Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Two New Viral Sites March 14th, 2008

The Har­vey Dent viral cam­paign is really crank­ing up now, the first two exter­nal viral sites have been uncov­ered — both relate to the elec­tion process in Gotham City:

Gotham Elec­tion Board: www​.gotham​elec​tion​board​.com

The Gotham Elec­tion Board will be imple­ment­ing online voter
reg­is­tra­tion later this year. Watch this site for details.

Gotham City Clerk: www​.gotham​c​i​ty​clerk​.com

Please excuse the incon­ve­nience, as we are cur­rently rebuild­ing our web­site and file sys­tem after server dam­age due to the recent Orange Line destruc­tion. We hope to be back online serv­ing Gotham City very soon.

•   Forms and appli­ca­tions for the fol­low­ing ser­vices are still avail­able at our N. 6th St. offices: Park­ing per­mits, busi­ness licenses, dog licenses, festival/block party/raffle/bazaar per­mits, night­club licenses, oath of office forms, oper­a­tor licenses, retail licenses, liquor licenses, street ven­dor licenses, med­ical reg­is­tra­tion forms, notice of claim forms, and garage sale permits.

•   The Gotham City Clerk announces approval for exten­sive absen­tee voter sup­port in the upcom­ing munic­i­pal elec­tion. Once the sys­tem is in place, we will post details and pro­ce­dures for both online and mail-in absen­tee balloting.

Comments 2 Responses to “Two New Viral Sites”

Reg Brit­tain March 15th, 2008

This is cool news. Viral sites are smart mar­ket­ing. I look for­ward to see­ing The Dark Knight this summer.

order acai berries January 20th, 2010

hmm yes right zzz