Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Villains for Batman 3 August 5th, 2008

Intre­pid inter­net scourer BatGirl567 has pro­vided links to two arti­cles dis­cussing the pos­si­bil­i­ties of the third Bat­man movie.

Cin­ema Blend believe that The Joker was orig­i­nally writ­ten into the first draft of a Bat­man 3 story and that all ref­er­ences have since been removed. I would inter­pret this as noth­ing more than rumor with no cred­i­ble source — mainly because their ‘scooper’ tells them that Two-Face will fea­ture promi­nently in the next film, “cov­er­ing his ori­gins” — the gen­eral con­sen­sus is that this will not hap­pen. They con­tinue to sug­gest that the graphic nov­els The Long Hal­loween and Dark Vic­tory will also be referenced.

With Two Face and the Joker gone, we need some new Vil­lains… MSNBC have some sug­ges­tions, although there are also some stark ommis­sions (Harley Quinn and Bane both being repeated sug­ges­tions in our ongo­ing dis­cus­sions). I have para­phrased, added pic­tures and pro­vided appro­pri­ate links.

Cat­woman and Talia al Ghul

[…] Jewel thief Selina Kyle [Cat­woman] is a habit­ual crim­i­nal, but she does adhere to a moral code of her own, even if it often puts her at odds with Batman.

Talia Al Ghul

[…] Talia al Ghul is per­haps even more com­pli­cated; she’s the daugh­ter of R’as al Ghul, some­times aid­ing her father’s plans for world dom­i­na­tion, and some­times sid­ing with her lover. Although Bat­man has repeat­edly foiled the ille­gal schemes of both father and daugh­ter, R’as approves of Batman’s romance with Talia and would like to see them mar­ried; in some sto­ries, Talia and Bruce Wayne even have a son.

Nolan-ability rat­ing: Cat­woman: A-. Talia al Ghul: B–
Cat­woman seems almost cer­tain to show up even­tu­ally if the cur­rent Bat­man series con­tin­ues. Talia, on the other hand, prob­a­bly won’t unless R’as al Ghul also returns, given her character’s inter­twined rela­tion­ship with both men.

Cos­tumed crime lords: Pen­guin, Black Mask, Scar­face and The Ventriloquist

[…] The dap­per, gen­tle­manly Pen­guin, […] is por­trayed these days in the comics as an eccen­tric but effi­ciently schem­ing crim­i­nal who con­trols much of Gotham City’s under­ground. Though this Penguin’s not as flam­boy­ant as past ver­sions have been, it’s still hard to take him seri­ously out of the comics’ oper­at­i­cally weird world, and Nolan him­self has said mov­ing Pen­guin into the movies would be “tricky.”

Black Mask

[…] Black Mask, a ruth­less and bru­tal crime boss who takes his name from his ebony skull dis­guise, and comes with the twist that he bears a grudge against Bruce Wayne rather than his Bat­man alter ego.

[…] Arnold Wesker, a mild-mannered ven­tril­o­quist who keeps a bloody grip on his crim­i­nal empire but will only speak though his dummy, Scar­face, a wooden doll carved to look like a 1930s gang­ster. [..] The duo would prob­a­bly be laughed out of the theater.

Black Mask would fit per­fectly, espe­cially if they need another vil­lain in Two-Face’s evil mode.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: Pen­guin: D. Black mask: B. Scar­face: D.
FofR: Black Mask is an inter­est­ing sug­ges­tion; I wouldn’t want to see a new incar­na­tion of The Penguin.

Mon­ster men: Man-Bat, Killer Croc and Clayface

[…] Man-Bat is the Mr. Hyde-like dou­ble of sci­en­tist Kirk Langstrom, who trans­forms uncon­trol­lably into a giant winged mam­mal after a lab acci­dent. Killer Croc, sim­i­larly, is a mutated beast-man who’s slowly becom­ing less human and more croc­o­dil­ian over time. […] Clay­face, but the most well-known ver­sion is a blob­like crea­ture that can change its shape and eats humans to survive.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: B+ for all three. “Overtly fan­tas­ti­cal ele­ments.“
FofR: Mon­sters in Nolan’s uni­verse? I don’t see it hap­pen­ing — the power of The Dark Knight lies with its sto­ry­line firmly rooted in reality.

The puz­zlers: The Rid­dler and Cluemaster

[…] Edward “Rid­dler” Nygma wears a trade­mark green suit cov­ered with ques­tion marks […]. His jester-like qual­i­ties some­times make him some­thing of a low-rent Joker, but lately in the comics he’s turned over a new leaf and rein­vented him­self as a detec­tive, solv­ing puz­zles instead of cre­at­ing them.

[…] Clue­mas­ter, who turned to a life of crime as after being fired from his high-profile TV job, with a sig­na­ture attention-grabber of leav­ing clues behind for Bat­man to fol­low. Even the Rid­dler, not exactly the least gim­micky of vil­lains, felt con­tempt for Cluemaster’s shtick, which he thought was a rip-off of his own.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: The Rid­dler: B. Clue­mas­ter: D.
The Riddler’s appar­ently got a pretty good shot at a future film, if you can believe com­ments made recently by Gary Old­man [any­one have a link to these com­ments?]. “Doc­tor Who” star David Ten­nant report­edly would love to do it.

Penny Plun­derer

[…] Joe Coyne’s par­tic­u­lar pec­ca­dillo was pos­si­bly the most pathetic of any of them: He was obsessed with pen­nies, going to ludi­crous lengths to steal rare coins and one-cent stamps, and defended him­self by hurl­ing rolls of cop­per coins at Batman’s head.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: C-. “He’d work as comic relief” — [no he wouldn’t]
FofR: No.


[…] A pair of twins [from the 1960s tele­vi­sion show] — famous pianist Chan­dell and his evil brother Harry, who schemed to steal a for­tune from Batman’s Aunt Har­riet and black­mail his own brother in the bargain.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: D-. […] “camp,” exactly what Nolan’s avoid­ing.
FofR: No.

[…] Bat­man has his own mag­i­cal imp who pops in every now and then to sow trouble.

Nolan-ability Rat­ing: F.
FofR: Not a chance, seems like this writer was lazy in their vil­lain short­list — seri­ously.. Bat Mite!?

Also, whilst I am going over the vil­lains, remem­ber Zsasz in Bat­man Begins?

Know a lot about Bat­man villains?

We’re look­ing for some peo­ple to make Bat­man 3 vil­lain pro­pos­als whilst pro­vid­ing some solid ground­ing to sup­port them. We’d like to have some arti­cles cov­er­ing the lesser known poten­tials for Nolan’s straight-up Bat­man uni­verse. Con­tact us

Comments 57 Responses to “Villains for Batman 3”

DAVID S. August 5th, 2008

Have Talia Al Ghul in the next film and have Jen­nifer Con­nelly play her. I would love to see the Pen­guin too. And have Bob Hoskins play him. As for Man Bat, Clay­face, and Killer Croc do not put them in thr third film. As cool it would be to see any one of these mon­sters it wouldn’t fit into Nolan’suniverse of Bat­man. And Rid­dler, have either Johnny Depp or Jude Law play the puz­zler. I’d say have Vic­tor Fries in the film, and have him work with Lucius Fox in Applied Sci­ence at Wayne Enter­prise. Black Mask and Scar­face and the Ven­tril­o­quist are also good char­ac­ters to be in the third.

Keith August 5th, 2008

i don’t have any Arti­cles; but, here’s a sug­ges­tion for two vil­lains in a third film.

Cat­woman and Black Mask.

Both char­ac­ters have had his­tory with EACH OTHER in the comics. Both are grounded in some sort of real­ism and both fit the pro­file of Nolan’s Gotham and the events that have hap­pened in BB and TDK.

After putting the Joker away; Bat­man becomes a wanted crim­i­nal; but, still fights on the streets of Gotham. Bruce Wayne has fallen into some sort of seclu­sion and has not been seen as the party boy he once was. Media blames in on the Death Of Rachel Dawes.

Mean­while a Jewel Thief comes to town and steals a Fab­rege egg (or some­thing) Bat­man hunts this thief and dis­cov­ers that it is in fact a clever woman who man­ages to escape his grasp.

Some­where else; the mob is in dire straights; with Gam­bol, Maroni, Lau and the Chechen leader dead; the mob has been hold­ing on for dear life. But a new man appears and promises that he can bring Gotham back to the mob with ease; that Gotham is weak and all you have to do is show them that if they can get Gotham’s Prince then they can get the prince’s riches and re-fund them­selves. Black Mask clearly has a grudge against Bruce Wayne and wants him destroyed one way or another.

