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Gotham Times — Issue 3 out now June 14th, 2008

The third edi­tion of The Gotham Times is out now for your perusal, head­lin­ing with the title “Bat­man — Sav­ior or Men­ace?”, whilst also report­ing on Har­vey Dent’s “Land­slide win” and grass roots cam­paign scheme.

Thanks Tim and Pierre.

There’s also a new Har­vey Dent email, sent in by Zdravko:

If some­one were to tell me four months ago that Har­vey Dent was going to win by the biggest mar­gin in Gotham City his­tory, I would have directed him to Arkham Asy­lum. But that’s the big story today. Thanks to the incred­i­ble efforts of peo­ple like you, we have changed the fate of Gotham City.

Har­vey Dent won every precinct, every neigh­bor­hood, every demo­graphic, and every gen­der and age group. His sweep­ing vic­tory shows just how far the desire for real change goes in Gotham City.

This is not just Har­vey Dent’s vic­tory, it’s your vic­tory. You passed out fly­ers, ral­lied, marched, cre­ated polit­i­cal videos, and got out and voted. You made your voices heard. And today, the entire world can hear you. Today, “Take Back Gotham” is not just a slo­gan – it is a reality.

This is the last cam­paign email we’re send­ing out. Now, we turn our ener­gies to the hard job of fight­ing and win­ning the war on crime and cor­rup­tion. We’ll need your help – to keep the pres­sure up on the politi­cians, to show the crim­i­nals our will, and to sup­port Har­vey Dent’s crack­down on corruption.

Together, we will save Gotham City.

Allan Cypes
Media Manager

Viral kicks up, Joker text messages June 11th, 2008

The Joker has sent out this mes­sage to all the active cell phones:

OK clowns, are you ready for some laughs (y/n)?
You put a smile on my face. Hope you’re not superstitious

Super­sti­tion relates to the day — Fri­day 13th June. We already know that’s when “Gotham Tonight” will pre­mier, maybe The Joker has some­thing in store for them?

Other Viral Updates

A new email from Har­vey Dent:

It’s been an incred­i­ble last few weeks. Ever since the vicious smear cam­paign col­lapsed and Har­vey Dent’s remark­able courage at the hostage cri­sis at Rossi’s Deli, our cam­paign has rid­den a wave of sup­port I have never seen in all my polit­i­cal life.

Our Head­quar­ters reopened and thou­sands of vol­un­teers show up here every day, every night, fight­ing for change. Fundrais­ing has reached incred­i­ble heights, with over 100,000 Gotham cit­i­zens con­tribut­ing their hard-earned money in sup­port of Har­vey Dent’s vow to take back Gotham.

We’ve expanded our reach, open­ing branches in neigh­bor­hoods that haven’t seen polit­i­cal cam­paigns take them seri­ously for decades. And we’ve har­nessed the incred­i­ble grass­roots sup­port by send­ing vol­un­teers to knock on doors through­out the city. Amaz­ingly, we will achieve our two mil­lionth door knock some­time in between now and Elec­tion Day.

Har­vey Dent has com­mit­ted him­self to lead the charge to take back our city, face down the crim­i­nal and cor­rupt and restore hope for our future.

Now, we need your help. We need to get out the vote!. And we need you to vote your­self. If you can’t make it to the polls, go to http://​www​.gotham​elec​tion​board​.com and find out how you can vote online. Work­ing together, we will take back Gotham!

Allan Cypes Media Manager

Maiden Avenue Report
— Shuts Down, writer sells out

Gotham City Rail:

Gotham City Rail Announces Satel­lite Track­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions System

To bet­ter serve our cus­tomers, GCR has com­pleted its tran­si­tion to a satel­lite track­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tem (STCS). Using cut­ting edge ultra high fre­quency tech­nol­ogy, STCS will give GCR the real-time abil­ity to track exact posi­tion­ing of all its trains. This will allow for more accu­rate sched­ul­ing and should increase GCR’s already impres­sive safety record.

Cit­i­zens for Bat­man — Intro­duc­tion updated:

For the first time, we have hope. Bat­man proves we can fight back against the sociopaths, thugs, and scum that have ruled Gotham for too long.
And now, City Hall wants to arrest Batman!

Gotham Police — Annual Policeman’s Ball
Gotham USD — News area updated
Inter­nal Affairs of Gotham Police Depart­ment — Inter­nal Affairs Offi­cers of the Month added
Trust Garcetti — Updates with info about elec­tion
Dana Wor­thing­ton — “Yes for Batman”

And of course you can still vote in the elec­tions.

Thanks Pierre!

Clowns Against Dent — 6th Message Posted June 6th, 2008

“Atten­tion loyal CAD Followers… ”

Thanks Keith!

Sitting Ducks and Happy Trails April 28th, 2008

The final clue in the “It’s all part of the plan” game revealed a grid con­tain­ing all the let­ter J’s:


Each of these then cor­re­sponds to a let­ter that spells out “sit­ting­ducks” when unscram­bled. This leads to a new Why So Seri­ous page:


In this lit­tle flash game, each of the ducks rep­re­sent binary code, blue ducks being 0 and yel­low ducks being 1. 1st row: “To win shoot” 2nd row: “Only row two” 3rd row: ybbyyyybbybby

Com­plet­ing the game reveals a “You Win” sign:

Click­ing that takes you to the Happy Trails (aka trailer!) page:


Now we have to wait til Sun­day to see the trailer.

