Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious — My Hero, Two Face Footage June 16th, 2008

The Gotham City Pizze­ria updated when all piz­zas were deliv­ered to include a sub­tle “Ha Ha Ha” link via the HA in Gotham. This takes you to www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​m​y​h​e​ro/ — here a video plays. “I thought you were dead”. We have our first TwoFace video!

Comments 13 Responses to “Why So Serious — My Hero, Two Face Footage”

Gaffmeis­ter June 17th, 2008

Hmmm, looks like the last scene of the movie, what with the way the clip fin­ished and all.

Good work :) .

kun­deremp June 17th, 2008

they really did it like the con­cept art.. At least his injuries looked like what appeared in con­cept art for me.

wez June 17th, 2008

i really dont think that they would release the final scene of this movie,i bet it takes place half way through or when ever har­vey becomes two face and thisll be the first shot of him in the film!
I CANNOT wait for this film!

Eric Bana June 17th, 2008

I agree with Wez. As much as I’ve loved this mar­ket­ing cam­paign I feel like they’re giv­ing way too much away. I guess we’ll see when it finally comes out. I just hope being a part of this hasn’t ruined the movie.

Keith June 17th, 2008

It is NOT the last scene…

you haven’t been spoiled.

John­ny­on­thes­pot June 17th, 2008

Keith — how do you know its not the last scene?

tim June 17th, 2008

Nah, it ain’t the end of the movie. Nolan wouldn’t do that. He’s very clever in pick­ing the viral videos. And if you look at the tv, there’s shit going in Gotham. It looks like Har­vey just got burnt or what­ever. Remem­ber the 3rd trailer where he’s in a car on his way some­where with a gun? Obvi­ously, he’s not going to a bar. He’s prob­a­bly on his way to get back at the Joker, or even join him. He’ll have the coin too, if you’ve seen the alter­nate trailer.

Keith June 17th, 2008

I don’t want to spoil it; but, lets say there’s a cli­max that would out Harvey’s Scar­ring to every­one; so it wouldn’t be kept a secret as it is in this vid.

b-dawg June 18th, 2008

absolutely agree, nolan is too clever to be giv­ing the end away. too much effort has gone into this to do some­thing stu­pid like that.…

i can­not wait, this web­site has done a fricken good job of track­ing this…

Inter­na­tional TV Online December 24th, 2009

Thank you for the fas­ci­nat­ing post!. My fiancé and I haven’t had tele­vi­sion at my apart­ment for 8 months now, and we am so happy! Thanks again! I always do look ahead for your new posts! happy Holidays!!

Roy P.Talbot December 24th, 2009

Thank you so much, for the great post!
i found a youtube video about watch­ing tv online that I would like to share: inter­na­tional Tv Online.
But seri­ously, great post and thank you so much !
i look for­ward to your next arti­cle !!

Aubrey Fox­hoven March 9th, 2010

I go along with you actu­ally, I do believe! Will it pos­si­bly be quite pos­si­ble to have your blog trans­lated in to Russ­ian? Eng­lish is my sec­ond language.

Mable Snell­man December 29th, 2010

Well I really liked read­ing it. This arti­cle pro­cured by you is very effec­tive for cor­rect planning.