Mean­while Bat­man finds him­self with feel­ings for Cat­woman and Bruce feel­ings for a one Selena Kyle…blah blah blah…Batmobile. “How can I love after Rachel?” Black Mask goes after Selena not sus­pect­ing she can defend herself…showdown; Batman/Bruce sees Selena is Cat­woman he feels betrayed. “How can I love and aide a criminal?”

You know the drill; it has pos­si­bil­i­ties for a great drama in my opinion.

har­bong August 5th, 2008

I think the rid­dler would be a great addi­tion to the third film, and a great ‘nolan twist’ could be that he never is shown on screen, just a bunch of zodiac-style let­ters and stuff, and sets traps for bat­man…
and then in the end, it’s the police who are using “the rid­dler” as a way to lure and catch bat­man and try him for his crimes!

Vod­ka­hand­stand August 5th, 2008

Why is every­one count­ing two face out? He could be locked up in Arkham right now we never see him die or him dead (his eyes closed already would indi­cate just knocked out) the funeral scene could just have been what they did so the pub­lic wouldn’t know the truth that the white knight is in the same place the Joker went. How cool would that be if thats part of the next film? Keep­ing the truth away from Gotham’s cit­i­zens because it’ll destroy them (though in a dif­fer­ent way than DK ends) and his antics what­ever they may be hav­ing to be cov­ered up.

I think the Rid­dler would work the best but who knows until they start talk­ing about the theme.

Also no huge stars for vil­lians, Heath was a big name before this but he wasnt up there with Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie (and despite being well known nei­ther is Liam Nee­son or Cil­lian Muprhy) I can­not see it going like that at all and if it does I think it will be a misstep.

Jen­nifer Con­nely for Talia though, nice sug­ges­tion (and I’m hop­ing it hap­pens too now).

If they go with the Rid­dler I’d like to see what Guy Pearce could do maybe.

The real ques­tion is how are they going to out do what they did in the Dark Knight? Really if they didn’t make a 3rd one I’d totally under­stand and be cool with it (though dis­ap­pointed) but prob­a­bly with how much its mak­ing thats not a possibility.

Keith August 5th, 2008

Two-Face is dead.

It says it in the script.

mikeys­hazam August 5th, 2008

Black Mask — Believ­able
Rid­dler — Believ­able as an infor­mant (i.e. ( Long Hal­loween or Hush)
Pen­guin– believ­able only if try­ing to run the Ice­berg lounge or as an arms dealer.
Fire­fly — believ­able & would pro­vide some flair con­sid­er­ing he has a rocket pack & all & is an arson­ist.
Enfer(from Bat­man Inferno novel)- believ­able , arson­ist dra­matic, poetic n tries to play with the Joker.
War­ren White (aka Great White Shark)- Runs ille­gal activ­i­ties out of Arkham Asy­lum / can be used in a believ­able way.
Dead­shot — used in Gotham Knight could be brought back.
Killer Croc– used in Gotham Knight / less believ­able in the Sil­ver Screen

BatGirl567 August 6th, 2008

I had an idea. Please Read!! I though hard about this.
What if…?

Selina Kyle grows up in the slums, an orphan with a kind but elderly fos­ter care­taker. Some­how, she con­vinces her­self to become some­what of a robin-hood, steal­ing from those–and only those–who can afford it. But she hoards it for her­self; climb­ing in social status/rank until she’s in with the élite of Gotham, liv­ing in a fancy apart­ment (Bruce’s same build­ing). In present Gotham time (Bat­man 3), she is not Cat­woman yet. She is inspired by Bat­man, and dis­cov­er­ing that a reg­u­lar thief is too petty for BATMAN, she switches out her reg­u­lar theiv­ing gear for the Cat Ears, claws, whip, and jumpsuit–NO WHISKERS OR TAIL–. This does attract his atten­tion, and they find some kind of mag­netic attrac­tion. HOWEVER–She has had her own expe­ri­ence with the Joker–who is now in Arkham, bid­ing his time, i sup­pose–, But Bat­man does not want to encour­age crim­i­nal­ity, but they both admire each other; he has finally found his equal; she’s just as or almost as dan­ger­ous as he is.

After the long and bru­tal events of his last encounter with the Joker, etc., Bruce has removed him­self a bit from the play­boy lifestyle. Sto­ries vary through­out the tabloids. He is slightly depressed-having lost Rachel, On the run as Batman-now a marked crim­i­nal, His health is declining-b/c of all his late night out­ings, and on top of it, a cun­ning, nar­cis­sis­tic detec­tive in the M.C.U. is on to Batman’s true iden­tity, and will stop at noth­ing to reveal it to the world. At least the mob is dying down.

Just when Bruce CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE…
Comes Selina.

They know each other from the same social class, apt. build­ing, and other places, but they are really see­ing each other for the first time, per­haps caused by the pre­vi­ous events. Really, She’s not a bad per­son; she vol­un­teers her time and resources at the Fos­ter Home, which helped her. And is a BIG Bat­man sup­porter. She debates, states it clearly, and vouches for him every time. This attracts Bruce/Batman’s atten­tion in another way, too. He wants her, and she loves him…but he feels it would insult Rachel’s mem­ory, or he just can’t love after that. After Alfred hears that crap, he wishes he hadn’t burned that let­ter from Rachel. So, in his more inspi­ra­tional voice, he explains that Rachel left a let­ter and loved Dent, not him, but he burned the let­ter. Bruce will be moody for a while, but once he see Selina again, he can’t help but at least try a real rela­tion­ship. They get into a fierce, strong rela­tion­ship. They depend on each other to be the only per­son who truly under­stands them. I was also think­ing that BRUCE could meet Cat­woman by her try­ing to rob him, but he thwarts her, and they dis­cover each oth­ers true iden­ti­ties, which only strength­ens their rela­tion­ship. So, they belong together. YES.

I think that the Rid­dler should have an important-ish role in this film, with a mod­ern twist, as the detec­tive who finds out who Bat­man is.
I would also like to see MR.Freeze, Dr.Fries, emerge some­how. Pos­si­bly work­ing in some type of sci­ence or engi­neer­ing at Wayne Enterprises.

Harvey-Two-Face is DEAD, every­one. No more of him.


ahead­ofthe­curve August 6th, 2008

as respon­sew to vod­ka­hand­stand… i also thought about guy pearce as the rid­dler. i think that since he already did memento with nolan, they would work really well together and bring some seri­ous chem­istry to table. i really like the idea of the rid­dler work­ing for the mcu to find out who bat­man really is, but there has to be some­thing that makes him go to the “bad side”. per­haps obses­sion? you can’t really play the crazy card too much. my only prob­lem with the rid­dler is his real name. i don’t know if christo­pher nolan would want a char­ac­ter with a name as silly as e. nygma to be in his real­is­tic take on the bat­man world.

two face can go either way. he served his pur­pose in the last film, but since i doubt they are bring­ing the joker back, it’s kind of hard to lose two of batman’s biggest vil­lains at the same time. i think it would be cool to have two face come back in the next film to keep the vibe that true evil is still out there in gotham city. but he could eas­ily be killed off right in the mid­dle of the movie as the rid­dler gains his momen­tum as the main villain.

i don’t really see enough incen­tive for cat­woman to be there except for love inter­est. even then, batman/bruce has enough to worry about.

i don’t know if enough peo­ple would take the pen­guin seriously.

i’m all for hav­ing a “minor” vil­lain like black mask show up, just because it would work great for the story if done right. but i think that a notable vil­lain is needed to bring out a crowd for this movie like they did for the dark knight.

Mikey August 6th, 2008

Main vil­lains:
Bane, Death­stroke, Black­Mask, Hush
Side Vil­lains:
Killer Croc, Anarky(He isn’t a vil­lain), Deadshot(Only with Black Mask) Prometheus(only with Hush) Rid­dler.
Woman vil­lains:
Harley Quinn, Cat­woman, Talia al Ghul.
Robin, Nightwing, or Batgirl(not Barabra only the one whos whole face is covered.)Huntress.
They prob­a­bly should only intro­duce the side­kick at the end but not even have him be a side­kick just have bruce take him in.
My picks:
Black­Mask with Dead­shot
Anarky(Have the pub­lic turn to him since they are against Bat­man)
Talia al Ghul
And at the end have Harley Quinn and intro­duce Dick Grayson but not as robin or nightwing just as a teenager whos par­ents just died and bruce wayne take him in.

Mikey August 6th, 2008

If hav­ing Death­stroke which I have heard some fans cry out for because he is the smartest vil­lain in the Dc uni­verse I think he should also have his daugh­ter as a sidekick.

Have the Cas­san­dra Cain ver­sion of Bat­girl, she is very dark, her father even framed Bat­man.
So it would be Bat­man and Bat­girl against Death­stroke and his daughter.

But I dunno if that would make for a good movie.

If Hush is done
Hush with his Side­kick Prometheus.
Huah could touch up on bruces past that we haven’t seen as him as a child with freinds.
But if they have prometheus he is a wor­thy foe on his own so it could make for a pretty good movie just those two vil­lains.
Maybe have Cat­woman and help Bat­man take down these two.
Who knows I’ve had lots of thoughts about movies since I like to read the comics. (No not the same sto­ry­lines as the comics)

If they have Talia al Ghul maybe have her take over the league of shad­ows but we don’t there is a league of shad­ows till the end of the movie. Angelina jolie would make a great Talia and a Bad Catwoman.

Rus­sel Crowe would make a great Black Mask.

Mikey August 6th, 2008

Lesser Known Vil­lains:
KGBeast, Zeiss, Abat­toir, Amyg­dala,
Zeiss was hired by the mob and fought Bat­man to a stand still.
Abat­toir killed his par­ents and wants to kill his fam­ily he is an insane per­son.
Amyg­dala has enchanced Strength and goes on rages but when he is prop­erly med­icated he is very peace­ful.
KGBeast trained by the sovi­ets great at fight­ing and a force to be reck­oned with even­tu­ally loses his hand and replaces it with a cyber­netic gun.

I dunno if they should use any of these except for Zeiss, Mob can hire him to take down bat­man but thats to much of the same as the dark knight.

Keith August 6th, 2008

Some­times it’s like you guys haven’t seen the films Christo­pher Nolan has created…

Jimbo August 6th, 2008

Where did you find a script that says Two-Face is dead? I’d like a link. I don’t think he’s dead.

mike bunt August 6th, 2008

isn’t Mr Reese the Rid­dler?
plus i think Two Face sur­vived the fall. (Mar­roni suri­v­ived a sim­i­lar fall and there’s no body or cof­fin at the end, i think)
if Cat Woman is in the film she should want revenge on Scare­crow for dri­ving Fal­cone insane (pos­si­bly her father in the com­cis)
Talia al Ghul would be pretty cool too.
i’d love to see Tim­o­thy Spall play the Mad Hatter.

Miss Kitty Fantastico August 6th, 2008

I still have hope for Harley Quinn. Maybe as a Joker copy­cat or some­one who’s car­ry­ing out his crimes from the inside (just so it keeps the whole Dr. Quinzel thing).

I see Cat­woman as a very real pos­si­bil­ity though as well as the Rid­dler. And per­son­ally? I think David Ten­nant could do it.

Aaron B. August 6th, 2008

I would def­i­nitely want to see Harley Quinn in cameo appear­ance get­tin into the mind of the Joker for all us die hard fans.

TWO-FACE, I dont believe is dead and if the writ­ers are going to bor­row from the Long Hal­loween, and its sequel Dark Vic­tory, then it would make sense to bring Har­vey back, but not as a main vil­lian, maybe as an aid to Black Mask.
I think Har­vey needs to find redemption.

Black Mask would be a per­fect main vil­lain as head of the MOB and vil­lain to Bruce.

Edward Nash­ton “Riddler”-working for the cops to find Batman’s iden­tity would work per­fect, then get­ting screwed over by Gotham’s finest which leads him to become a even more nar­cis­sis­tic psy­cho , but please no comedic Rid­dler, we really need an obses­sive person.

It would be nice to bring in Selina Kyle, but I dont think yet as Cat­women, maybe we can get in depth with her past and ori­gins. And sup­pos­edly shes the daugh­ter of Fal­cone, maybe that could play into that element.


Jesse August 6th, 2008

MR. Freeze! And its win­ter in Gotham. That would make for one bada** Nolan film!

couche-tarde August 6th, 2008

what about lex luthor? i am thinkin exo-suit style… kevin spacey was my favorite part of super­man returns! hav­ing a vil­lian w/o super­pow­ers per se, seems to fit the nolan scheme (2face, joker, scare­crow, ras). and remem­ber lex is DC so it might be a real­is­tic take. i think he could do some­thing pretty ter­ri­ble (and if they want to “kill” bat­man and leave the door wide open for a crazy take on super­man…) i think that this next film will be end of the nolan-bale vision (at least thats what i thought, i sure hope NOT!). eh?


and accord­ing to my dreams… claire danes as posion ivy!!!!!!!!!! sorry i had to add that!

couche-tarde August 6th, 2008

o-yeah and pleeeeese throw in kevin con­roy a cameo!!!! he has paid his dues.

best bat­men

tied for first — keaton and bale
sec­ond — con­roy
third — west
fourth — kilmer
fifth — vacant
sixth — vacant
sev­enth — clooney, i guess.

Moses August 6th, 2008

I think the Rid­dler will be in the third film, which should be called “The Caped Cru­sader”, and i think Black mask should deff be in too.

I think the Pen­guin could have a very small part with a hint to a future movie, why not have him have a small part as an arms dealer or mob­ster that Bat­man hunts down just for infor­ma­tion and is not put away for any­crimes just a nor­mal mobster.

Keith August 7th, 2008

There’s an Art­work book; that has the script in the back of the book; if you both­ered to take the time you will see it explains like this:

“Both Bat­man and Dent fall off; Dent Hits the grown he is DEAD; Bro­ken neck…”

In the script DEAD is cap­i­tal­ized and in bold print.

End of story.

Harleen Quinzell August 7th, 2008

Yes, Har­vey Dent is dead. How­ever, that doesn’t mean that Two Face is. After all, there may be a funeral for Har­vey Dent, but there was no sign of a body or cof­fin dur­ing that scene. So I def­i­nitely wouldn’t rule him out as one of the next villians.

I also think there’s a good chance for Cat­woman because of the whole “It works well against cats” ref­er­ence, which is sim­i­lar to the Two Face ref­er­ence Bruce makes in Bat­man Begins.

If any­thing, I’m really hop­ing Harley Quinn will be in the next one. Accord­ing to IMDB, “There is a doc­tor in the hos­pi­tal with a very sim­i­lar name to Harleen Quinzell on her name tag, which might be a nod to Harley Quinn for future install­ments,” so I’ll keep my fin­gers crossed.

Saxophone7770 August 7th, 2008

Con­cept for the sequel to “The Dark Knight”

After the events of “The Dark Knight”, Bat­man is labeled a crim­i­nal. Rather than have the sup­port of Cit­i­zens for Bat­man he is now being under sur­veil­lance by pub­lic watches and under­cover police. Believ­ing that Bat­man had killed Har­vey Dent, the cit­i­zens of Gotham City are more inter­ested in the cap­ture of bat­man rather than his exploits of hero­ics. With this in mind, it is almost impos­si­ble for Gor­don to meet with Bat­man leav­ing him with the only pos­si­ble way to get infor­ma­tion, Oswald Chester­field Cob­ble­pot. (note: In sev­eral comic issues Bat­man has been known to get infor­ma­tion from known felons in exchange for leav­ing their oper­a­tions alone, includ­ing Cobblepot)

Main Vil­lain -

Oswald Chester­field Cob­ble­pot (AKA Pen­guin)
–Cob­ble­pot is a arms dealer who is in com­pe­ti­tion with Wayne Enter­prises for Mil­i­tary con­tracts. Cob­ble­pot moved to Gotham from Lon­don after is mother passed away and started his side busi­ness, the 1920’s themed night­club “The Ice­berg Lounge” (this would explain the tuxedo). He has two pas­sions in life — Money and Power. After the death of Maroni, Cob­ble­pot sees an oppor­tu­nity to estab­lish him­self in the crim­i­nal under­world even though he has only dealt in small time crimes. He sets up a meet­ing with the heads of the major crime fam­i­lies and expresses his inter­est in join­ing them stress­ing that he has the Bat and the gov­ern­ment in his back pocket. They laugh and think is just a crim­i­nal wannabe. Cobblepot’s greed leaves him with one choice, to kill all of the major heads of the crime fam­i­lies and assume con­trol of Gotham Cities underworld.

