Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

What do we call the sequel? July 18th, 2008

Before an offi­cial title has been released for the sequel to The Dark Knight, what should we refer to it as?

Bat­man Begins 3
The Dark Knight 2
Chris Nolan’s 3rd Bat­man Film
The Dark Knight Sequel

What are your suggestions?

Comments 56 Responses to “What do we call the sequel?”

DAVID SALANIC July 18th, 2008


destruct26 July 18th, 2008

i like “the dark knight returns” alot, actu­ally– bet­ter than what ive heard so far. so, heres what ive heard– “shadow of the bat” wasnt too bad, and maybe “the bat­man” but per­haps thats too plain or obvi­ous. dammit. i cant see past “the dark knight returns” or– “rorys sec­ond kiss” –THATS THE ONE!!!

Cody July 18th, 2008

The Long Halloween

Sven Voll­stag July 18th, 2008


bilal July 18th, 2008

Shadow of the Bat
is the best name

MikeyD July 18th, 2008

I actu­ally think that ‘THE BATMAN’ could actu­ally pretty good. But I did hope that that would have been the title for ‘BATMAN BEGINS’. ‘THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS’ would work, but do you think Christo­pher Nolan would in fact go with that title, peo­ple might expect an adap­tion of the graphic novel.

Per­son­ally, I think that ‘SHADOW OF THE BAT’ was and still is the best title that I have heard, and I think that is what they should go with when they start production.

Jeff McRae July 18th, 2008

The Cape Crusader.

Jon July 18th, 2008

How about, Bat­man For­ever *smirk*

Mark Twain 3 July 18th, 2008

Chris Nolan’s 3rd Bat­man Film

I know that u want sug­ges­tions, not about the title itself but about a way to call it these days until we know what name will it have.

Chris Nolan’s 3rd Bat­man Film

Because The Dark Knight has no com­par­is­sion. Is just far away form every­thing we’ve seen before. The only thing you can say about the third one, is that Cris Nolan will be it’s director.

JOE July 18th, 2008


dragon July 18th, 2008

i think its pretty Silly to think we will have
a hand in nam­ing any film at all. They have done fine
with the titles so far,and i think that should be
left well alone.
Aside from bat­man begins,i think he/they are
try­ing to get away from the “bat­man– sub­ti­tle” cliché
and deal with the movies stand­ing on their own.
Yes,they are Bat­man movies,but key­ing around the same
sit­u­a­tion over and over again,is what brings most comic
based films to a lower level. it could very well have
to deal with Two face,and there­fore have some dou­ble
if its not broke dont fix it.

tyler July 18th, 2008

The Caped Cru­sader because the sequel will have Bat­man ris­ing from the dark and becom­ing the caped crusader.

some dude July 18th, 2008

world’s great­est detective

would­be­bat­girl July 18th, 2008

I agree… “The Dark Knight Returns” is the best pick for us to call it UNTIL they give us a work­ing title or some­thing mildly offi­cial to call it.

Jay July 18th, 2008

Shad­ows of the Bat is pretty good but I’d have to go with…


The per­fect title. Sim­ply unbeat­able. Has a dou­ble mean­ing just like The Dark Knight and uses the same word as to ensure uni­for­mity. Brilliant.

Ben July 18th, 2008

Bat­man Ends. ;-)

mikew July 18th, 2008

The worlds great­est detective

thats my guess, weve seen his beg­gin­ning, seen him become a dark knight, all that is left is the detec­tive aspect of things.

joe July 18th, 2008

bat­man: redemption

destruct26 July 19th, 2008

I offi­cially saw it at 715pm in imax form and left at 11ish, in awe of what a suberb movie it is (my entire being was numb)- well worth the wait, i am going to be out­raged if heath does not recieve an oscar for his per­for­mance. I think the next movie should be of course be directed by chris nolan, BUT, i have heard, he might not/wont direct the third movie. That scares the CRAP out of me, forc­ing me to relive my 3rd movie curse which hast been deemed upon such flicks spi­der­man 3, xmen 3, and blade trin­inty (okay, decent movie, crappy vil­lian, but c’mon, ‘drake’ ?? thats a god­damn cof­fee cake and you know it) but i think at this point, im more wor­ried about who would direct, than title. If the shit hit the fan, they should grab Jonathan Nolan or David S Goyer to direct. Bring back Shu­macher, and Warner Bros. gets fire­bombed. End of discussion.

bat­man sequel July 19th, 2008

[…] […]

he July 22nd, 2008

i like that, BATMAN: REDEMPTION or maybe
THE DARK KNIGHT: REDEMPTION, either way, it think it’s cool

fabo July 24th, 2008

See­ing the movie’s end, I think “Shadow Of Bat” would be great. I’m agree with destruct26, first keep Cris Nolan, Jon Nolan y David Goyer, later we think a title.