It’s all part of the plan — Why So Serious scavenger hunt! April 28th, 2008

EDIT: 4:00 PM EDT: Lon­don clues have been solved and the safe opened
5:30 PM EDT: Boston (43–26-76), Philadel­phia (26–16-06), New York (33–80-89), Toronto (32–60-68) — all com­pleted and safes opened.
6:30 PM EDT: Chicago (98–20-49), Dal­las (86–56-01), Kansas City (74–35-76) — all com­pleted
8:30 PM EDT: Seat­tle (65–42-60), Los Ange­les (41–44-98), San Fran­cisco (76–36-42), Sao Paulo (60–47-41) — all completed.

EDIT: I have set up a flash based chat page to help every­one keep up to date:
Why So Seri­ous Live Chat (warn­ing: this chat can degrade into non­sen­si­cal rub­bish because that is the nature of people).

Con­tinue read­ing to see our full cov­er­age with updates as they come

The first of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt count­downs has ended — Lon­don is up and ready, rar­ing to go. The por­trait image has updated — it now con­tains a set of clues:

Read the rest of this entry »

More Viral Updates April 25th, 2008

Bryan has been in con­tact to inform us of a large num­ber of updates to assorted viral sites.

Ibelievein­har­vey­dent has updated with a mes­sage from Har­vey Dent for his sup­port­ers that stuck with him through­out the slur cam­paign. Down­load Audio Mes­sage. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Har­vey Dent campaign:

What a dif­fer­ence a week makes.

Last week, our cam­paign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was bury­ing us, and urged us to with­draw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear cam­paign, with its vicious lies against Har­vey Dent, spread fear, uncer­tainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.

But now - thanks to peo­ple like you - things look very dif­fer­ent. Thou­sands of peo­ple gath­ered in the Dent for DA head­quar­ters for its reopen­ing. And I saw some­thing dif­fer­ent in the crowd. Some­thing has changed. The “White Knight Inci­dent,” as it has become known, is allow­ing peo­ple to see Har­vey Dent dif­fer­ently. Not just as a man with the guts and the tough­ness to change Gotham. But as a sym­bol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost for­got existed.

But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordi­nary peo­ple can walk out their door at night with­out fear­ing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can tri­umph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where jus­tice isn’t just for the rich and pow­er­ful, but for everyone.

With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Elec­tion Day, every­thing changes. Har­vey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of peo­ple like you.

See you on elec­tion day!

Allan Cypes

Media Man­ager, Har­vey Dent for Gotham DA

Maid­e­nAv­enueRe­port com­ments on the cap­tured and extra­dited cops, a tele­vi­sion inter­view from the hostage saved by Har­vey Dent, a miss­ing GCN reporter and the huge swing in sup­port for Dent. Polit­i­cal cam­paigner Dana Wor­thing­ton has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Cit­i­zens for Bat­man have also been updated. Con­tinue read­ing to see the updated arti­cles from I Believe in Har­vey Dent…

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s all part of the plan — New Dark Knight Poster! April 24th, 2008

Oper­a­tion Slip­knot has completed:


Oper­a­tion Slip­knot is com­plete. Even though three sus­pects remain at large, your work rep­re­sents a huge step for­ward in clean­ing up our beloved city.

The fugi­tives are being arrested, hand­cuffed, and extra­dited back to Gotham for prosecution.

Doesn’t it feel bet­ter to be on the right side of the law for once?

Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.


Click­ing each of the sus­pects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the com­ple­tion (despite three missed sus­pects), par­tic­i­pants received a phone call from Jim Gor­don (DOWNLOAD).

humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the pack­ages received — point­ing us towards a new Why So Seri­ous Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day count­down and a lever in the top right — click­ing the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Wel­come to a world with­out rules” (Down­load Super Hi Res­o­lu­tion Image)

Sam­ple of the high res­o­lu­tion poster:
High Resolution Dark Knight Poster Sample

Operation Slipknot Packages Arrive April 24th, 2008

Pack­ages handed out to the lucky few involved in Jim Gordon’s covert Oper­a­tional Slip­knot have today received their travel packages.Those with the details on the fugi­tives have been slowly fill­ing in the gaps and the cor­rupt offi­cers are going to be “apprehended”:

The enve­lope itself con­tains a joker card, tele­phone (as expected), a Gotham city dri­ving license, a for­eign lan­guage phrase book, a Gotham City bank bond, a let­ter from Joseph Can­do­loro, a travel con­fir­ma­tion let­ter from Kinsly Travel and an itin­er­ary for ticket-less travel.

Andriz­zle, upsince­four, gob­ru­tus and RawWulf at Super­hero Hype have kindly posted detailed pic­tures of the package:

Enter­ing the flight details at Kinsly Travel for GAL/2567:

Depar­ture City: Chicago
Depar­ture Time: 0745
Des­ti­na­tion City: Ban­ga­lore
Arrival Time: 0215
Sta­tus: On Time


Depar­ture City: St. Louis
Depar­ture Time: 0543
Des­ti­na­tion City: Dus­sel­dorf
Arrival Time: 0235
Sta­tus: On Time

The Assign­ment also updated:


Within the last twenty-four hours, many of your col­leagues inter­cepted pack­ages intended for the 30 fugi­tives pic­tured here.

These infor­mants are now receiv­ing this crit­i­cal evidence.

MCU is stand­ing by. We need the infor­ma­tion in the pack­ages to be uploaded AS SOON AS IT IS RECEIVED. We will process the infor­ma­tion and imple­ment our final apprehension/extradition plans by 6:00 pm.

Time is of the essence. Do not let these sus­pects escape the long arm of Gotham City jus­tice at the last minute. Upload the infor­ma­tion immediately.

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