Sec­ondary Villain -

Edward Nash­ton (AKA The Rid­dler)
–Nash­ton has had prob­lems with men­tal ill­ness for many years. Mul­ti­ple med­ica­tions and psy­chi­a­trists later, he is still not cured of his obses­sion. His obses­sion — mur­der. After each mur­der he leaves a call­ing card in the shape of a rid­dle with a ques­tion mark on the front of it (Sort of Zodiac killer which the papers refer to him as “The Rid­dler”). Cob­ble­pot real­izes that in order to take con­trol of Gotham’s under­world he would need some­one with a gift for killing and some­one who could cause chaos and throw off Bat­man. Cob­ble­pot decides to use Riddler’s ser­vices as a paid assas­sin in order to help him acheive his goal off greed.

Major changes the villains:

Pen­guin – He is not referred to as the pen­guin but at a key scene of the movie he explains that kids called him Pen­guin and he later killed them. As a child he was called a pen­guin because he had a hook nose and car­ried an umbrella. The rea­son for the umbrella was that his mother forced him to carry it after his father died of pneu­mo­nia from a down­pour. His cig­a­rette is changed to a cigar to mimic a Win­ston Churchill vibe. His mon­o­cle is replaced with a pair of glasses. He is British in a sort of homage to Burgess Merideth’s British accented pen­guin. Because he his an arms dealer he is able to have cus­tom made a com­pact machine gun fit­ted into his umbrella (he only uses this once to kill the off the rest of the mobsters).

Rid­dler – In this ver­sion he returns to a more minor role like in the first comics. He is a hench­man because of his craft to kill and he is able to throw of bat­man and cause chaos. (Cob­ble­pot is not crazy so in order to throw of bat­man like the joker did he needs the help of another lunatic) Riddler’s appear­ance is sim­ple and less gim­icy than the comic books. He dresses like the paint­ing “The Son of Man” by Rene Magritte. (Nash­ton is obsessed with this paint­ing and has copies of it all over his apart­ment) He wears a green tie and green party mask. A lit­tle sha­bier cloth­ing like the joker in The Dark Knight. He does not have a ques­tion mark on his cloth­ing except for the rid­dles he leaves have a ques­tion mark on the envelope.

Keith August 7th, 2008

Nolan said he didn’t want to do Penquin…

Dent/Two-Face whatever…is dead. He broke is neck. The end. Please stop talk­ing about him; BELIEVE the director

Jimbo August 8th, 2008

Where did the direc­tor say that?

tyler August 8th, 2008

Okay, I think they bring back two impor­tant characters

1) the joker — They didn’t give him an ori­gin story like in the killing joke, we need a trial for him, fol­low­ers, and just because he’s the best bat­man villian.

2) two-face — He should be turned into a vil­lian but become a hero.

We also need another vigilante.

cat­woman — She fought along with bat­man to destroy the mob and prrr­fect romance between her and bat­man and their alter egos.

An ordi­nary cit­i­zen cor­rupted by the joker.

Mike Engel aka Rid­dler — He obsessed about bat­man in he dark knight.

Finally, a mob boss.

Black mask — Sal Maroni burnt in the car accident.

So yeah.

kun­deremp August 8th, 2008

love the idea of your Cat­woman,
that’s what I had in mind on other post. But I don’t like the end of your story. Find­ing Catwoman’s iden­tity should not make their rela­tion­ship stronger instead but put Wayne into dis­trust and dilemma.

But still, it is not enough to (quot­ing ahead­ofthe­curve) bring out a crowd as a main villain.

Pen­guin can be put on Nolan’s uni­verse if he is not the main vil­lain but an annoy­ing, self­ish, legit­i­mate Busi­ness­man (think about William Earle from Bat­man Begins).

I still pre­fer the for­got­ten ‘Anarky’ (cre­ated by Alan Grant). Because if he become the main vil­lain, Bat­man should face the whole Gotham low-economy-class cit­i­zen which sup­port Anarky.

DAVID S. August 8th, 2008

If there gonna be more than 2 to 3 vil­lians in this movie then this movie might just sink very low like all these other tril­ogy movies. Just keep the Rid­dler and Talia Al Guhl but, that’s it.

tyler August 8th, 2008

But the joker need’s more of a back­story and fol­low­ers because he was the main vil­lian but it wasn’t focused on him and i would be majorly point­less for cat­woman and bat­man to reveal their iden­ti­ties to each other. The Peguin is too campy. But it would have to leave of what hap­pened in the dark knight like the joker would have a trial because arkham might shut down and jail wouldn’t be good because he’ll escape and his fol­low­ers might get him out, Sal might sur­vive but become black mask, Joker needs to cor­rupt Mike Engel, Cat­woman will fight the mob with bat­man and Two face should turn him­self in and help batman.

Jester August 9th, 2008

Have ” Two face” included in the third one at a time Gotham was col­laps­ing into pieces again. Two face plus gotham col­laps­ing will chal­lenge Bat­man. and Add The Rid­dler. I’m sure Chris Nolan can make him a very inter­est­ing char­ac­ter. No Cat­woman, no Jolie, this will ruin the movie. and last but not least, Talia will make Bruce’s new love interest.

Michael Rodriguez August 9th, 2008

Michael says:

I have dif­fer­ent alter­na­tives for bat­man 3 that just might work.

Since bat­man is seen as a crim­i­nal, the police have wanted signs for him. A per­son called Edward Nigma emerges as a per­son who is going to find the true iden­tity of bat­man and receive fame as a detective.

I like the idea of cat­woman by batgirl567. Nolan can do that, as a villain/love inter­est. And maybe include another minor vil­lain and mob dealer.

Or: We could have Rid­dler, cat­woman, and Pen­guin as the mob crim­i­nal is out to find out what really hap­pened to harvey.Bruce to pre­vent this, he beggs lucius to help him again.And have two-face in it too as a camio like what they did to crane in tdk. So the vil­lains would be Rid­dler, cat­woman, PENGUIN and his hench­man which could include 1 or 2 other not­i­ca­ble viilains. And a mob vil­lain who is work­ing for pen­guin like Maroni for Joker. And then in theend when Bat­man is seen as a hero and Harvey’s secret is still kept secret, cat­woman dies trieng to pro­tect Bat­man in a bat­tle with Rid­dler and Pen­guin. And in the end, Wayne manor is build, bruce opens the door and says ” whATS’S YOUR NAME” SHE SAYS ” I’M VICKY VALE” DUN, DUN, DUN.


DAVID S. August 9th, 2008

How about Sheri Moon Zom­bie play Harley Quinn and Rob Zom­bie come up with the cos­tume for her, it’ll be pretty fuck­ing demonic. Jude Law play the Rid­dler, Johnny Depp as Black Mask, Jen­nifer Con­nolly as Talia Al Guhl, and Bob Hoskins as the Pen­guin. And of course have Aaron Eck­hart and Chris­t­ian Bale as their reg­u­lar char­ac­ters. Plus at the end have Two Face find out that Bruce Wayne is Bat­man by the help of Riddler.

Tim August 10th, 2008

First off, I hon­estly believe that there shouldn’t be a third. It would be hard to beat TDK and it and its sequel stand together per­fectly. They’ll defi­nately do a sequel though, whether the Nolans have any­thing to do with it or not, because Warner Bros made way too much this go around to let it sit.

They could do more with The Joker. I wouldn’t want them to, because of Heath Ledger’s out­stand­ing per­for­mance, and a lot of peo­ple wouldn’t want them to either. How­ever, The Nolan duo are very smart and even though they don’t want to dis­re­spect Heath or any­thing, they’d put The Joker back in a heart beat if it were a com­pelling story.

As for vil­lains, I also really like the Black Mask. Cat­woman, maybe. The smartest thing done in The Dark Knight was to kill Rachel. It moved the Story to a whole new level and made it more adult. The Superman/Louis Lane Spider-man/Mary Jane thing is fun and all, but noth­ing unex­pected. With that said, I think it would be a good idea to leave a love inter­est to the side lines, or minor at best.

The Rid­dler maybe (no Johnny Depp. he’d be decent at best as The Rid­dler. Besides, Tim Bur­ton already had his spin with Bat­man). Mr. Reese as the Rid­dler is a nice thought, but I don’t think it will happen.

The Pen­guin no way. A big name for big names sake is pointless.