Dear Lord, what a great movie The Dark Knight, I’m gonna see it por third time.

PD: is it true the rid­dler will be in the third movie? gary old­man said it…

DAVID S. July 28th, 2008

Yes it is true that the Rid­dler will be in the third. But I think the Pen­guin should be in it, and Bob Hoskins should play him.

destruct26 July 29th, 2008

Dammit. Now we have to wait 700 someodd days to even hear about the third movie and who is con­firmed to direct. Based on what Goyer just said, con­firm­ing they have a theme and a vil­lian in mind, it sounds like he is also sure that Nolan will return to direct. F@*ing AWESOME. In all, that means we gott a wait 1100 some-odd days before the third movie. I WANT CLOSURE NOW!!! … … sorry. i guess i will just wait for Man of Steel for now, whooptie-doo. P.S. Chris­t­ian Bale IS the god­damned Bat­man, which means he can ver­bally assault any­one he god­damn pleases. even his mum and sis.
P.S.S. Thats it, thats the 3rd title– BATMAN: VERBAL ASSULT. he just runs around cussing at peo­ple, while lon­don offi­cials try to catch ‘em.

destruct26 July 29th, 2008

Dammit. Now we have to wait 700 someodd days to even hear about the third movie and who is con­firmed to direct. Based on what Goyer just said, con­firm­ing they have a theme and a vil­lian in mind, it sounds like he is also sure that Nolan will return to direct. F@*ing AWESOME. In all, that means we gott a wait 1100 some-odd days before the third movie. I WANT CLOSURE NOW!!! … … sorry. i guess i will just wait for Man of Steel for now, whooptie-doo. P.S. Chris­t­ian Bale IS the god­damned Bat­man, which means he can ver­bally assault any­one he god­damn pleases. even his mum and sis.
P.S.S. Thats it, thats the 3rd title– BATMAN: VERBAL ASSAULT. he just runs around cussing at peo­ple, while lon­don offi­cials try to catch ‘em.

The dark knight sequel August 2nd, 2008

I like Shadow of the Bat and the caped cru­sader. I read that johnny depp is going to play the rid­dler, angelina jolie cat­woman, and Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man as pen­guin. These are actors being considered.

p.s.: can you believe that peo­ple actu­ally think that the nolan bat­man series is con­nected to the burton/shumacher series? How stu­pid can peo­ple be! THERE NOT, IN NO WAY CONNECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

destruct26 August 4th, 2008

Well, based on inter­views I read from Nolan, Bale, etc., here is the list so far of char­ac­ters you most likely wont see, and if you heard dif­fer­ently, you bet­ter make sure your source is legit:
Robin. Pen­guin. Cat­woman. Har­le­quinn. Old­man said he wanted to see the Rid­dler, but I dont think any­one rejected the idea… I think they are every­one about Cat­woman, she belongs in Bat­mans life as opposed to Rachel in Bruces, and makes way for some Two Face revenge. Pen­guin and Harley, I can see why they wont– Joker most likely wont be in the next one, and Harley cant really stand on he r own and I heard the Pen­guin was gonna be a russ­ian arms dealer for the mob in TDK, but low and behold, they already had The Russ­ian, so that idea is gone, unless Joker didnt feed him to his pooches and he becomes the Pen­guin. And Robin… um maybe when Nolan leaves the franchise…so lets not go there till Bat­man 4. I will be research­ing and updat­ing when im not working.

Gener­icE­mail August 14th, 2008

They need to use cat­woman because its a log­i­cal bat­man girl­friend who isn’t really a girl­friend. because all of his friends are dead. I think this movie kind of killed every­thing off. no bat­mo­bile, no bat­cave, no two face, or clas­sic look­ing suit. Their isn’t really a real­ity based rea­son for this guy to do any­thing. I don’t think Lucias Fox quit, but he might have. The Direc­tor said he didn’t want to use robin, and if bat­girl is gordan’s daugh­ter, she’s like 10 in the dark knight.

They basi­cal have to recast the joker because they spent half the movie set­ting up a rea­son why the joker does what he does, ect. They shouldn’t use the rid­dler because jim car­rey was way too high key with it and seems odd to com­pete with that as well as the pen­guin. that’s why they used Two Face, because tommy lee jones was actu­aly act­ing they amount he was sup­posed to.

They don’t want to make this car­toony so I guess their going to go with the pen­guin, but they can’t have the rid­dler because the joker’s in the pic­ture. Their sim­i­lar like in the 1960’s movie.

