a movie u would want to shoot your­self and think its ter­ri­ble. Rid­dler is a genius but one of the weak­est bat­man vil­lians. He leaves clues that bat­man always solves and then ends up catch­ing him. (All the vil­lians includ­ing ran­dom street thugs in the comics just think of the Rid­dler as a joke) He would be fine for a side vil­lian that gives bat­man annoy­ance. It could take bat­man time to take out the rid­dler which would make bat­man not be at his best to fight the main vil­lian which in my opin­ion should be Bane. (I really hope that The rid­dler isn’t in the movie, as much as peo­ple might throw his name out for the movie, they really would hate the movie even if they rein­vent the rid­dler into nolans batu­ni­verse, it would still leave for a com­pletly pathetic vil­lian, he’s just not enter­tain­ing even if they make him disturbed.)

ANARKY: Anarky would be a very good side vil­lian (anti vil­lian) He could be the one who sticks up for the lit­tle guy who com­mits crimes only to sur­vive while bat­man would stop them from com­mit­ing crimes. Anarky is the Cham­pion of the opper­ressed while Bat­man is the cham­pion of the law. Anarky in the movie would leave Bat­man and the vei­wer won­der­ing who is really doing the right thing. This would be a great point in any bat­man film.

HUSH (Tommy): Tommy and Bruce were best freinds when kids. Tommy even­tu­ally becomes a Vil­lian known as Hush who wears ban­dages around his head. He would be a fine side vil­lian because we would get to see more of bruce wayne in his child­hood and learn more about him. plus it would make for a good fight.

KILLERCROC: He would be ok. It would be fun to see him run­ning around and killing. He is stronger and faster then bat­man and is able to regrow any limb cut off. He would make for great fight scenes. and also leave bat­man guess­ing as to his where­abouts and when he will com­mit his next mur­der because he never makes a plan he just looks for his next meal.

Woman Vil­lians:
Harley Quinn: Every­body seemed to love the joker, thats why with­out hav­ing the joker she would be good. Harley quinn though first appeared in the ani­mated series becaise she was so pop­u­lar came into the comics.
She is Jok­ers right hand woman. She is almost just as crazy as the joker although only half as smart. She is in love with the joker but joker feels noth­ing for her (or does he we never know). She believes in all of jok­ers the­o­ries. She is also an acro­bat.
She would be good as a woman vil­lian because we havent seen a per­for­mance from her and she would add that “Jok­er­ness” that every­body is attarcted to.

Talia Al Ghul: Daugh­ter of the vil­lian in num­ber one:
She can take over the League of Shad­ows. she is smart, sexy, and in the comics Bat­mans one true love.
She would add the spice to the movie of bat­mans falling in love.
Bat­man has one weak­ness giv­ing his heart to oth­ers and she can be his true weak­ness in the movie.

Catwoman:A theif named selina kyle who is Carmin Falconi’s daugh­ter. She has gone out with bat­man in the comics. (In my opin­ion she is just to much of the same.)

Lady Shiva:Ultimate assi­assn, has taught bat­man how to fight when he was bro­ken by the bane. I don’t think she’d do to well in a movie though.

A com­bi­na­tion of bane, Black Mask and any one of these side vil­lians (Dead­shot hired by Black Mask in my opin­ion would be great.) and either girl. They should make it alit­tle longer than the sec­ond one, a long movie to end the trilogy

blake john­son August 6th, 2008

It isn’t too far fetched to con­sider clay­face as a pos­si­ble side​-vil​lain​.it may be pos­sibe for a facet of the mob to enlist an actor to pub­li­cally por­tray influ­en­cial gothamites using stage makeup. this avenue could reflect the rep­utaion of bruce wayne.

noth­ing super­nat­ural, just very simple.

Crow August 7th, 2008

I hon­estly would love to see a film ver­sion of The Rid­dler as a sadis­tic killer, almost a Jigsaw-esque Mar­i­lyn Man­son type.

I think mixed in with his OCD it would make for some crazy scenes.

Oth­er­wise, what about Rag­doll? Mad Hatter?

I would hon­estly LOVE to see Harley Quinn thrown in, but since Heath Ledger’s dead and no one’s going to want to touch the Joker’s role, I seri­ously don’t see any way.

I still have a feel­ing both Two Face and Scare­crow are com­ing back for a sequel.
The Christo­pher Nolan is an obses­sor on themes.
Bat­man Begins’ theme was fear
and this one was cor­rup­tion and moral­ity
what I find inter­est­ing though is that in both a façade is cre­ated in order to con­vince Gotham of the theme (in “Begins” the pop­u­la­tion was told that the Scare­crow was dead in order to save them from fear and thus let­ting Scare­crow win, and in “Dark Knight” they hid the exis­tence of Two Face to pre­vent the peo­ple from los­ing their faith is jus­tice and righteousness).

My the­ory is that in the third movie, the theme will be lies and repen­tance; Alfred will have to attone for burn­ing the let­ter, and the cats will be out of the bag on Scare­crow and Two Face.

But that’s just my theory.

K.C. August 8th, 2008

actu­ally, ladies and gen­tle­man. 2 face can return! he isnt dead. they wont cast another joker, but they will make refer­neces to him by using unused footage from TDK. plus his gang is still around, (i.e. harley race). rid­dler would be an idea, as he is the one who makes bat­man think the most (puz­zles). cat­woman is not an option, she isnt a vilan, shes more out for her­self than to try and cre­ate prob­lems. plus reme­ber ras al gul, was in some­way immor­tal. dont be suprised if he shows his face! bane, wont work. he needs to be led, and poi­son ivy is a joke!!! pen­guin, o heck noll! they have to build his lair back, they need a new bat­mo­bile, he needs his jet. there are things that has to hap­pen. let’s not for­get­that this is more of the beg­gin­ing of bat­man and joker, so forth and so on! Nolan did a great job!!!! rest asure he already had B3 wrote and damn near ready! from what i heard, they wasnt bring­ing joker back in full swing in that one anyway!

