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Live & Streamed Harvey Dent Press Conference, Sunday 3pm (EDT) April 10th, 2008

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has updated, there will be a LIVE event:


Har­vey Dent real­izes that the slan­der­ous and untrue charges trumped up by a mys­te­ri­ous group never seen before in Gotham pol­i­tics has dis­tracted from the real issues fac­ing Gotham — how to make our city safe again and fight the crime and cor­rup­tion that is endan­ger­ing our future. I Believe In Har­vey Dent will hold a press con­fer­ence on Sun­day, April 13th at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an impor­tant announce­ment regard­ing the cam­paign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this website.

CLARIFICATION The Gotham Machin­ists Union has not “with­drawn their endorse­ment” of Har­vey Dent for DA. Their spokes­men clar­i­fied that the endorse­ment has merely been “sus­pended” for the time being. The Har­vey Dent cam­paign looks for­ward to the con­tin­ued sup­port of the Gotham Machin­ists Union.

DONUT SUPPLIER NEEDED The Har­vey Dent cam­paign lives and breathes off its vol­un­teer crew. Hun­dreds of Gotham cit­i­zens have joined the cam­paign to change our city. But this week, our donut donor stopped donat­ing donuts to us. And as any­one who has worked on a cam­paign knows, if the vol­un­teers are the life’s blood of a cam­paign, then donuts are the life’s blood of the vol­un­teers. If any of you know of a donut donor who would like to get involved in the cam­paign to take Gotham back, please have them con­tact the cam­paign. Thank you.

Thanks to Bryan and Will for send­ing this in so quickly.

Clowns Against Dent April 7th, 2008

The Maiden Avenue Report has updated with some results from the polls, putting Har­vey Dent at a low low 9%, with rumors that he shall with­draw from the race. But more excit­ingly, on the right of the page there are three links with the descrip­tion “Clowns against Dent” — which link off to YouTube and three creepy clown videos declar­ing war against Har­vey Dent.

Thanks Jackie Chavez!

Harvey Dent Campaign Packages March 31st, 2008

I thought I would split out the Har­vey Dent related viral news to a new post, save every­thing from get­ting too con­gested as the news keeps com­ing. It seems that those signed up to par­tic­i­pate in the cam­paign have started to receive their rewards in the post,

SHH User Anita18 received a Gotham City voter’s card in the post:

Oth­ers have received the lat­est issue of The Gotham Times. A lucky few have also had some inter­est­ing Har­vey Dent pro­mo­tion but­tons, with one side melted or burnt away (alas Two Face) — sent via the Con­cerned Cit­i­zens For A Bet­ter Gotham (pic­tures thanks to Marvel152):

Harvey Dent / Two Face button

The Viral Adventure Continues… March 31st, 2008

We’ve had some more viral news sub­mit­ted to us in the past 24 hours, let’s see what else we have…

Joseph Can­do­loro

First up, emails that were sent to Mr Joseph Can­do­loro were met with this reply,

Your busi­ness is impor­tant to us. Mr. Can­do­loro sees the law as some­thing that should work FOR peo­ple, not against them. We’re excited about talk­ing to you about how we can help you, so please call our offices dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours.

Con­tin­u­ing with this theme, from the record found at St Swith­uns, Mr. Can­do­loro mar­ried one Angela Rossi, Bryan Gray has pointed out that enter­ing “Al Rossi” or “Ran­dolfo Rossi” into the record search leads us to Albert Rossi’s (a wit­ness at the mar­riage) Bap­tism cer­tifi­cate. (Ran­dolfo Rossi is the father of Albert Rossi).

Through some clever detec­tive work the Rossi trend con­tin­ues. Rossi’s Deli which was the orig­i­nal meet­ing place of the “Cit­i­zens for Bat­man”, Dark­xXxPixie at unfo­rums found the web­site, Rossi’s Del­i­catessen — www​.rossis​del​i​catessen​.com:

Gotham City Clerk

Pierre has also informed me of Gotham City Clerk web­site — www​.gotham​c​i​ty​clerk​.com, which bears some infor­ma­tional mes­sages but most impor­tantly a web­site for another DA candidate.

Please excuse the incon­ve­nience, as we are cur­rently rebuild­ing our web­site and file sys­tem after server dam­age due to the recent Orange Line destruc­tion. We hope to be back online serv­ing Gotham City very soon.

Forms and appli­ca­tions for the fol­low­ing ser­vices are still avail­able at our N. 6th St. offices: Park­ing per­mits, busi­ness licenses, dog licenses, festival/block party/raffle/bazaar per­mits, night­club licenses, oath of office forms, oper­a­tor licenses, retail licenses, liquor licenses, street ven­dor licenses, med­ical reg­is­tra­tion forms, notice of claim forms, and garage sale permits.

The Gotham City Clerk announces approval for exten­sive absen­tee voter sup­port in the upcom­ing munic­i­pal elec­tion. Once the sys­tem is in place, we will post details and pro­ce­dures for both online and mail-in absen­tee balloting.

Trust Garcetti

That can­di­date is Roger Garcetti and his cam­paign web­site is — www​.trust​garcetti​.com. This comes with some new pro­mo­tional but­tons to pro­mote Mr Garcetti, an email address to vol­un­teer — “volunteers@​trustgarcetti.​com” and under the Who is Garcetti we find this — what are the chances that these lead to fur­ther sites?

The Gotham Fra­ter­nal Order of Police says, “Garcetti has the
expe­ri­ence, and part­ners with police to stop crime.”

The Gotham Police Union says “Roger Garcetti has the integrity,
the tough­ness, and the judge­ment to lead and win the war against crime.”

The Ital­ian Her­itage Soci­ety of Gotham says, “Roger Garcetti’s
ded­i­ca­tion and loy­alty make him the can­di­date to trust.”



“The charges made by some of Gotham’s finest police offi­cers against Har­vey Dent are extremely seri­ous. These brave men in blue have stood up against Har­vey Dent’s intim­i­da­tions and the tsunami of pos­i­tive press Har­vey Dent has been reap­ing to tell their story. It is an astound­ing act of courage, and I com­mend them all for hav­ing the guts to tell the truth to the Gotham pub­lic. I salute each and every one of them.

These police offi­cers are some of the finest we have. Many have received medals for brav­ery on duty. All of them place their lives at risk every day to pro­tect you and me.

It was always obvi­ous that Har­vey Dent’s mad lust for power was cor­rupt­ing his pros­e­cu­tions. Now, we have proof. Affi­davits and tes­ti­mony by police offi­cers that Har­vey Dent threat­ened and bribed police offi­cers to entice them to tes­tify against their inno­cent broth­ers on the force.

It is time to end the sorry chap­ter that Har­vey Dent has forced upon the Gotham peo­ple. I expect his res­ig­na­tion from his job and his with­drawal from the race, if he has any honor at all left.”

Act­ing Dis­trict Attor­ney Roger Garcetti

Trust Garcetti 

We stand at a cross­roads in Gotham. Ours is a city of great char­ac­ter, with unlim­ited poten­tial and a cre­ative, diverse, and hard-working families.

But Gotham faces a crit­i­cal prob­lem — grow­ing crime. To take on the prob­lem of crime, we need expe­ri­enced lead­ers that tar­get mob­sters, thugs, and killers — not the peo­ple who are sworn to pro­tect us. If I’m elected Dis­trict Attor­ney, I’ll give the police the tools they need to fight crime — because that’s how we’re going to make our streets safe.

Every day I work hand in hand with the real heros of Gotham — our brave men in blue. Gotham cops are some of the finest men I’ve ever had the honor to know. Every day, they put their life on the line to pro­tect this city. They risk their lives because they believe in jus­tice, in law, in order.