So, it they use cat­woman and the pen­guin, they can’t call it retuns because it’s just like the 90’s movie. I don’t think we’re ready for mr. freeze. I like the caped cru­sader, they should build on that, but they can’t log­i­caly have the word Bat­man in the title, because they’ve already passed they point. I really don’t like The Bat­man, because it reminds me of that stu­pid cur­rent car­toon. That is a good point they can do somthing with harleqiun, but this joker seems like a celeibate phsy­co­path. I didn’t really like they way he was done in cer­tain points like when he talks in a way like he’s act­ing like the joker, but I guess that’s what he was try­ing to pull off

This won’t be out untill 2011 or later anyway.

destruct26 August 19th, 2008

Gener­icE­mail, I do agree that they should have Cat­woman or a rel­e­vant love inter­est like Talia Al Ghul, per­haps. Lucious Fox didnt quit, he said he would if Bruce/Batman con­tin­ued to use the mas­sive cell phone sonar thing after they tracked the Joker. Bruce already antic­i­pated this ahead of time and told him to type in his name when he was done using the device, so it would self-destruct, ensur­ing Lucious would still be part of the com­pany. As far as Robin and Bat­girl– Nolan and crew wanted to make the tril­ogy based on Bat­man devel­op­ing, and estab­lish­ing the char­ac­ter as real­is­ti­cally as pos­si­ble before hav­ing the kid shoes cut in. You cant have him run­ning around still learn­ing and fight­ing and wor­ry­ing about cov­er­ing the ass of Robin– yet. Wait till 4 then maybe. Um, as far as the Bat­cave, you are going to see it again in 3 along with the newly rebuilt Wayne Manor, as for­shad­owed by Alfred who com­mented about it in TDK. Thats why Bruce was using the pent­house and under­ground base of oper­a­tions for the time being. And Two-Face is not dead, Har­vey Dent is. At the end of TDK– it is implied by Gor­don that he is dead, to cover up Dents killings, which Bat­man took the credit for, for two rea­sons: So that crim­i­nals would now be more fear­ful of him, believ­ing that he kills, and so the Joker would lose his game of destroy­ing the cities’ hope they had in the untar­nished image of Har­vey. If Harvey/Two-Face died, Bat­man would be respon­si­ble (push­ing him off a two story build­ing, whereas he pushed Maroni off a four story and he lived)for killing him, thus break­ing his one rule, and Nolan would be undo­ing the whole point he estab­lished in both movies: Bat­man does not kill. They are most likely hid­ing him in Arkham– maybe hes in a coma– but Eck­hardt is signed to do two movies. And as stated ear­lier, Nolan/Goyer said is NOT doing Har­le­quinn, Pen­guin and most likely not recast­ing the Joker, because it would be like repeat­ing TDK. They may do Cat­woman– but they have stated they already have a theme and new vil­lian in mind.

exparda August 22nd, 2008

Sev­eral Names in my opinion

1) Nights Guardian
2) The Lonely Bats
3) Bats Legacy

exparda August 22nd, 2008

Can I ask one ques­tion ? Is it true that Angelina Jolie will appear in the sequel as Catwoman ?

destruct26 August 24th, 2008

It was a state­ment by Julie New­mar, the tv show cat­woman, whose words about who should play cat­woman in the 3rd Bat­man, was her choice was A. Jolie. But, it was just a state­ment plas­tered every­where by the Daily News or Post, con­sid­er­ing the writer David S. Goyer recently said they most likely wont have her in it. At least shes in MK vs. DC.

Ken August 27th, 2008

I am think­ing about Knight­fall, or just to all tra­di­tional and just go with Batman.

Tony A. August 27th, 2008

I like DARK KNIGHT RISING myself. At the end of Dark Knight Bruce Wayne goes on the lam as The Bat­man to pro­tect Har­vey Dent’s good name. Right? Now with The Bat as a fugitive,you can just bet that Gotham City is going to be over­run with crime! And the police and SWAT will be hunt­ing The Bat­man! This presents a quag­mire sit­u­a­tion for The Bat! The only vil­lain I could really see at this point would have to be The Pen­guin! The Joker is locked away at Arkham with his buddy The Scare­crow. And Two-Face is dead! Every­one is hint­ing at The Rid­dler but I don’t think Rid­dler is half as good as The Joker and he could not carry a whole film by him­self like Joker has! There­fore, The Nolans will bring in Pen­guin as an Al Capone type of fig­ure. Poi­son Ivy could be his girl­friend. She’s an assas­sin who uses tox­ins. Rid­dler could be a busi­ness part­ner of Pen­guin. Bane could be Penguin’s “mus­cle”. So now you The Bird­man and his goons reign­ing over all of Gotham. The Bat­man would rise up from the ashes like The Mighty Phoenix to reclaim his beloved city. Hence, a Dark Knight ris­ing. To claim vic­tory. And restore GOTHAM to proper order and bal­ance. For now anyway…

exparda August 29th, 2008

the dark knight fight­ing over BAne , pen­guin , poi­son ivy ? I dont think that a good idea , even with Joker , Gotham white knight die , this time fight over three vil­lain , if the sequel gonna fight three vil­lain , I said Pen­guin , Cat­woman and Mr.Freeze , thats all .…

exparda September 6th, 2008

I lied , I like the caped cru­sader better

Jason Cana­van September 16th, 2008

I like Batman:Redemption but I was­think­ing more like
Batman:Salvation or Gotham’s Knight or even The Fall of Gotham

Jason Cana­van September 16th, 2008

or if he dies or quits being Bat­man
The Death of Knights

Jason Cana­van September 16th, 2008

Some­thing With Gothaam in It

kmpernod September 20th, 2008

I like Prince of Gotham or Rise of Gotham City.

Rex October 5th, 2008

the caped crusader:because in the 2nd movie he was referred to as DARK KNIGHT which made him a crim­i­nal to the eye of GOTHAM then he will be referred to as THE CAPED CRUSADER after he saves GOTHAM for the 3rd time redeem­ing himself.

jasond34 December 17th, 2008

they should call the movie the dark knight returns or the cape cru­sader or return of the dark knight.

jasond34 December 17th, 2008

Or you can call it the gotham knight or return of the gotham knight

Nilie December 25th, 2008

I vote “Bat­man. Again.”

Or “The Bat­man” maybe.

Unless we’re going for cheesy in which case might as well be “Gotham Prince of the night.” Lol

Gus Mcken­zie July 2nd, 2009

We’ve had Bat­man Begins, we’ve had the Dark Knight, i think the next one should be called the Caped Cru­sader. Just a thought.

eli­gio jimenez August 2nd, 2009

i think it should be call “THE DARK KNIGHT” return of the joker,
here is where the the peo­ple of gotham real­ize that they need the bat­man to take care of the “joker”.….….…..

Tommy Au September 8th, 2009

I pre­fer to name the 3rd Bat­man Movie as
Hope to see Bat­man with new sophis­ti­cated Bat­mo­bile too

Tommy Au September 8th, 2009

I wish 3rd sequel title for Bat­man movie’s

DW October 19th, 2009

Bat­man: The Face We Call Our Own

Used December 31st, 2009

When­ever talk­ing about it (what I’d like to see, whether I think it’ll get made, etc.), I usu­ally just call it “Bat­man 3″ or “the next Bat­man movie.”

Used December 31st, 2009

Although, if we’re talk­ing more hypo­thet­i­cal, as in what we’d like it to be called… I guess it’d depend on the story, but if they do make it and they con­tinue on with the idea that Bat­man will be hunted and what­not, I agree with a few other peo­ple that sug­gested “Shadow of the Bat,” but that’s partly because that was my favorite of the Bat­man books when I was a kid.

Royce is Tha Choice January 22nd, 2010

3rd title movie should be named “The Cape Cru­sader”. How hard is that???

Gabriel C. Jones March 8th, 2010

I am a movie expert and it should and will be called 1 of 2 things either “The Dark Knight Con­tin­ues” or “The Dark Knight Legacy” that is it ladies and gen­tle­men. Past titles of Tim Bur­tons fran­chise names were already used for exam­ple Batman,Batman Returns,Batman Forever,Batman and Robin. This is a remake so you have to think like a film­maker do you hon­estly think they are going to use any past titles like RETURNS OR FOREVER in any future bat­man films. I don’t think so. The Dark Knight For­ever sounds dumb any­way. The only rea­son why they used the word Bat­man again in Bat­man begins is because the Word Dark Knight was sup­pose to be a sur­prise for its sequel. Futute bat­man movies look like this Bat­man Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), The Dark Knight Con­tin­ues (2011), The Dark Knight Finale Maybe? or The Dark Knight and Wing­man if Robin is added to fran­chise (2014) just a thought.

Isa Test March 12th, 2010

I have seen this in stores is it the same pre­cise product?

The Rooster May 1st, 2010

“The Dark Knight Returns” is good but my favourite would be “The Caped Crusader”

Sammy Jankis September 29th, 2010

sim­ply GOTHAM CITY is my fav