Either way, The Dark Knight made a lot of oppor­tu­nity. Because of the huge sucess of TDK. A third install­ment will already have a large audi­ence from the get go; despite the vil­lain or the Nolan’s involve­ment. Because of that (if they do it) The Nolans can make a really pow­er­ful, dark, almost indie for lack of a bet­ter term of a movie. Because of that they can use a lesser known vil­lain that would make a bet­ter story.

Agen­toinge August 11th, 2008

when they wrote the script I doubt they knew Heath was going to die so thats prob­a­bly why they killed off Two Face, now that things have changed I dont see why it would be a prob­lem to bring him back which would be way bet­ter than try­ing to recast the joker.

hope­fule August 14th, 2008


Here’s my take on Bat­man 3. I’ve taken a sim­i­lar direc­tion. Let me know what you guys think.

Com­mis­sion Gor­don has formed a task force to catch a cop killer called the “Hang­man” who turns out to be Boss Maroni’s wife out for revenge after Har­vey Dent killed her hus­band. Bat­man is still on the run from the cops and the very vig­i­lantes he inspired and is now being hunted by hit­men hired by the “Hangman”.

Mean­while, the Board of Direc­tors at Wayne Enter­prises is secretly ques­tion­ing Fox’s capac­ity to run the com­pany. The Board has become increas­ing sus­pi­cious of Fox after he pro­mote Reese to run the weapons depart­ment. How­ever this was actu­ally Bruce’s deci­sion which causes a rift between Bruce and Fox. Fox advises Bruce that Reese isn’t to be trusted and that putting him in this posi­tion is dan­ger­ous for the both of them. Bruce calms Fox by telling him that it would be bet­ter to keep Reese close so they can keep an eye on him.

Mean­while, Reese is enjoy­ing his new posi­tion of power even though his rep­u­ta­tion has been destroyed after he refused to give up Batman’s iden­tity. Reese while loyal to Bruce comes to resent Bat­man because of the risks to his own self inter­est. He knows that if some­thing should hap­pen to Bruce he would lose everything.

Bat­man and Gor­don meet for the first time in months when a group of Joker copy­cats lead by Harley Quinn ambush Gor­don and his men. Bat­man swoops in and cap­tures Quinn. Gor­don and Bat­man dis­cuss the past few months. Gor­don tells Bat­man that cyber-crime has jumped sug­gest­ing crim­i­nals are still scared to walk the streets. Bat­man agrees telling him the pow­er­ful crim­i­nal left in Gotham is a mere two bit drug dealer (the Scare­crow). Gor­don admits that it is get­ting bet­ter but he wor­ries that out­siders may move in to fill the void left by the Joker.

Mean­while, Scare­crow meets with an arms dealer to buy knock-off bat weapons and is quickly over­pow­ered by the Penguin’s men. Scare­crow nearly faints when he learns from the goons that the Pen­guin is in Gotham. Pen­guin then enters the room and wants to know who is sup­ply­ing Scare­crow with the weapons being sold on the black mar­ket. Scare­crow swears they aren’t Penguin’s weapons and explains that his weapons are blown up bat toys and that his only rea­son to sell is because weapons are the new drugs in Gotham since every­one is buy­ing them to hunt the Bat­man. Pen­guin explains the art of war to Scare­crow and that Bat­man is noth­ing with­out his supe­rior weapons. Pen­guin explains his plan deal with Bat­man. First they need to level the play­ing field so they’ll arm all of Gotham with Pen­guins weapons to keep Bat­man off bal­ance. Then they move in and steal Batman’s weapons. And then sell him more weapons. Pen­guin laughs as we under­stand that he is using Bat­man to boost his sales.

Mean­while at Wayne Enter­prises, Reese becomes even more des­per­ate after Fox threat­ens to fire him when an entire weapons ship­ment com­ing up miss­ing (which was actu­ally stolen by the Pen­guin). Reese inves­ti­gates online pos­ing as a weapons dealer sell­ing blue prints for some of the bat toys using the Alias Mr. E. The Pen­guin con­tacts him and makes him an offer he can’t refuse when Pen­guin offers him enough money to buy enough shares in Wayne Enter­prise to stage a hos­tile takeover.
How­ever, Pen­guin is secretly using Reese to find the source of the Bat Toys and has already hired a spy with­out a name and armed her with his own weapons. Her mis­sion is to dis­cover the iden­tity of Mr. E at Wayne Enter­prises and to steal his Bat toys. She becomes known on the streets as the Cat­woman after tor­tur­ing thugs for info by scratch­ing their faces to shreds with her claws. She goes under­cover at Wayne Enter­prises using the name Selina Kyle and becomes Fox’s new assis­tant believ­ing that he is Mr. E. She begins to fill Bruce in on the day to day oper­a­tions at Wayne Enter­prises as Bruce’s rela­tion­ship with Fox falls apart. She then begins dat­ing Bruce while secretly steal­ing his bat toys with­out actu­ally know­ing he’s Batman.

Mean­while, the Pen­guin lets Reese know that he’s out of the loop. Reese puts things together and real­izes that Pen­guin hired a cor­po­rate spy to steal the weapons under his nose to set him up as the fall guy. Reese comes up with a plan to cover up his deeds as he installs a weapons grade com­puter virus under his con­trol at Wayne Enter­prises and uses it to shut down crit­i­cal points of Gotham’s infra­struc­ture. How­ever, Reese isn’t a killer so he uses puz­zle that only Bat­man can solve in order to divert Bruce’s atten­tion away from focus­ing on the stolen bat toys on the streets. Gor­don dubs the man behind this as “the Rid­dler.” While Bat­man is kept busy solv­ing puz­zles before the pro­gram shuts down another sec­tion of the city Reese begins cov­er­ing up his crimes by wip­ing files and shred­ding documents.

How­ever, Selina finds Reese’s files stored on her flash drive and learns that Bruce is Bat­man and Reese is the Rid­dler. Reese catches her using his com­puter and alerts the police that there is cor­po­rate spy at Wayne Enter­prises. Bruce arrives and is shocked to find the spy is Selina as she begs him to for­give her. When the police arrive, Reese shocks every­one when he points the fin­ger at Bruce know­ing that Bruce will be unable to account for his nights out as Bat­man and will have to take a plea deal which should force the board to force Bruce out as major­ity stock­holder mak­ing Reese the new major­ity owner of Wayne Enter­prises. As Bruce is lead away in hand­cuffs, Reese can­cels the virus pro­gram as the City regains power.

Selina leaves Wayne Enter­prises to meet with the Pen­guin. She tells him that Bruce is the Bat­man. The Pen­guin wants the rest of his bat toys and names of his sup­pli­ers. Scare­crow wants revenge. So they all hatch a plan to break Bruce out of Jail. Dur­ing the escape, Cat­woman dou­ble crosses Scare­crow and Pen­guin as she and Bruce escape. She then tasks off her masks reveal­ing her­self to Bruce.

The city goes black again when the Pen­guin restarts the virus pro­gram. Pen­guin then sends Bruce a text mes­sage to meet nearby. They arrive and Pen­guin reveals Reese as the Rid­dler who used one of the Penguin’s viral pro­gram to com­mit cyber crimes which lead him to Gotham and to Wayne Enter­prise and finally to Bruce. Bruce real­izes that the Pen­guin was one of the orig­i­nal sup­pli­ers for Bruce’s bat suit and Bruce has made this arms dealer rich and pow­er­ful in the process of becom­ing Bat­man. Pen­guin offers a truce to the man that made all of this pos­si­ble. He offers to let Bruce go free if he gives up all of the weapons and his sup­pli­ers and being Bat­man. He explains that Gotham will always have a Bat­man because this Bat­man is the great­est mar­ket­ing tool for his weapons busi­ness. Bruce real­izes that Penguin’s goal is to keep the war going and it will tear Gotham apart. Pen­guin is in fact bring­ing in his own Bat­men armed with his weapons for Gotham to hunt them down for­ever in an end­less cycle.

In the end, Bat­man catches Scare­crow and Reese. How­ever, Reese escapes when Bat­man unsuc­cess­fully stops Cat­woman from killing the Pen­guin. Reese then makes a call to a CEO in a huge office wear­ing a top hat (Mad Hatter).

