Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Rory’s Death Kiss Post Halloween Challenge October 31st, 2007

The Why So Seri­ous Hal­loween Viral Mar­ket­ing Cam­paign has taken its next step in the most excit­ing of fash­ions. All the let­ters have been filled in and this pic­ture of The Joker was revealed (click for large):

Click­ing that image takes you from Why So Seri­ous to a play on the film’s film­ing title Rory’s First Kiss… Rory’s Death Kiss. Here The Joker presents us with another challenge:

Chris Nolan and Charles Roven reveal details October 25th, 2007

The web­site Kino has posted some details from an inter­view with the Dark Knight direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan and pro­ducer Charles Roven, sadly how­ever, the web­site is entirely in Ger­man. Not to worry, Bat­man on Film have some inter­preters (oth­er­wise known as Google Trans­late) to work it all out for us non-bilinguals:

As we already know, Bat­man (Chris­t­ian Bale) trav­els to Hong Kong. Pro­ducer Chuck Roven con­firmed [the] Asian trip but would not reveal why Bat­man goes there. “Gang­ster hunt­ing” was mentioned.

The new Bat­man suit will be equipped with “[white] lenses” (some sort of bat sonar equipment).

The pro­logue that will be shown in IMAX in Decem­ber is the first five min­utes of the film.

Here’s a trans­lated quote from Chris Nolan: “[The Dark Knight] is not ‘The Joker Begins’. We did not want to tell how the Joker became what he is.

“In those five min­utes [of the pro­logue], we show how the Joker goes from being a small-time crook to Gotham’s great­est vil­lain. It’s like ‘The Rise of the Joker’.”

Mean­while, com­poser Mel Wes­son, work­ing with James New­ton Howard and Hans Zim­mer on the Dark Knight score, men­tioned the dark theme they were aim­ing to achieve (via Bat­MovieNews):

This is the one I’ve been wait­ing for. Another out­ing for Gotham’s Dark Knight, together with Hans Zim­mer and James New­ton Howard. I began work­ing on ideas in mid Sep­tem­ber ’07, it’s a long sched­ule but it’s good to have time to exper­i­ment and expand the ideas we had on Bat­man Begins into the dark­ness.… don’t for­get ‘Not all jokes are funny’.

Battersea Power Station Explosion for TDK October 12th, 2007

This was a turn up for the books. Unlike the well antic­i­pated Chicago demo­li­tion, this explo­sion came com­pletely unprompted and minus the live video footage, heli­copter feed and local photographers.

How­ever, The Lon­don Paper were on scene to cap­ture some images and make a com­pre­hen­sive report, to our delight.

Battersea Power Station Explosion for The Dark Knight

The emer­gency ser­vices were flooded with calls from local res­i­dents who feared the defunct elec­tric­ity gen­er­at­ing plant had been tar­geted by terrorists.

But they were reas­sured the 200ft fire­ball, accom­pa­nied by columns of grey smoke, which could bee seen for miles across the cap­i­tal, was a spe­cial effect for the lat­est Bat­man film.

SPOILER: The spec­tac­u­lar stunt scene, in which Bat­man actor Chris­t­ian Bale nar­rowly cheats death, is believed to be the open­ing sequence of the fifth caped cru­sader movie The Dark Knight.

Res­i­dent Marck Jason, 24, of Bat­tersea, said: “I was gob­s­macked. I was just walk­ing home and saw this bloody huge explosion.

“Obvi­ously my first thought was that it was a ter­ror­ist attack and I dialled 999.

“I know it’s sort of cool that the place is being used for a film, as its a bril­liant build­ing, but a bit of warn­ing wouldn’t have hurt.”

If any­one has more from the scene we’d love to hear from you!

Via Daily Mail

Alfred’s ‘Altercation’ October 8th, 2007

Movieweb have posted a press­ing inter­view with Michael Caine.  Here he once again talks up the bril­liant por­trayal of The Joker by Heath Ledger,

“I can tell you the biggest secret. The most shock­ing thing for both you and I, […] It’s Heath Ledger as the Joker. He is going to sur­prise a lot of peo­ple. He is absolutely ter­ri­fy­ing. I’d say that he is the scari­est thing I’ve ever seen on screen.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Details of the Demolition August 27th, 2007

After the break check out a fas­ci­nat­ing gallery of the Chicago Brach’s build­ing donned up as a par­tic­u­larly impor­tant struc­ture. Find­ing out what this building’s pur­pose is will be a major spoiler, so find the pic­tures after the break.

Read the rest of this entry »

More from the Memorial August 26th, 2007

We’ve recently been drawn to this impres­sive post at the Super­Hero­Hype forums by ChicageauxTiger:

This was the gen­eral scene of the shoot:

Con­tinue read­ing for the spoil­ers. Read the rest of this entry »

Impending Implosion: August 30th August 26th, 2007

A few weeks ago we reported about an upcom­ing and expen­sive action event — the implo­sion of Brach Candy fac­tory site. The ever reli­able Hol­ly­wood Chicago are back with more juicy gos­sip con­cern­ing the nature of the event and most impor­tantly — a date.

The new date is Thurs­day, Aug. 30. It is sched­uled to hap­pen between 10:30 a.m. and noon.

This will be two build­ings. The larger build­ing is to be filled with flam­ma­ble liq­uids and the sec­ond smaller, four-story build­ing will be imploded. This is the last big stunt for the film to be shot.

And to relay the appended infor­ma­tion, the address of this site is 401 N. Cicero Ave. in Chicago::

View Larger Map

HC’s lat­est post also dis­closes the nature of this build­ing. See­ing the pic­ture will reveal the spoiler, fol­low this dan­ger­ous link to con­tinue.

August 24th Set Reports August 26th, 2007

First up, Lon­nie set in this nice lit­tle spoiler-filled report from August 25th:

I was at the film­ing for The Dark Knight yes­ter­day, they were film­ing a memo­r­ial ser­vice for an impor­tant char­ac­ter who dies, Police Com­misoner Loeb. There was a stage set up in front of “City Hall” with a pic­ture with a wreath around it. The pic­ture was of Loeb. Dur­ing film­ing of the scene, they would shoot of a gun and the crowd would scat­ter. No prin­ci­pal char­ac­ters there when I was there, but I hear Eck­hart was there earlier.

Patti later wrote to con­firm this and give a few more inter­est­ing details:

Went down­town 8/24 to check out the film­ing. We saw them set up (around 730) for a memo­r­ial ser­vice for the police com­mis­sioner and pos­si­bly Har­vey Dent. (We could not get a good look at the pic­ture dis­played on the stage). When they were ready to start to film , the streets were cleared of onlook­ers. There were a lot of police extras there. Very hard to see from a block away. This part was filmed right in front of the Board of Trade. We left and came back around 1130. We walked around to the back of the set were peo­ple were allowed to stand but they were very strict on no pic­tures. We saw Gary Old­man. The police horses were there (actual horses from a Wis­con­sin sta­ble) and police for the 21 gun salute which we just missed. They broke for lunch around 12noon.

Drove past (my hus­band is not into this adven­ture) Brach’s today 8/25. They were work­ing on the front of the hospital.

As per usual, run the mouse over the area above to view the spoilers.

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