JD August 8th, 2008

Like Bey­once has been over exposed…Jolie can take a longggg break from act­ing and just be a mother of her huge family.Since brad can’t come back to do a Fight Club 2,they can get some rest together! The series has a more than enough star power to allow a new actress to come aboard. I want some­one that can talk like Ertha Kitt,ohhhhh that voice! Rid­dler would be cool and at the end of the movie a “new” doc­tor can get the Joker out of jail or the nut house,with the hair longer to hide the face some another actor can play the part,not the same as heath but the joker can­not be removed from the series.

blake john­son August 9th, 2008

one thing is for sure: Nolan favors con­ti­nu­ity. i do not see two-face show­ing his face(s) in the next film; har­vey dent is dead and buried. this was shown at the end of TDK. the joker’s role might be a dif­fer­ent story. i highly doubt that film footage of the late heath ledger will be used in the next film. it could be pos­si­ble for the joker’s influ­ence to have an impact in the next film (maybe in the form of a recently cor­rupted doc­tor). as for the next vil­lain, the theme for the next movie has not been estab­lished, so all we have to work on is con­jec­ture. the theme will sug­gest the villain.

this given, con­sider the pre­vi­ous themes. fear was the theme of begins, and esca­la­tion in knight. in the next film i think we can expect themes close to, or some­thing like redemp­tion, atone­ment, or per­haps con­tain­ment. remem­ber arkham’s pop­u­la­tion is mostly still at large and, the mob is in sham­bles after three mob bosses were removed from power by the joker and harvey-two-face, respec­tively. also remem­ber that bat­man took the fall for harvey-two-face’s mur­ders for the sake of gotham’s morale.

gotham almost lost the hero they wanted if it was not for the hero they needed.

aa August 11th, 2008

Stick­ing with psy­cho­log­i­cal crim­i­nals who fit into real­ity, I think Doo­dle­bug or Humpty-Dumpty would be great (or pretty much any vil­lain from the Arkham Asy­lum: A Liv­ing Hell comics. They really aren’t well-known, but the crimes they com­mit are intru­ig­ing in an insane sort of way.

Hon­estly, I would love to see the joker return, but I would under­stand if he doesn’t. It would be hard to find an actor who can play as good a joker as Heath Ledger.

A smaller vil­lain would be nice, too, to bring a con­trast to the clearly insane, and pro­vide some bal­ance on a moral grid.

Mole August 14th, 2008

For me Two Face is dead, Har­vey Dent was in the cas­ket in TDK & now the Bat­man will have to deal with being hunted down as a vil­lain. I hope that there is some unseen footage that can be used in the nest film just so that we have the con­ti­nu­ity of the Joker as he caused chaos in Gotham. Hope­fully his pres­ence will be felt within Gotham but the story could include the cre­ation of Robin (a teen Robin) — maybe the lad helps Bat­man when he is being hunted down even though the Bat­man is at first con­cerned for his safety and won’t let him get involved. Yet the boy is relent­less in his mis­sion to assist the hounded Bat­man and becomes Robin. I think that Johnny Depp would be great as the Rid­dler but this may come too soon after Heath Ledgers Joker as I can see them being sim­i­lar vil­lains so I would only have the Rid­dler come into it at the end as Two Face did in TDK and have him return as the main vil­lain in Bat­man 4. Cat­woman could replace Rachel Dawes as Bat­mans love inter­est by at first rob­bing Bruce Wayne and then like Robin also help­ing him sur­vive in Gotham. The main threats to the Bat­man in the next film should be the mob­sters, police & Bane. How­ever the Joker’s masks (his team) should still be reak­ing havoc in the City as he attempts to rule it — Cal­en­dar Man and Dead­shot are hired by the Joker (now in jail). The 4th install­ment would then see Johnny Depp as the Rid­dler becom­ing the dom­i­nant force as he weak­ens the Joker’s stran­gle­hold (the JOker doesn’t have to appear, his pres­ence just needs to be felt) on Gotham City.

What do you think?

chris August 14th, 2008

i would love to see a real sin­is­ter rid­dler, maybe pen­guin as a gang­ster. poi­son ivey could have been one of ras al guhls assas­sin ninja girls who now works for his daugh­ter and uses poi­son to kill her vic­tims, bane could be the gangter pen­guins hit­man. any comments.

waich­ing liu August 16th, 2008

for me per­son­ally i’d go for michael urie as the riddler

blake john­son August 16th, 2008

i don’t know why i thought about this but i would just like for every­one to try this one on for size– i won­der what every­one thinks about Guy Pearce for the rid­dler. he has worked with Nolan before in Memento and is a won­der­ful actor. Does any­one think he’d be up to it?

blake john­son August 16th, 2008

.….assum­ing, of course, it will be the rid­dler in the next movie.

what brings me to men­tion his name is that i watched his por­trayal of the cor­rupt Count Mon­dego in the Count of Monte Cristo. his per­for­mance in that role was dev­il­ishly cold.

just some­thing to think about.

Bravo August 16th, 2008

Ok to all the Two-Face lovers, Har­vey died in TDK!! We all saw the damn funeral in the film, let him go!!

Sec­ondly, I strongly feel that the next cen­tral vil­lain should undoubt­edly be Mr. Scar­face and the Ventriloquist.