Mean­while, Bat­man meets Cat­woman on the roof of Wayne Enter­prises. She wants to put every­thing behind them and start a new life. He tells her he doesn’t even know her real name. She says, “It doesn’t really mat­ter what they call us Bruce.” Bruce feels that she has crossed the line killing Pen­guin in cold blood and is wanted for mur­der. She replies, “They want both of us for doing things for the greater good. The world thinks Bruce Wayne dead. We can start a new life any where in the world, Bruce.” Bat­man replies, “Bruce Wayne is died a long time ago.” Cat­woman lifts up his mask and touches his face. She says touch­ing his face, “This is your mask.” She then puts down his mask as Gor­don arrives. Then while touch­ing his mask she says, “This is the man I love” as Gordon’s cops drag her away.

GORDAN: Assas­sins. She’s def­i­nitely wanted all over the world.

BATMAN: What about the boy (Dick Grayson)?


GORDAN: Some­body just picked him up. Appar­ently Wayne is tak­ing him in. I guess he feels respon­si­ble or maybe its just good PR. What about this Rid­dler character?

BATMAN: (watch­ing Cat­woman escape swing­ing from rooftop to rooftop)
He’ll turn up.

GORDAN: She’s good. (Point­ing down at the miss­ing grap­pling gun on Batman’s belt).

BATMAN: (Looks down and smirks)

FLASH FORWARD: [Gor­don at home talk­ing to Jimmy on the stoop]
JIMMY: (cry­ing) Why?
GORDAN: Because we don’t need him any­more, son. (Pick­ing up and hug­ging Jimmy)
JIMMY: Will he ever come back?
GORDAN: It’s the dark­ness. It calls to him. If it should ever take hold of Gotham again …that will be the day… (looks up into sky­line) the Dark Knight Returns.

GORDAN: When does this end?
BATMAN: (Looks back at Gor­don). It never ends. (and then jumps off the roof).

Jake West August 16th, 2008

I per­son­ally don’t want to see any of the usual Bat­man vil­lains. They’ve all been done to death and that it’s going to be one of them is too predictable.

The log­i­cal pro­gres­sion from TDK is that Bat­man is going to be cast as the bad guy (in the eyes of Gotham).

The lie will get out of the con­trol of Gor­don and Bat­man. Fuelled by the press, more and more stuff will get pinned on him, crim­i­nals will start to dress up like him, and all man­ner of crimes will be attrib­uted to him, tap­ping into a theme from Julius Ceasar (who was men­tioned in TDK) that the mob likes only one thing more than build­ing up a hero, and that is destroy­ing a hero.

Even­tu­ally, the cit­i­zens of Gotham will call for the nuclear option — the ulti­mate response (the big theme), and that nuclear option in the DC uni­verse is Super­man, the most pow­er­ful being and weapon in the universe.

Cue a shock­ing and titanic bat­tle, with Super­man ini­tially buy­ing the press rub­bish, and Bat­man see­ing Super­man rather like the mon­ster in Clover­field, as some­thing alien and out of this world, that doesn’t belong in it, and needs to be destroyed. Remem­ber Fox say­ing that no one man should have that much power in TDK about Bat­mans machine? That’s what Bat­man is going to see in Super­man — one man who has too much power — some­thing that like the machine should not exist.

See­ing some­thing as out there as Super­man in the rel­a­tively real­is­tic Nolan&Goyer Bat­man uni­verse will be shock­ing, and as long as Nolan&Goyer can put their twist on Super­man with­out destroy­ing his essence, that shock value will be help­ful to them. (Not an easy task and no one has been able to do it, except in some of the comics, which will be known to those to whom ele­ments of this sto­ry­line will be familiar.)

It won’t be hard for them to por­tray Super­man as the ‘bad guy’ to us, because he could embody that blind do gooder atti­tude, that sees every­thing at face value, and rushes in all guns blaz­ing, with more power than he seems to know what to do with.

The res­o­lu­tion of the film will be that Bat­man comes to see that Super­man is not just a pow­er­ful being, but an extra­or­di­nary human being — some­one wor­thy of being trusted with the power he has, but con­trary to most peo­ples expec­ta­tions Bat­man will win the fight because he will dis­cover Superman’s Achillies heel — kryptonite.

Goyer asked in his recent inter­view how they could top TDK, well I think this would do the trick, assum­ing they could over­come the con­sid­er­able chal­lenges, most obvi­ously: How to han­dle Super­man in the Goyer&Nolan Bat­man uni­verse and who would you get to play Super­man who could put in a per­for­mance to equal Heath Ledgers?

Ruben August 16th, 2008

wow talk about detail BUT how bout this for a storyline.…ok lets see how bout this for vil­lains in part 3 the intro of Robin? huh huh BUT before u start thinkin this guys an idiot no one wants to see Robin after the last cou­ple of movies he was in before the new Bat­man era HEAR ME OUT!well like i said Robin BUT wait i dont mean Robin the super­hero and bat­mans side­kick, i mean Dick Grayson revenge­ful and hatred hid­den within Robin! lets say bat­man thinks its time for some help but he just cant trust any­body so kind of like his pro­tégé and tryin to raise him like a lil brother he finds this orphan whos par­ents are killed by Two-face at the begin­ning of the movie and with amaz­ing ath­letic abil­ity and all the qual­i­ties to take over the Bat­man throne but his only prob­lem is that he wants to get revenge on the man who killed his par­ents TwoFace so alright in his first try­out they go after Two-Face and some­how some­way it comes down to Robin decid­ing to save Two-Face and lock him up or let him die hmm­mmm sound famil­iar? well how bout this Robin lets him die.… after this unex­pected turn of events bat­man real­izes that hes not ready for such a respon­si­bil­ity and tells Robin to take it easy for a cou­ple of runs dur­ing the night.…so now it gets bet­ter one night bat­man and robin hear that the joker has escaped from Arkham and bat­man decides to go after him but tells Dick to stay cuz hes not ready being frus­trated he cant do noth­ing Robin goes out any­ways as things get com­pli­cated for bat­man cuz all of Gotham PD is after him it once again comes down to Robin and the vil­lain but this time the tables are turned and its up to the joker to kill him but instead he pulls a Har­vey Dent on him and cor­rupts his young mind and PLOW there you go instead of bat­man hav­ing a pro­tégé the joker once again out­does his life­long counter part BATMAN!!!!!just think about it and if ur thinkin this came out of nowhere and theres noth­ing in the past that backs this up i dont know if any­one can remem­ber a cou­ple of years ago they made a car­toon movie where this exact thing hap­pens Dick Grayson turns into the joker yup!!!!sounds per­fect and plus i hated Robin in the other movies and this gives a BIG turn to the series i mean he doesnt exactly have to turn into the Joker 2 he can turn into some other vil­lain that we would all want to see like maybe ummm BLACK MASK!!!!!!sounds like a per­fect way for such a vil­lain to come into this darker and bet­ter and more real­is­tic ver­sion of the new Bat­man Era!!!! com­ment it and tell me wat u think even though after giv­ing it much thought this would fit for a later film after part 3 cuz this sort of seems like the end or some­thing towards the end!

Ruben August 17th, 2008

how bout Johnny Depp to replace Heath as the Joker and how bout Edward Nor­ton to play the Rid­dler and Hugh Jack­man as the Black Mask now thats a star lineup that can­not go wrong!

Bat­man August 18th, 2008

Two Face isn’t gone…possibly

Sneeze September 15th, 2008

I would like to see Bane but only if its when he breaks bat­mans back and tem­porar­ily crip­ples him and Azrael fills in for him but i doubt it will ever happen

