Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Hans Zimmer discusses Batman’s theme tune August 1st, 2007

Super­Hero­Hype have an exclu­sive inter­view with Hans Zim­mer and here is what he had to say about our Dark Knight:

The biggest news from Mr. Zim­mer, who told us that he’s “play­ing around” and “get­ting some ideas” is the fact that he’s craft­ing a new Bat­man theme for the sec­ond movie in the relaunched fran­chise. “It’s going to evolve,” He told us. “There is a big Bat­man theme which I was play­ing with for the last one, but I always felt the char­ac­ter hadn’t earned it yet, so I just want to go and play around, and I now want to go and com­plete that theme, so that’s part of the idea. I felt I had a good start, and now it would be really nice to develop that world a lit­tle further.”