Let’s not for­get that this new adap­ta­tion was filmed in Chicago for a rea­son. And that rea­son was because Christo­pher Nolan said he saw Chicago as the ideal city that had roots of crime and the mob. That’s what the movie has all been about, Bat­man search­ing and try­ing to fin­ish off the remaind­ing mob fam­i­lies. The sto­ry­line should be on the Mob try­ing to bring back the power they once had before Bat­man made an entrance, espe­cially after they saw the Joker was just using them as pawns for his own goal. And now that the Mob knows the Gotham Police and even the peo­ple of Gotham are hunt­ing Bat­man, this is their per­fect chance to take back what was once their city. How they go about that?? Enter Mr. Scar­face who speaks through the Ven­tril­o­quist rather than the oppo­site. Mr. Scar­face would con­vince the Mob that it is now the per­fect chance to hunt the bat­man down and know his true iden­tity. Mr. Scar­face and The Ven­tril­o­quist would be the best vil­lains for the next film because it goes deeper, more gritty and vio­lent than TDK. And as Gor­don starts real­iz­ing that the mob is grow­ing back in power, they try to make a desparate attempt to have Bat­man put an end to the Mob.

Now who would be a per­fect actor to play the Ven­tril­o­quist I cer­tainly don’t know but it would def­i­nitely have to be some­one who has had a tremen­dous expe­ri­ence in roles that involve dual per­son­al­i­ties and schiz­o­phre­nia. Kind of like Edward Nor­ton in Fight Club.

What do you peo­ple think of this??? Gime feedback…

brian August 17th, 2008

Cat­woman — Kate Beck­in­sale
Rid­dler — Johnny Depp
Two Face — aaron eck­hart
Vickie Vale -
Dick Grayson -

needs to start the story with every­one on the hunt for bat­man edward nigma hunts for him as does the rest of gotham later finds two face and con­vinces him to help kill bat­man. Cat­woman enters the pic­ture rob­bing jew­lery stores, bat­man tries to stop her she gets away. later selina kyle and bruce fall in love find­ing out about each other dick grayson appers in the film liv­ing with bruceafter the death of his fam­ily rid­dler and two face stike and bat­man finaly clears his name with the help of cat­woman bring in vivke vale as a reporter dick learns of bruce waynes secrets and bruce helps train him no robin apper­ance though after two face and rid­dler are done for cat­woman dis­s­a­pears and arkham blows up leav­ing with the jok­ers insane laugh put a good story line with it itll work

Nicholas August 17th, 2008

The Rid­dler would probaly be the best choice as the next vil­lian. He was used wrong in the other movies he starred in (as a joker rip-off). In the third film he is a detec­tive called Edward Nygma help­ing the police hunt down Bat­man, after the events of The Dark Knight. He is a genius and matches the Bat­man in terms of log­i­cal think­ing. He seems to be help­ing the police, though Gor­don doesn’t trust him, but in truth he has a nefar­i­ous plan of his own and becomes obe­sessed with catch­ing Bat­man, and fig­ur­ing out Batman’s secret iden­tity. He starts to com­mit nasty crimes, tak­ing the alias of the Rid­dler, and leav­ing behind baf­fling rid­dles, in order to draw out the Bat­man. Bst­man, mean­while, still mourn­ing the loss of Rachel Dawes and Har­vey Dent, must uses all his skills and the help of his friends to defeat the Rid­dler, keep his iden­tity from being dis­cov­ered by the vil­lian, and redeem him­self in the eyes of Gotham’s citizens.

It would work well, with the theme in this film being redemp­tion. The Rid­dler would work well in Nolan’s uni­verse. He could have ele­ments of Jig­saw and the Zodiac Killer put into his char­ac­ter. I’m not sure who would be best to potray him, though Johnny Depp and David Ten­nant would be two very good choices.

Nicholas August 17th, 2008

I always felt Ven­tril­o­quist was a lit­tle too weird and cheesy to use as vil­lian in Nolan’s series. But Bravo men­tioned a good way to use him, along with a good plot line. How­ever, i think that most of the mob lead­ers were killed by Joker or Two-Face, and esca­la­tion was already a theme used in The Dark Knight. The mob has lost its power and now its freaks like the Joker who are the main crim­i­nal threat.

Bravo August 18th, 2008


I’ll agree to your com­ment to a cer­tain extent. But then again, the Mob was never the cen­tral enemy in nei­ther BB nor TDK, in BB it was Rha’z Al Ghul and his ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion, TDK was insane freaks. Which is why I believe now the Mob should take a cen­tral role as the antan­go­nist in the third. Maybe, if pos­si­ble, it could be a cer­tain mob led by Mr. Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist on one end and Black Mask and his mob on the other.

The Plot Line could devolop in the two Mob fac­tions try­ing to unify in order to kill of the Bat­man and Com­mi­sioner Gor­don (Gor­don has put his name on the Mob’s wanted list ever since he started his own Crime Unit). It could begin with the Mob find­ing indi­vid­u­als within the Police and Pol­i­tics who are still loyal to them and help­ing in assas­si­nat­ing any ohters who pose a threat to them. This is how Scar­face and Black Mask fit the descrip­tion because their crimes were con­sid­ered like Clock-Work. And to build ten­sion, they cap­ture Gor­don in order to find out who Bat­man really is or how to find him. Gordon’s cap­ture will bring moral to a low stan­dard sicne he’s been con­sid­ered the only Good Cop in Gotham.

As the story devel­ops how­ever, we see that Mr. Scar­face and Black Mask don’t meet eye to eye and at some point, when their suc­cess is pay­ing off, a bit­ter rival fued erupts between the two fac­tions caus­ing decep­tion among each other. Black Mask should be the one who loses but later cap­tured and inter­ro­gated by Bat­man to find where Scar­face is and where is he hold­ing Jim Gordon.