CJ September 17th, 2008

Okay, there were alot of good sug­ges­tions there… and one of these the­o­ries may be pretty close to what there going to do. You peo­ple spoil me.
As far as the caped cru­saders love inter­ests go… he should not have one. Due to recent fail­ure movies, Cat­woman should be left for another day… maybe as an addi­tion to a later por­tion of the saga. And don’t any­body for­get about Vicki Vale, Bruce Waynes orig­i­nal comic book main squeeze… that would be inter­est­ing.
Any­way, I have a the­ory. I don’t think that the Peguin char­ac­ter is too far fetched. In the after math of the DK, the Bat­man is being hunted by gothams police force, Bruce Wayne has fallen into a deep depres­sion of guilt and revenge, and the Mob is left bro­ken with no leader to man­age the under­world with the death of Maroni. But where there is grim and sure extinc­tion, a vul­ture is near by. An intel­li­gent but strange man returns to Gotham after hear­ing of the chaos that has errupted… his name if Oswald Cob­ble­pot, a man who’s resent­full­ness to peo­ple dates back to his abus­sive mother and child­hood teas­ing due to his large frame and beak-like nose. He is an ambi­tious man… but for the wrong rea­sons. He see’s the break­ing of the Mob as an oper­tu­nity to rebuild gothams under­world and gain power through ille­gal arms deals. He seduces the crime fam­i­lies to fol­low him with his plan to rid there sor­rows. First, like the joker before him, kill the Bat­man who helped to bring them down. Sec­ond, cor­rupt gotham Cities new Mayor and dis­pose of Com­mis­sioner Gor­dan, Third… and most impor­tantly, KILL THE JOKER who foiled there power through Har­vey Dent and is still a threat to them. The killing of the joker can be eas­ily done by never show­ing the char­ac­ters face… only faint pro­files and voice/laughter. A cor­rupt mayor would be able to get the Pen­guins gang inside the asy­lum where he is held to take care of busi­ness. It would only be a few moments, but it would bring an end to all the­o­ries of bring­ing the char­ac­ter back… and no actor in hol­ly­wood could ever replace Ledger.
But the Pen­guin, while the leader and “pup­pet mas­ter,” he is not the main vil­lain. He knows that he despises the Joker, but he can­not ignore his geniouse. While the police are destracted by there ambi­tion to find the Bat, Cob­ble­pot hires an escaped con­vict from Arkham (at the end of BB) to destract and kill Bat­man. Though he is as crazy as the joker, he can be con­trolled for the right price. That’s right, the Rid­dler. He com­mits his crime’s ruth­lessly and tar­gets Comm. Gor­dans fam­ily by kid­nap­ping one of his sons, leav­ing clues and rid­dles to lure the bat to his trap… a bomb planted inside a giant struc­ture where Gor­dans son is being held, a mass killing of Gotham Cities most promi­nant law enforce­ment, politi­cians, and busi­ness men (includ­ing Wayne) at the annual cir­cus. Odvi­ously Bat­man will foil the plot, bring­ing down the Rid­dler and sav­ing Gor­dans son… but not with­out some sac­ri­fies. Two mar­ried trapees artist will be killed, leav­ing a son (Dick Grayson) par­ent­less. Bruce Wayne will see in him the same revenge and fear that he still holds. He would Bring this young boy into his home to be raised by him and Alfred and will see a chance of redeem­ing his past sins and demons by ensur­ing that this young man does not fol­low the same path as he has. But what about the Pen­guin, Well, that will have to wait for a fol­low­ing install­ment. It just wouldn’t be fun otherwise.…

Ideal Actors for Vil­lians:
Oswald “The Pen­guin” Cob­ble­pot: John Good­man (call me crazy, I just think he’s awsome).… or Phillip Sey­mour Hoffman

Edward “The Rid­dler” Nigma: Johnny Depp or Jude law

Salena “Cat­woman” Kyl (if needed): Cate Beckinsale

Joe-Ker September 23rd, 2008

Sorry guys, Harley Quinn and Riddler

Ten­nant for Rid­dler, and Christina Apple­gate of Quinn.
End of.

dave October 7th, 2008


scott October 10th, 2008

With the Joker now behind bars, and batman’s escape from the law and sub­se­quent dis­ap­pear­ance, Com­mis­sioner Gor­don assem­bles a task force to finally dis­solve the remain­ing crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tions through­out Gotham city. Order is once again threat­ened by a mys­te­ri­ous new crim­i­nal lurk­ing in the shad­ows, who forces the city to solve clues of a larger puz­zle that reveals the great­est rid­dle of all – what really hap­pened to Gotham’s White Knight – Har­vey Dent. With Bat­man and Gor­don reunited, they fight to win back a city that has turned against them, all while Bat­man faces his great­est chal­lenge yet – rem­nants of a past long thought forgotten….

Skoo­joo October 12th, 2008

I per­son­ally see the Rid­dler fit­ting in as a “agent of choas” type deal to replace the joker. How­ever they incor­po­rate him i dont know, im in favor of either a crazy cop inves­ti­ga­tor or closet unknown nut job who goes on a killing spree, either way, chal­leng­ing Bat­man to his rid­dles. I think the Black Mask would be great for pick­ing up with the mafia part. Bring­ing Har­vey back from the the dead isnt out of the ques­tion, but i dont think most peo­ple would be very keen on that. Nolan’s whole premise in these films is to cre­ate a world that isnt to triv­ial or much of a farce, using cartoon-ish char­ac­ters like clay­face should be left to Mar­vel with Spider-Man 3 (ref­er­ence being sand­man) and Xmen.

Skoo­joo October 12th, 2008

I per­son­ally see the Rid­dler fit­ting in as an “agent of choas” type deal to replace the joker and his crazy per­sona, not the Rid­dler being a car­bon copy of the joker, but with the same sort of drive for some evil pur­pose that is beyond mate­r­ial gain. How­ever they incor­po­rate him i dont know, im in favor of either a crazy cop inves­ti­ga­tor or closet unknown nut job who goes on a killing spree, either way, chal­leng­ing Bat­man to his rid­dles. I think the Black Mask would be great for pick­ing up with the mafia part, slightly crazy, the­atri­cal, and very mafioso. Bring­ing Har­vey back from the the dead isnt out of the ques­tion, but i dont think most peo­ple would be very keen on that. Nolan’s whole premise in these films is to cre­ate a world that isnt to triv­ial or much of a farce, using cartoon-ish char­ac­ters like clay­face should be left to Mar­vel with Spider-Man 3 (ref­er­ence being sand­man) and Xmen.
The audi­ence wouldnt be look­ing for a new romance on Bruce’s part, hell, peo­ple didnt love TDK because of the romance. So a Harley Quinn romance would not be prac­ti­cal. And would be viewed as a cheap copy of the Joker on the Director’s and writer’s part.

Skoo­joo October 12th, 2008

i dont know why it dou­ble placed my mes­sage but the sec­ond one is complete

CeeLo2323 May 9th, 2009

two face and the joker well be back. count on it

Andrew556 June 27th, 2009

Idea for Bat­man 3

Main Vil­lians: Hush (Dr Thomas Elliot) & Dead­shot (Floyd Lawton)

Hush would fit into Nolan’s uni­verse eas­ily, he has no ‘spe­cial abil­i­ties’ as such, he is just trained very well. Sim­i­lar to the skills of Bat­man. Hush is an amaz­ing marks­man with ‘the abil­ity to shoot 2 batarangs out of the air’. Hush is a child­hood friend of Bruce’s, and has blamed Bruce’s par­ents for sav­ing his mother from a car crash that Elliot caused. He hated his par­ents and wanted them dead, ever since Thomas Wayne saved his mother, Elliot has hated the Waynes. He is pshy­cotic and bent on revenge for the Trauma he suf­fered dur­ing childhood.

Law­ton (Dead­shot) would fit in as a hired assas­sin. Hired by the rem­nants of the crime sundi­cates who have naded together in trou­bled times. He is skilled with any weapons, but prefers to use dual Pistols.

Final fight scene: Hush has found out about Wayne’s iden­tity. He can recog­nise the eyes and nouth move­ments of Bat­man and matches them to wayne when he sees him on Tele­vi­sion. Hush engages in a fist fight with Bat­man, he fol­lows him up onto the roof where Bat­man has suf­fered seri­ous injury. Bat­man is mov­ing back on the roof, blood seep­ing out of a wound. Hush has drawn his two pis­tols ready to fin­ish the job, Hush is hav­ing flash­backs of when Bruce and Elliot used to be friends. Batman’s new sonar sen­sor is see­ing some nor­mal activ­ity. Every­thing is silent apart from a few drips of water and dis­tant police sirens. The sonar picks up the load­ing and cock­ing of a sniper rifle. As Hush moves towards Bat­man, the flash­backs now stopped he is ready to pull the trig­ger. As Bat­man sees the red laser sights flash on Hush’s chest, he slides out his Grap­pling Gun and shoots Hush in the leg, pulling him down the bul­let fired from Deadshot’s sniper rifle just misses the left ear of Hush. Bat­man then throw’s a smoke cap­sule as the ground and pulls Hush to the ground behind the build­ings, Dead­shot chases them.

Dead­shot chases them through the streets. As Dead­shot approaches Bat­man, Hush helps him as Bat­man has just saved his life. Bat­man stum­bles off as Hush and Dead­shot have a shootout. Hush loses as he is shot 8 times. Dead­shot shoots 8 bul­lets. Bat­man rushes to help Hush as he is shot in the arm by Dead­shot, Dead­shot hears the sirens of Com­mis­sioner Gor­don and flees. Bat­man takes Hush back to the Bat­cave in the Tum­bler. Then there is a nice emo­tional talk about how the used to be friends and Hush will keep Bruce’s secret. Hush has to be in a wheel­chair due to the wounds he got in the fight.