And that’s why the Gotham Police Union has endorsed me, Roger Garcetti. They’ve come to know me very well in my time in Gotham. I’ve always sup­ported the police in every way pos­si­ble. And now, when they are under attack by a “run­away pros­e­cu­tor,” they’ve turned to me once again. In their endorse­ment, they said, “Roger Garcetti has the integrity, the tough­ness, and the judge­ment to lead and win the war against crime. He is the best friend police have ever had, and we endorse him strongly.”

I am hon­ored to have the sup­port of Gotham police offi­cers. They are the best peo­ple to answer the ques­tion, “Who will make our city safer?” And the answer is me, Roger Garcetti.

Vote for me, and I will pro­tect all the peo­ple of Gotham.

Thank you.

More Viral, New Gotham Times Issue March 26th, 2008

Well, the big news today is that we have our sec­ond issue of The Gotham Times (www​.the​gotham​times​.com) (thanks Austin), don’t worry — the first issue is archived.

This is another 4 page in-depth look at present day Gotham City.

Batman Photo in The Gotham Times

Next up…

The Joker is back in town, he’s send­ing out this text:

Hey clown! Long time, no crime spree! Well, put on your floppy shoes and answer this ques­tion: are you ready to get to work? (ReplyY/N)

And a response to the reply (“Y”):

Glad to see you’re still alive and kick­ing. I’ll be in touch before Pois­son d’Avril. (aka April 1st)

Thanks Adam

We also have a slew of new Viral web­sites for you to gaze upon:

Maiden Avenue Report


Gotham Cable News

www​.gotham​ca​ble​news​.com, which comes with this press release

Dana Wor­thing­ton

This is the site of our sec­ond Gotham City DA Can­di­date. Con­tact­ing Dana through contact@​danaworthington.​com yields,

Thank you for your inter­est in my cam­paign. We are a small and inde­pen­dent oper­a­tion, and we can’t answer all emails per­son­ally, but your sup­port is impor­tant to me.

Your email will be read. Your vote will count.
Who will rep­re­sent you?
I will rep­re­sent you.

Dana Wor­thing­ton for Dis­trict Attorney


Cit­i­zens For Batman

“Arrest Bat­man, but not yet” says the new issue of The Gotham Times. As expected, the city is split on opin­ion about our caped cru­sader. This is a web­site for the vig­i­lante cause.

If you want to join them you can email them here: join@​citizensforbatman.​org, which leads to this response:

Dear Gotham Citizen,

Thanks for express­ing your inter­est in join­ing Cit­i­zens for Bat­man. The eas­i­est way you can join is by attend­ing a meet­ing. Check the web site for meet­ing times. If you can’t attend, you can always lobby City Hall to sup­port Bat­man and stop any talk of his being arrested.

Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you,
Brian Dou­glass
Founder and Pres­i­dent, Cit­i­zens for Batman


I Believe in Har­vey Dent Revamped

The Har­vey Dent site, amongst this plethora of new viral web­sites, has been updated with a new design. The site also sports web­site ban­ners and some Har­vey Dent wall­pa­pers (in the 1024x vari­ety).

The Dentmobile is doing the rounds! March 13th, 2008

For those signed up to the Har­vey Dent email alerts, you’ve prob­a­bly seen this already, but for those that are new to this viral lark:

Cross-Country Tour of Cam­paign Bus Con­tin­ues As Thou­sands of Dent Sup­port­ers March, Rally For The One Man Who Can Save Gotham!

Check the updated sched­ule at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​o​n​t​h​e​r​o​a​d​.​a​spx to see if a Dent­mo­bile is com­ing to your neigh­bor­hood. [Full list after the break]

Dent’s chal­lenge to Gotham to show their desire for change has been met with a city-wide explo­sion of activism, with thou­sands of sup­port­ers orga­niz­ing ral­lies, meet-ups, peti­tion dri­ves, and post­ing signs and plac­ards in every neigh­bor­hood. Check out some of the best pho­tos and videos at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​y​o​u​i​n​a​c​t​i​o​n​.​a​spx.
Dent is expected to make his deci­sion whether to run for Gotham Dis­trict Attor­ney within weeks and your sup­port does make a difference!