I thought this up in 2 min­utes lol… but i do think there should be a third vil­lain but one who plays a sup­port­ing role.


Willon August 19th, 2008

I see alot of good ideas here, but I can’t imgane Harley Quinn or the Ven­tril­o­quist being used. Its just so hard to imgane. Plus, we know Bat­man will be still hurt at the lost of Rachel Dawes, so I don’t think he will find another “love” in the third movie (who knows). I think the Rid­dler will come into play. What­ever Nolan chooses to do, I think it will be great. Plus, things are gonna get alot worse, I think the next theme could be.…what? Hope? Sac­ri­fice? I really don’t know.

Dark­Tony August 19th, 2008

I didn’t read all the replies above, but what about Cain?
Cas­san­dra Cains (Bat­girl) Father? Bruce Wayne: Fugi­tive and :Mur­derer could trans­late to the big screen, espe­cially how TDK ended with Bats on the run.
Not only would this impact bat­man, but Bruce as well, Cain learns of Batman’s Secret iden­tity, and uses that as a cat­a­lyst for revenge. This would fit per­fectly into the 3rd film, with or with­out a Batgirl.

No More Mob. No crime fam­i­lies, no gangs, unless its check­mate or Inter­gang.
I want to see a vil­lian that can match wits with Bat­man, I want a Bat­man movie that shows the pub­lic why he is known as “The Worlds Great­est Detec­tive“
so far IMHO not one sin­gle bat­man movie has shown off his detec­tive skills

Willon August 19th, 2008

Hmmm, that is a good point.

Dustin August 21st, 2008

what about this have poi­son ivy as a ter­ror­ist and try to destroy gotham with daeadly tox­ins because they(and i mean Wanyne Int.) treat the envi­ro­ment badly.With the help of
Anarky she could get Gotham in need­ing bat­man agian.

Sleven August 24th, 2008

I think it would be fan­tas­tic to intro­duce cat­woman in the next film, but I think they should make her some­thing of a side char­ac­tor and let her story play out over sev­eral films. Now there are many vil­lians that would fit great into the series the best of which prob­a­bly being the Rid­dler, the Madd hat­ter, and black­mask, but for the next film I think the best char­ac­ter would be a rein­vi­sion of mr. freeze played by patrick stew­art, and although they are a lit­tle far­fetched I would also love to see clay­face, man­bat, poi­son ivey, and the evil com­puter Hardac

Kraos August 27th, 2008

I agree that Daniel Day Lewis or Tim Roth would play good vil­lians … but not the Rid­dler. Regard­less of Depp being an A-lister as of late, he would make a per­fect Rid­dler and bring a dark side (see Sweeney Todd) to the character.

Per­son­ally, I’d like to see a more ‘nor­mal human’ char­ac­ter. Let’s see more of Vic­tor Zsasz in a sub­plot like Two-Face was done. Ditch the Cat­woman idea … she’s been over­done and beat into the dirt. If a woman vil­lian is cho­sen, do Poison-Ivy and do her right.

I per­son­ally would like to see Fire­fly or Black Mask … espe­cially Black Mask. To me, Black Mask is a sicker ver­sion of the Joker (read the War Drums/Games sto­ry­line). The way he tor­tured Spoiler was sick, twisted and good to read. I think Daniel Day Lewis would be per­fect for Black Mask (see Gangs of New York). As for Roth, I have no clue who he’d be great for.

Sleven August 30th, 2008

It just accured to me that the per­fect vil­lian for the next movie will be Man-bat, because bat­man will be on the GCPD’s most wanted list and man bat will be ter­ror­iz­ing gotham esca­lat­ing the cities want to cap­ture the bat­man and pos­si­bly lead­ing to an exhon­er­a­tion for the bat­man upon man-bats cap­ture. Now I don’t think that man bat alone will be able to carry an entire movie and you would need another vil­lian in the film and I think the Rid­dler would prob­a­bly work best, and even though Nolan’s films are based in real­ity Im con­vinced that he has the abil­ity to make this char­ac­tor believable.

Chris­ten S. September 4th, 2008

on some other blog sites ive seen peo­ple throw around james franco’s name as tak­ing heath ledger’s place. dunno if that would be good or not, but per­son­ally im against bring­ing back the joker (no one could sur­pass heath) and two-face.

im also against cat­woman and penguin.

i agree with alot of peo­ple in think­ing it would be cool to see the rid­dler come in. i think he’s a char­ac­ter that could be molded to fit in with the series pretty well. but i also think another char­ac­ter that hasn’t got­ten alot of face time in the past would be cool too.

i think they intro­duced robin already, with that guy that found out about batman’s iden­tity, (or maybe im dream­ing) but per­son­ally im against doing the whole bat­man and robin thing.

Loved the Dark Knight! Bring on Num­ber 3! September 5th, 2008

OK, I dont see why some peo­ple are slag­ging off the Rid­dler as a vil­lian. The only movie ver­sion of him was played by Jim Car­rey in a com­pletly car­tooney style way and in fact so was the Joker in the very first Bat­man movie. And yet the Joker char­ac­ter still brought up so many inter­est­ing social and psy­cho­log­i­cal points in that movie. (Excel­lent por­trayal by Heath and the writ­ers much Kudos to them both)

Why not give it a shot at turn­ing the Rid­dler into a darker char­ac­ter? Why cant his rid­dles have even worse con­se­quences, more seri­ous con­se­quences if Bat­man cant fig­ure them out? All through the movies in a way Bat­man has to solve the rid­dles to get to the main objective.