Just one idea, more to come, tell us what ya’ll think.

jason July 28th, 2009

the black mask: he is pretty real he can be a evil mob­ster that kills peo­ple brutly try­ing to run the town killing heros like police and peo­ple who dont lis­ten to his ways

fire fly: dress up in orangewear­ing wings and orange fly­like stuff and starts his owne gang and pack ect.} car­ry­ing flamethrow­ers and matchs ect.} caus­ing chaos to gotham try­ing to make the city chaos

the peguin: a deformed small man but instead of guns on unbi­ral­las sorry i spelled it wrong but blades and he teachs birds how to ter­riorze the city attack them peck­ing them tear­ing at there flesh teahc­ing them to place or dorp bombs and he can be in the mafia

two face: have him come back for some really bad revange hav­ing hench­men kid­nap­ping and ter­rioz­ing gotham city kil­ing importint peo­ple destroy­ing places.

cat­woman: i think she is bor­ing per­sonly but if they throw her in throw a really cool vil­lan in to she can be a vil­gan­tit that robs stores and still help peo­ple too. being the good and bad factor.

the joker: still in charge of chaos escap­ing arkham asy­lum tak­ing a part­ner hairly quenn

har­ily quenn: jok­ers part­ner or just a female veri­son of the joker if the joker is not borught back she can cause her owne destruc­tion killing ter­roz­ing the peo­ple of gotham city praz­ing the joker or maybe even start­ing a cult

the scare­crow; he could escape arkham caus­ing fear in the city of gotham again kid­nap­ping peo­ple tak­ing them to run down places and con­stly mak­ing them see there fears.

the rid­dler: he could be a thug that dress‘s up good mur­dring peo­ple of gotham leave­ing a neon painted ques­tion mark on the crime scence and rid­dles or maybe a mob­ster too or a crim­i­nal caus­ing chaos and mur­dring too but in a diffrent way of tthe joker

posin ivy: kinda hard to but real­is­tic in osme but this would be the hardist maybe some fer­til­izer she uses one dau she fig­ures out she can make them do her ocn­trolls and turns to a eco ter­roist destroy­ing ohmes and peo­ple plant­ing trees try­ing to make gotham a eco fridenly world killing condo own­ers and bus­nise men ect.} peo­ple who destroy lots and stuff

so those are my ideas

cody August 12th, 2009

I would like to see Bjork play Harley Quinn, i know no has prob­a­bly sug­gested her but i think Bjork would play a per­fect Harley Quinn. I think Brad Dou­rif *the guy who did the voice of chucky from child’s play* would play good part as the Black Mask. Jack Black would be funny as The Penguin.

Dtrain24 September 2nd, 2009

The rid­dler would be the per­fect fol­low up to the joker. Just as bat­man has the city back in order this crazy guy leav­ing clues behind to stirr things up again would be excit­ing. If they decide to choose the rid­dler what do you think about Micheal Shan­non play­ing the role. He was great in Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Road as the the guy who was so smart it drove him crazy. He would also have done well as The joker but not as good as Heath Ledger (God rest is soul). Also team the rid­dler up with cat­woman. Since bruce wayne is get­ting over rachel dawes this new women in town could spark a flame with bat­man and yet again leave bat­man to make a choice between sav­ing her life or let­ting her go. Megan fox would be per­fect for this part.

Cee Jay October 28th, 2009

What’s to say there couldn’t be 2 female villains…I say Harley Quinn played by Pauley Per­rette from NCIS and Talia Al Ghul played by Cather­ine Zeta Jones. What I see for the movie is Bat­man has been gone for a few yrs and some­one is com­mit­ting crimes that look like those the Joker would pull off but we know he is dead. Turns out it is his girl­friend Harley Quinn (for­get the whole being a Dr. at Arkham idea..sorry purists)and the rea­son she is doing this is because she wants to bring Bat­man out in the open to kill him, but when she sees Bruce in pub­lic she falls for him.

At the same time some­one is try­ing to take over Wayne Enter­prises, that some­one is Talia as pay­back for Bruce caus­ing her father’s death, but after see­ing Bruce as Bat­man, Talia falls for Bat­man, and in a weird twist pro­tects Batman/Bruce when Harley tries to kill him.

In the cli­mac­tic scene Harley shoots Batman/Bruce wound­ing him and both women run to him for obvi­ous rea­sons and see as Bat­man is tak­ing off his mask caus­ing both women to need to be taken to Arkham.

So that’s my idea please comment

Tombot December 30th, 2009


Per­son­ally I like the idea of The Rid­dler, and him being a big name I think the stu­dio would push this char­ac­ter through. I’d have him as a detec­tive either work­ing with the police or pri­vately, who has an obses­sive and blind­ing sense of jus­tice. He wants to catch Bat­man more than any­thing else but becomes more and more inter­ested in him and try­ing to fig­ure him out. He could inter­view pre­vi­ous char­ac­ters who have been locked in Arkham on their expe­ri­ences with Bat­man, includ­ing Scare­crow and maybe even Two-Face who has been locked up in secret to shield the pub­lic from what he really became (not The Joker though. He shouldn’t be recast because no one could play him like Heath Ledger did.) He orcheas­trates crimes and traps, in secret, and observes the out­come of Batman’s actions before finally set­ting a final trap to cap­ture Bat­man and bring him in. He would fre­quently clash with Gor­don over their dif­fer­ing approaches towards Bat­man, with The Rid­dler believ­ing Gor­don to be too soft.

ACTOR — Daniel Day Lewis


With Rachel dead the film is going to need a love inter­est. Cat­woman is a small time thief who is hired by The Rid­dler to com­mit a crime and reveal more of Batman’s behav­iour. When Bat­man arrives he attempts to catch her but she evades him and proves to be a much more tal­ented thief than she first appeared. With the money she recieves from the Rid­dler she goes rogue, com­mit­ing more and more elab­o­rate crimes. Through these crimes she meets Bat­man more and more and begins too fall for him. In the end she has to make a choice (sim­i­lar to Batman,s Har­vey or Rachel choice in the Dark Knight) to warn and save Bat­man from The Rid­dlers final trap or to escape and fend for her­self. She chooses her own needs over Batman’s lead­ing to the final con­fro­ta­tion between Bat­man and The Riddler.

ACTRESS — Eva Green (Brit­tany Mur­phy might have been good but unfor­tu­nately we’ll never know)


With nei­ther The Rid­dler or Cat­woman being obvi­ously defined goody baddy char­ac­ters this char­ac­ter would serve as the per­son which the audi­ence could pin the bad guy label on. Some­one above me men­tioned the idea of Maroni tak­ing on this per­sona after the crash in the Dark Knight, which leaves him with a dis­fig­ured face. With Har­vey Dent seem­ingly dead and Bat­man under close scrutiny The Black Mask is free to regain power and to rebuild the mob ele­ment in the city. I’m not sure how his grudge with Bruce Wayne could be worked in, and I would have him killed off three quar­ters of the way through so the story can focus more on The Rid­dler character.

ACTOR — Eric Roberts

Harley Quinn could be in the film but noth­ing more than a bit part char­ac­ter. She could be the leader of one of many Joker copy­cat gangs who have become com­mon since the events of the Dark Knight.

Smoke Assas­sin March 11th, 2010

Do you have to employ a Mas­ter­card to place the order?

Pickle Juice July 23rd, 2010

alright, since Joker is behind bars, we should have Doc­tor Harleen Quinnzel turn into Harley quinn after vis­it­ing in Arkham.[i dont care who plays her].……[she bet­ter be hot]so shes all out doing crime crap. How about Harley plans out some kind of secret plan. Bat­man finds out that he has to go in the sewer under Arkham and get some­thing or what­ever, Then he runs into killer croc, they fight he gets what­ever and leaves. The rid­dler should pair up with the cops play as edward nigma.….…and harley find rid­dler they get into this fight about killing the bat, Harley shoots the rid­dler dead/alive [whichever one will make the movie more inter­est­ing] then harley and bat­man fight or something

Gear Knobs December 2nd, 2010

Jen con­nelly is the actress that i have a huge crush. here eyes are really very pretty *~,