**Spe­cial Alert**

For those of you who can get down to Rock­e­feller Cen­ter tomor­row morn­ing between 6 and 9 am, there’s a very good chance your friends might be able to see you on a cer­tain morn­ing tele­vi­sion show.

Spread the word. Make an impres­sion! Let’s get cre­ative in demon­strat­ing our support!

Take Back Gotham!

Hol­ly­wood Chicago and Vlkers54 have a nice lit­tle report of the events at 8am:

I was at the 8 a.m. stop. I got there at 7:30 a.m. and I sure am glad I did. At 8:03 a.m., the cops came and kicked us out! Only me and another guy showed up, but we did end up get­ting a lot of free stuff [includ­ing] bumper stick­ers, posters, but­tons and a T-shirt.

You should have seen the peo­ple as they were com­ing out of the train station:

“Who is Har­vey Dent?”, “What is this all about?”, “Is this for that movie?” (We responded: “What movie? ‘No Coun­try For Old Men?’ That’s a movie!”)

We kept “in char­ac­ter” and pro­moted Har­vey Dent for [dis­trict attor­ney] as if he were a real per­son. Con­fus­ing peo­ple was a lot of fun. Some peo­ple did catch on to what was going on. Even middle-aged men who knew who [Har­vey Dent] was were excited, [asked] for but­tons and filled out the peti­tion forms.

It was a lot of fun, but let’s hope the cops don’t ruin the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. ses­sions. I can’t make the 11 a.m., but I will be at the 4 p.m. trail.

Read the rest of this entry »

I Believe in Harvey Dent website now live March 8th, 2008

Ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com, a long time offi­cial Dark Knight web­site — orig­i­nally host­ing a mere cam­paign poster has now gone online — pre­sent­ing us with a fully func­tional “vote Dent” viral web­site, com­plete with Dent mobile.

I believe in Harvey Dent

Fans shall now be enlisted to help out with Har­vey Dent’s polit­i­cal cam­paign to elect him as Gotham City’s Dis­trict Attor­ney. See what you need to do, then sub­mit your details to the web­site, with images and video (dead­line March 26th).

Rec­om­mended things to do: 

Get your friends together and spell out Har­vey Dent in human let­ters
Get a video of your school’s cheer­lead­ing team yelling out chants for Har­vey Dent
Try to cover every square inch of someone’s cubi­cle area with Har­vey Dent posters
Write and per­form a “Take Back Gotham” song
Make up a “Dent Dance” rou­tine
See if you can get up a Har­vey Dent sign in every sin­gle win­dow of your dorm build­ing
Turn your own car into a “Dent­mo­bile”
Arrange a Dent parade down Main Street
Make a human pyra­mid with other Har­vey Dent supporters

Down­load a ZIP of all the high res­o­lu­tion Har­vey Dent pro­mo­tional mate­r­ial (7 PDFs, 3.5mb)

The Dent-mobile shall also be touring:

The future of Gotham City is in our hands now, peo­ple! Let’s get out there and make some noise!

I Believe in Harvey Dent Updated, New Viral Campaign! February 29th, 2008

The offi­cial Har­vey Dent web­site, “ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com” has been updated to include a new mes­sage and some text entry boxes for your email and phone number,

“We have the power to change Gotham City, soon you’ll find out how”

On doing so you get a quick con­fir­ma­tion email reading:

Cit­i­zens of Gotham! The future of our city rests in your hands! Alone, we are help­less against the thugs and killers men­ac­ing our city. Together, we have the power to take back Gotham. In just a few days, you’ll find out how. Please click … to ver­ify your e-mail address. Keep an eye on http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com and get ready to join a move­ment that will trans­form our city!

It looks like the sec­ond major viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign shall be focus­ing around Har­vey Dent, rather than the Joker, which falls in line with the rumors we have heard con­cern­ing the third Dark Knight trailer.

Dark Knight Viral Campaign revolving around Harvey Dent

Via Hol­ly­wood Chicago and with thanks to Austin

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