As for Cat­woman, it might be a tad bit of overkill to put her in the movie after they did one of her own and stuff.…I dunno…personally I’d like to see Posion Ivy do some­thing instead if you have to have a female villian…how much ter­ror could she actu­ally bring with poi­soned every­day things that we use…such as lipstick…perfume…aftershave…possibility for mass chaos and for her side­kick Bane to come in. I dunno, think­ing as a writer here lol. :D Nice see­ing all of your opin­ions by the way, next movie, what­ever they do to it should be awsome.

Trav September 10th, 2008

I think Cat­woman would be a good addi­tion to the next movie, con­sid­er­ing one of the themes for the next movie will deal with Bruce Wayne cop­ing with a dual iden­tity. There’s a love con­nec­tion between Bruce and Selina but they just can’t be together for obvi­ous rea­sons. Rid­dler would also be good for the same theme, maybe fig­ure out Bat­man iden­tity and use it against him.
Johnny Depp would be a great Rid­dler. He can play that cool, calm, charis­matic, but evil char­ac­ter. He could also pull off the Joker part if it were a very minor role and no close-ups. Be great if they could work Harley Quinn in, Zooey Deschanel would be per­fect. If Poi­son Ivy, Ali­cia Witt would be great. And I’m down to four on Cat­woman and can’t make up my mind: Shan­nyn Sos­sa­mon, Rachel Weisz, Olivia Wilde, or Con­nie Nielsen

MW September 21st, 2008

Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist is my favorite Bat­man vil­lain and there for I agree with Bravo, that he should be in the third Bat­man movie. I think that is should be a mob war (after the events of the Joker) at the begin­ing of the movie, as the last strike of the mob in Gotham. This should run throuh the intire movie. The Black Mask (as the “cool” mob boss) and the Ven­tril­o­quist and Scar­face (as the crazy, scary and funny (with lines, not appear­ance!) mob boss). I really think that Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist should work very well in the Nolan-universe of Bat­man as a scary and crazed char­ac­ter. I also think that music can lift the char­ac­ter to another level, I imag­ine some kind of scary and mys­te­ri­ous steam organ/circus music as the theme of Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist, also (of course) with a gang­ster music twist from the ’20’s.

AD October 3rd, 2008

I’m pretty sure that Aaron Eck­hart said that two-face was “dead as a door nail.” Not that I don’t think he wouldn’t fit in the next movie, but that’s what he said. Joker shouldn’t be recast. End of story. Not only would no one be able to match Heath’s per­for­mance, if a per­son that dan­ger­ous was caught by the author­i­ties they’d never give him a chance to escape. The Joker escaped once in TDK, but that’s because he planned to. Hav­ing the Joker in the next install­ment would be unre­al­is­tic. Besides, the Joker doesn’t care if he gets caught or killed, as long as he’s caused a stir through some­one else(two-face in TDK). You could have some­one like Harley Quinn who was inspired by him and takes up the cause. Rid­dler would prob­a­bly fit best in Nolan’s uni­verse. I like the idea of the Rid­dler being a detec­tive obsessed with catch­ing Bat­man, so much so that he starts fram­ing Bat­man for really grue­some crimes. Guy Pierce would be per­fect. Per­son­ally, I find Mr. Freeze’s story most com­pelling. I’m not sure how Nolan would pull it off, as a guy in a freez­ing suit and an ice gun is pretty unre­al­is­tic, but the story would be emo­tion­ally charged. Bane is a must. His por­trayal in Bat­man and Robin made me sick. He’s a mas­ter­mind and he’s stronger than Bat­man, mak­ing him basi­cally bet­ter. But should Nolan come on board for the next install­ment I’ll trust his judge­ment for what­ever he wants to do.

Anony­mous October 19th, 2008

I think they should have the Rid­dler as the main vil­lain, and the Pen­guin as a minor side villain.

blake john­son November 14th, 2008

i think that if this movie is going to be con­cerned with wrapping-it-all-up, we should see a num­ber of vil­lains loose in gotham. i think it would be cool to see quick cameos of a hand­ful of vil­lains trans­lated for the nolan-universe. of course there would be a mas­ter­mind, the main vil­lain, who­ever that may be. i think in order to top the dark knight, bat­man needs to get busy. arkham still needs to be repop­u­lated from back in the first movie. the joker showed how to chal­lenge bat­man. i also like the idea of a detec­tive bent on cap­tur­ing bat­man, set­ting rid­dles for him and such. it would at least give gor­don a rival.

Jlacck December 15th, 2008

My thoughts… This post ear­lier makes the most sense to me:

»>“As Nolan likes the psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller angle I feel The Rid­dler will be inter­est­ing if played on the idea of the nar­cis­sist ser­ial killer (like the Zodiac killings…). The psy­cho­log­i­cally of The Rid­dler is his com­pul­sion to leave clues (like obses­sive com­pul­sion). I think if you play him on the level of The Rid­dler seek­ing to make a point or an exam­ple of some­one (almost like in Seven) you would have a really amaz­ing story. Per­haps not dress him in all those ques­tion marks, but maybe that could fac­tor in too his obses­sion (sub­tlety like ques­tion mark ties and cuff links and a ten­decy towards deep green suit jackets..)«<

I think that there are so many angles that you can take with this sort of idea. I like the idea of mak­ing the sequel with the Rid­dler as the vil­lian. I think if it can be done as a psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller with a lot of action, you can have a really deep and well sat­is­fy­ing movie. Con­sid­er­ing that the entire fran­chise has been rein­vented under Nolan’s direc­tion, I see no rea­son why the Rid­dler can’t be rein­vented either.

I do agree how­ever that The Rid­dler and the Joker might be too sim­il­iar. But I think that is why you would have to have a dif­fer­ent but solid story line to seper­ate the dif­fer­ences. I think Johnny Depp would make a ter­rific Riddler.

