Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Upcoming Chicago Street Closures August 23rd, 2007

Hol­ly­wood­Chicago have posted up the lat­est set of street clo­sures as a result of The Dark Knight film­ing schedule:

“The Dark Knight” Street Clo­sures

Wednes­day, Aug. 22 (weather per­mit­ting)

2 to 4 p.m.
Heli­copter hov­er­ing at 515 N. McClurg Ct.
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Grand between Peshtigo and Colum­bus
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Peshtigo between Grand and Illinois

Thurs­day, Aug. 23
5 a.m. to 8 p.m. (no clo­sures; park­ing only)
Adams between Wabash and Dear­born
Wabash between Adams and Van Buren
Wabash between Adams and Mon­roe
Dear­born between Adams and Monroe

Thurs­day, Aug. 23
8 to 9 p.m.
Heli­copter over Chicago River
Traf­fic con­trol of Lake Shore and Colum­bus Street bridges
Traf­fic con­trol of Wacker between Michi­gan and Columbus

Fri­day, Aug. 25
5 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Full clo­sure of LaSalle Street between Jack­son and Adams
Full clo­sure of Quincy between LaSalle and Clark
Park­ing: Wells between Jack­son and Monroe

Fri­day, Aug. 25 (weather per­mit­ting)
9 to 11 p.m.
Heli­copter hov­er­ing at 515 N. McClurg Ct.
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Grand between Peshtigo and Colum­bus
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Peshtigo between Grand and Illi­nois
(Sat­ur­day and Sun­day as alter­nate dates)

Sat­ur­day, Aug. 25 and Sun­day, Aug. 26
5 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Full clo­sure of LaSalle between Jack­son and Madi­son
Full clo­sure of Jack­son between LaSalle and Clark
Full clo­sure of Adams between LaSalle and Clark
Full clo­sure of Mon­roe between LaSalle and Clark

And to sparkle this post with pic­tures, thanks to Sarah Lewert’s flickr: