Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Rent a Clown July 31st, 2007

Why So Seri­ous has departed, and in its wake has left behind a cheesy grinned clown site, right out of the bygone era of Geoc­i­ties. Quite annoy­ingly, the high res­o­lu­tion down­load links of the Dark Knight Teaser Trailer have been removed.

After the break we have some more on set images from Chicago, warn­ing, Spoil­ers ahead… Firstly, from Sim­ply Rep­re­hen­si­ble we have some more of the burnt out Heli­copter. Check out the site for a loca­tion report and another image.

Next up, Fight­ing the Sub­urbs have some inter­est­ing can­did shots, see this flickr gallery for more Heli­copter and Joker semi.

Comments 21 Responses to “Rent a Clown”

Katie July 31st, 2007

Within the Source Code for the new ‘Rent-A-Clown’ site is a hid­den mes­sage. It’s set up much like the hid­den mes­sage on ibelievein​Har​vey​dent​too​.com site. There are repeated ‘HA’s with ran­dom let­ters dis­persed through­out. The com­bined let­ters spell out “Made You Look.”

I thought it was pretty funny. :)

Kayla July 31st, 2007

It’s amaz­ing what they are doing for this movie. The Whysose​ri​ous​.com escapades were intri­cate. I’m pretty sure we can expect to see more in the future. And the clown music for rent-a-clown is get­ting really annoy­ing right now.

Almighty­bong July 31st, 2007

Yeah, that’s what I found too!

There has to be some­thing else from the site…

It just needs discovery…

Car­los Navarro July 31st, 2007

For Katie how do you get into source code for the rent a clown website.…is it hard????

Matt July 31st, 2007
Dave July 31st, 2007

Hey guys. I run Fight​ingth​e​sub​urbs​.com
thanks for the link.
It is so sur­real going to work every­day pass­ing set signs, burned out heli­copters etc. I’m a huge fan of the first movie.

Then this week­end I go to see the Simp­sons and they have the trailer play­ing. Hilar­i­ous. There have been no Bale, Ledger sight­ings at my star­bucks though. Of course there are 4 in a 2 block radius.

Kun­deremp An-Narkolepsy August 1st, 2007

Hey.. Matt..
I couldn’t under­stand the info. Where did you get those ran­dom characters?

Blake August 3rd, 2007

Hey, “made you look” is an ana­gram for “you, me, old oak” and there is a street named old oak 20 min. away from where the comic-con was.

Ataeru August 3rd, 2007

Hey Matt I was look­ing through that code and thought I would point out that this lit­tle chunk of char­ac­ters shows up mul­ti­ple times: 2MzMyMTE1

Thaipo August 4th, 2007

Hey Matt,

I don’t believe that par­tic­u­lar list of char­ac­ters is any­thing special.

It’s sim­ply a server-side encryp­tion for the ASP/SQL man­age­ment of the page. It’s fairly com­mon in forums and whathaveyous.

Blake August 4th, 2007

Thaipo is right, that is just part of the code. “made you look” though was not put in the source code by accident.

Bri­areus August 15th, 2007

The large chunk of hid­den code men­tioned above can be found by right click­ing the mid­dle of the page and selct­ing “view source”. It must be some cipher to be de-crypted. Its obvi­ously not there by acci­dent. Sim­i­lar tech­niques were used for Lost and other pro­mos on the web.

Gatz September 5th, 2007

It sure ain’t Base64. Although, maybe if we took a slid­ing scale to it. Any idea how many dif­fer­ent sym­bols are in there?

Rafael September 30th, 2007


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Impor­tant gift for any­body who needs back­links for no charge. Any­body want free back­links for their blog? I fig­ured I would dis­trib­ute some good infor­ma­tion I dis­cov­ered a lit­tle while ago. Free back­links for your blog. I have been tak­ing advan­tage of this this for my web­sites and it absolutely works great! Just click my name to get what I mean. Not sell­ing a thing, it’s com­pletely free and it works.

Reid Facenda March 5th, 2010

Yeah i great post. I totally agree with you here. Do you know the eyes movie? I recently saw it at a pre screen­ing and its pretty unknown. You can checkt out the trailer here.

Bradley Vig­narath March 23rd, 2010

Excel­lent! If I could write like this I would be well happy. The more I read arti­cles of such qual­ity as this (which is rare), the more I think there could be a future for the Net. Keep it up, as it were.

Laura Simp­son May 31st, 2010

Great blog 9/10! Book­marked :)

John June 15th, 2010

Hahaha just saw this film and liked it

non woven bag mak­ing machine September 2nd, 2010

This is a nice blog i must say, usu­ally i don¡¯t post com­ments on oth­ers¡¯ blogs but would like to say that this post really forced me to do so!