I also like someone’s sug­ges­tion that the next sequel should attack the Bruce Wayne char­ac­ter in some aspect. Per­haps some­one (per­haps the rid­dler maybe?) stum­bles upon his true iden­tity and decides to exploit it (but not for money).

In any case, other than these sug­ges­tions, I think Nolan should cre­ate some­body totally new and mod­ern. (or at least take an old vil­lian and make him new and mod­ern). One thing we can def­i­nitely count on… Nolan aims for real­ism. So what­ever vil­lian he picks, you can pretty much rule out any­body who’s char­ac­ter is based on hav­ing any super­nat­ural ability.

Kangga December 19th, 2008

I like the idea of seper­at­ing the vil­lains into three categories:

–The Mafia.
–The main vil­lain.
–The side villain.

The idea of hav­ing The Pen­guin as the mafia boss is great. He has what it takes. That old fash­ioned colo­nial name, the black suit, expen­sive weapons, that big fat body. It all really works. Since he is a mafia boss, they should not ven­ture much into his past. After all, Mr. Nolan made his ver­sion of Gotham as a fic­tional Chicago right? So the mafia thing is very impor­tant. And hon­estly, I can­not imag­ine any­one play­ing the role of a mob­ster bet­ter than Robert De Nero himself.

Like many agree on, The Rid­dler would be a per­fect main vil­lain. But of course, he resem­bles The Joker in many ways. Might as well have The Joker return to do the third film right? But Mr. Nolan is one of the best story tellers of our time. I’m sure he can come up with some­thing new with the help of this blog (Hehehe… seri­ously). Like the idea of an over obses­sive detec­tive leav­ing rid­dles around should be nice. The idea of a psy­cho­pathic ser­ial killer leav­ing behing rid­dles at crime scenes that result in bad con­se­quences if not solved is also a good one. But the first one should be bet­ter. Or I don’t see shy some­one like Mr. Nolan can’t think of a way to merge both our ver­sions of The Rid­dler and make one super evil, super com­plex, super twisted Rid­dler. That will surely help with the tone of the film and sur­pass The Joker, that has led to higher expec­ta­tions in a Bat­man vil­lain. Johnny Depp seems to be the most pop­u­lar first choice for The Rid­dler, just like me. But there is no doubt other dra­matic actors like Will Smith, George Clooney, Edward Nor­ton and Leonardo Dicaprio would do well. But Johnny Depp should be bet­ter if and only if Mr. Nolan plans to make the char­ac­ter more psy­chotic and weird-like.

The side vil­lain just has to be a girl, one pre­sumely to become Bruce’s next love inter­est. But of course, Bruce just lost Racheal. so it should be like the girl is after Bruce, while Bruce rejects her con­stantly not entirely because he is still recov­er­ing from his lost, but also because he feels he is cheat­ing on Racheal’s mem­ory. Cat­woman is my first choice since she leads a dou­ble life too and is beau­ti­ful and con­fused all at the same time. Her con­nec­tion with Bruce is right there! Hav­ing Poi­son Ivy as the female side vil­lain would not work out well since she she does not share much in com­mon with Bruce, thus no connection.

But the idea of keep­ing her as the main vil­lain, out to destroy Wayne Enter­price and Gotham for not being envi­ron­men­tal friendly with toxic weapons is superb and should not be wasted rival­ing The Rid­dler and could be saved for the fourth movie.

When we men­tion Cat­woman, she is famous for he clas­si­cal yet mod­ern beauty. Who else to play her role than the one of the most beau­ti­ful woman in the world — Aish­warya Rai. Not that Angelina Jolie, Kate Benkiscle, Kate Winslet and the other Hol­ly­wood actresses are not beau­ti­ful and tal­ented enough, but like some­one said — they are too Hol­ly­wood, too com­er­cial, and would over­shodow the char­ac­ter and the entire movie. Aish­warya Rai is a dra­matic actress and is also beau­ti­ful. She would fit in per­fectly for the char­ac­ter. After all, Rai is a famous star but not in the Hol­ly­wood way and adding her to the cast would be good in pro­mot­ing the film. Aftrer all who cares? She should be the minor vil­lain and hav­ing a big name would destroy it. There should also strictly be no kiss­ing or sex scenes between Bale and Rai, for Bale’s char­ac­ter is still in love with his old flame.

How come nobody has talked much about the vil­lains’ cos­tumes? Pen­guin would do well with a tux. Rid­dler might need a bright green cos­tume, but maybe the ques­tion mark thing can just be an extra acce­sory like a large chain or belt. The Cat­woman should keep her orig­i­nal cos­tume, not the flashy Halle Berry one that is too obsene for a mature film like this.

Arvind December 19th, 2008

I luv d idea of havin a main vil­lain, minor vil­lain and mafia one.

Main vil­lain should be Poi­son Ivy. She wanna destroy Gotham 4 not being envi­ro­men­tal n all dat. She destroys d city slowly with toxic make-up stuff n all dat. Great idea.

Aish­warya Rai wud b great 4 d role for she is only an upcom­ing actress. Big hol­ly­wood names would destroy Nolan’s atmosphere.

No girl vil­lain has been the main vil­lain of a major super­hero film. Dis could be a trend set­ter, and be good 4 the film.

Rai is also an inter­na­tional star. She is the top star of Bol­ly­wood, famous among Desi peo­ple around d globe, pop­u­lar in Arab coun­tries n all dat. Cast­ing her wud b great 4 pro­mo­tion like what some­one said. But keep­ing her as a side vil­lain wud b a total waste of talent.

Any ideas? What du u guyz think bout havin a girl vil­lain as d main vil­lain, and not hav­ing a big Hol­ly­wood name do that?

Lilly December 21st, 2008

I think jodi lyn o’keefe would make a great cat­woman! She has already played the good girl, bad girl char­ac­ter in prison break. She also has the per­fect facial fea­tures to play cat­woman and she is tall. I think she should be con­sid­ered as a catwoman.

Glenn December 30th, 2008

I cant believe no-one has men­tioned KING TUT as a pri­mary vil­lian. he cer­tainly hasnt been over exposed..

Fit into the story the global finan­cial crisis

He Could be some sort of Oil Baron/Shiek (rough idea here) hell bent on dom­i­nat­ing the worlds crude oil market

I dunno maybe that idea may be too big to put into a story

but def­i­nitely have the char­ac­ter, and the likes of ivy or cat­woman could 2nd him as villans..

Nicholas S. January 4th, 2009

I think that the film should have two vil­lians like the pre­vi­ous films, (Bat­man Begins-Ras Al Ghul, Scare­crow), (Dark Knight-Joker, Two-Face),
The writ­ers have expressed inter­est in using vil­lians that have not appeared in a film yet, and two inter­est­ing and so far unpor­trayed vil­lians that would do good is Black Mask and Hush, they could be foes to both Bat­man and Bruce Wayne, Hush could be a mys­te­ri­ous vig­i­lante help­ing the police hunt down Bat­man after the events of TDK, and devel­op­ing a rivalry with Com­mi­sioner Gor­don would doesn’t trust Hush, Hush secretly has a unknown per­sonal vendetta agianst Bat­man, mean­while Black Mask would be a ruth­less busi­ness leader of a com­pany involved with the mafia, and rival to Wayne Enter­prises, Black Mask is con­tacted by Hush who feels there is a con­nec­tion between Wayne enter­prises and Bat­man, the two vil­lians form an alliance, and Black Mask focuses on on expos­ing the con­nec­tion between Wayne and BAt­man, he can also be an adver­sary to Lucius Fox who runs the cor­po­ra­tion, Bat­man must face Hush who hunts him down every­where, while as Bruce Wayne, he and Fox must stop Black Mask from expos­ing his secret

EJ January 28th, 2009

they should bring back Robin

Wal­lus, W. February 8th, 2009

Okay every­one of you makes a very good point. What these new Bat­man era movies brought that no other movie or t.v. series acknowl­eged was to cre­ate the real­iza­tion to per­son­ify real human beings and not comic book char­ac­ters. This is what the pro­duc­ers and direc­tor brought to the film. Amaze­ment beyond belief. So while you guys sit there say­ing Mr. Freeze, Poi­son Ivy, Peguin are not poten­tial vil­lians… that is just not true these vil­lians cre­ated the struc­ture for Bat­man so what we must do is imag­ine how to resem­ble these char­ac­ters into our world and not based on the comics.. If you guys for­got its imag­i­na­tion… Noth­ing bad Nolan but after you have stated to peo­ple about how Robin can­not become a char­ac­ter well thats to bad because how Bat­man is being per­son­i­fied now he’ll need a side­kick to help him. What i mean is many of the peo­ple which deeply respect the Bat­man through the comic books and older films can state, “bat­man is becom­ing a punk” “Batman’s voice is just unusual” so if your mind is choos­ing a path which will become a no way out recon­sider the char­ac­ters you will poten­tially lose… So back to my state­ment about cre­ativ­ity thats what we need and we’ll cre­ate great char­ac­ters that has never been seen in his­tory such as now our new vil­lians Scare­crow, Two– Face, and the Joker. So to end this minor pas­sage we have the tech­nol­ogy and the mind power lets do some­thing about it before we destroy our past.
Thank You

P.S. Heath rest in peace, man. You gave us some­thing to never for­get now its our turn to give you some­thing. i hope we suc­cess­fully do it.


Just Find a Robin!!!! Nolan Please

Mr. Stew­art February 13th, 2009

I hon­estly agree that some­thing new can be done, and this is the time. I can say right now that Pen­guin, Cat­woman, Mr. Freeze, Poi­son Ivy, Bane or a Joker recast won’t hap­pen. We all know that The Rid­dler going to be the obveous main antag­o­nist, in which I believe David Ten­nant would be a bet­ter vil­lain than Johnny Depp. Along­side Rid­dler, I want to see a good, real­is­tic Mad Hat­ter. Think about it: They both love manip­u­lat­ing the mind and feel­ings and would be per­fect for the apoc­a­lypse Gotham faces. Bat­man is “on the run”, Rid­dler and Mad Hat­ter are manip­u­lat­ing Gotham, and test­ing all in a cruel game. I don’t know who would play The Hat­ter, but we need him there because he could work best with Rid­dler, plus he has not been done before!

Mr. Stew­art February 13th, 2009

And besides, Johnny Depp is doing The Mad Hat­ter in Tim Burton’s Alice in Won­der­land remake, there­fore can­not be the Riddler!!

bill sug­ar­baker February 13th, 2009

ya i agree with ya mr stew­art — wanna get some mad hat­ter on!

Campy Crapfest February 13th, 2009

Screw you all, screw you all!! Let’s turn Bat­man into the biggest car­toon crapfest ever…throw in Freeze, Bane, Killer Croc, Clay­face, Man­bat, Egghead, ressurect Drac­ula, give Spi­der­man a cameo, make Bat­man obese hid­ing out in an aban­doned apart­ment eat­ing crap, give Wayne Knight the role as Robin, recast the Joker to Jim Car­rey, and let the ’49 silent seri­als look good. Also, let’s give the Bat­suit cheesy foam nip­ples, make bat­man grow a mous­tache, and let Alfred be the star of the movie!!

Horhey Gon­za­lez February 13th, 2009

Hola Ami­gos!
!Hablar qiuen de Sr. Freeze es estipido! Mi amo por que de Bane o el Rid­dler tu tres de Bat­man. Adiós!

Jeff March 16th, 2009

i wanna to see pen­guin cuz he could be a good bat­man vil­lon and uses umbrel­las to kill and pengunz.

Mr Cre­osote March 28th, 2009

It could be an inter­est­ing chal­lenge to take one of the most absurd Bat­man vil­lains and find a way to make them a psy­cho­log­i­cally con­vinc­ing char­ac­ter.
How about a Bill Gates type char­ac­ter, a bil­lion­aire tech­no­log­i­cal genius (not that i’m say­ing Gates is a genius) who after a trau­matic acci­dent where he has to have his cra­nium rebuilt ends up with and oddly enlarged bald head and a tourettes like com­pul­sion to make egg puns.

bat-nick May 29th, 2009

I think Talia would be amaz­ing. After her father died in the first one when her father tried to destroy the city, She could make a come-back to her father’s plan to destroy Gothem. She could get the old fam­ily buis­ness back in buis­ness! The dark knight is yet still a young hero. With Ra’s in the first, she would make the story-line per­fect. She is the first girl vil­lian who would be the per­fect actress for her? Eva Mendes! She’d be per­fect she’s hot and she look’s egzactly like her! But she should’nt be the main vil­lian, just make sure she’s a vil­lian early, unlike what you did with Two-face in the dark night.

The main vil­lian should be the Rid­dler. He’s my favorite vil­lian! But if you do make him I hope actu­ally use rid­dles. I’m not post­ing much for Rid­dler because I want Nolan to invent him.

insano-kun June 2nd, 2009

Edward Nigma / The Rid­dler = Johnny Depp

Selina Kyle / Cat­woman = Alana de la Garza

Pamela Lil­lian Isley / Poi­son Ivy = Rachel Nichols

Oswald Chester­field Cob­ble­pot / The Pen­guin = Philip Sey­mour Hoffman

Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn = Kris­ten Bell or Rachel McAdams

bare­beau­ty­bones July 9th, 2009

Just telling you all know how much I appre­ci­ate your posts, and the fact that I found you though google :)

wishin to be Harley Quinn July 9th, 2009

HARLEY QUINN!!!! she is such a wicked sick char­ac­ter. she’s kinda like a female ver­sion of Joker just a lil more peppy. also i think there should NOT be another Joker in respect to Mr. Heath Ledger (R.I.P). it would be com­pletely rude to him and it’d be like say­ing “your act­ing wasn’t any good so where gonna replace you”. two-face can’t come back ‘cuz he’s dead! no Angelina Joelie or Johnny Depp. it should be actors adn actresses that aren’t quite known. i still say Harley Quinn should be in the movie maybe not the main but she should be in there for more than just one scene!!!!!!!!

Dr Keira Blackwell July 13th, 2009

AND What about BrainIAC ?
AND James Marsters for the role.
He has already done it once.

I wouldn’t mind Johnny Depp for Rid­dler, either. He would bring on the Jack-Sparrow-ish fun into the vil­lain.
Some­how, i can’t put off the thought of JIm Carey doing a role in bat­man 3.
I agree with the Joker’s pres­ence being felt in the movie.
A cool new female vil­lain would be good as well. So, Cat­woman.
Per­haps the movie can even show the vil­lains form­ing the Legion of Doom under the head­ship of Lex Luthor and hav­ing branches, of course.

Of course, now the movie would focus more on Batma, but,
“This city needs a bet­ter class of criminals”

cody August 12th, 2009

I think Bjork would play a great Harley Quin. They both have an out going per­son­al­ity and a lit­tle weird.

den­nis menace September 19th, 2009

I like the bat­man vil­lians from the comics from the 80’s cause they were dark, but yet quite relis­tic, yet have intrest­ing sto­ry­lines and have not been over-exposed.

1)The Reaper.… was a hard­core vil­lian, his intro lasted 4 mag­a­zines and went head to head with bat­man, also gotham thought he WAS the batman

2)black mask, we all know his story
3)KG Beast.….the most ruth­less ever, the orig­i­nal ver­sion of bane, the size of a wwe wrestler trainned in the russ­ian army, who was so ruth­less in try­ing to kill bat­man he chopped off his own hand just to make bat­man fall off a large building!!!!!!

4)galvin the exe­cu­tioner.…. the state tried to sen­tance him to death by elec­tric chair, he survied but with stronger elec­tric powers!!!!

5)rat catcher.… side villian?

6)maxie zeus.… simalr to king tut

Clay­face October 18th, 2009

I per­son­ally think the rid­dler in nolans fran­chise. I think maybe Jim Par­sons who play Shel­don Cooper in The Big Bang The­ory but Also like the ideas of Johnny Depp and Jim Carrey!!!

lee brandin detroy November 6th, 2009

who’s going to be racheal dawes in the third dark knight movie?
i think it might be umm,…maggie gwyen­nadall, as racheal dawes, with crispin glover as the joker, and with hugh lau­rie as the
mad hat­ter, and with micheal ansara as mis­ter freeze, and with
bran­don rough as super­man, and with tailia al ghul, and with
sarah michelle gel­lar as harley quinn,.…. and with the watch­men heroes,… too,… and with mor­gan free­man as luchious
fox,… and with the gotham city thugs,.… and with aaron eck­hart as two face ‚.….in the movie too, and still with my female fox friend tails miles prower /tailsko,.… please put her in the movie,.….….

rid­dler April 11th, 2010

i thinik dane cook would play a great rid­dler i could see him doing that not as mutch as i see jhon depp but what ever and who brot up the mad hat­ter… realy -.-